Grace Kelly or Sofia Loren that's much better

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Didn't she commit suicide because she thought she was not beautiful enough? At least that's the story I heard when I was young.

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i'm just gonna guess that she took too many barbiturates and died in her sleep, the sleeping pills that they gave out back then were unsafe with other drugs and took too many. it was an accident, but no one wanted to talk about back then

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The CIA offed her to frame the Kennedys.

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I wonder how much her availability made her such an icon. Girls from better homes, pretty girls with fathers can afford not have to exchange praise for availability.

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An early example of a psyop telling us to trust the media over our own lying eyes. For my generation, the psyop had become the FHM magazine top 100 sexiest women list that was always insane. I think they ultimately had Hillary and Michael in the top ten for 2016

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I would guess a 10 needs an hourglass figure.

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There was a photo of her and Queen Elizabeth at age 26. The Queen was better looking.

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You guys have absolutely horrendous taste and no understanding of beauty or what a 10 is. Grace Kelly has been the only legit suggestion so far. If you want an example of a 10 look up guess girl era Laetitia Casta.

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I took your advice, and you are correct.

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Sorry, Ann Margaret in Viva Los Vegas was touching 11!

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10 body, to be sure. Not a perfect 10, though. Good face, not great. But a legit contender, unlike most of the suggestions.

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Agreed. I volunteer a perfect 10/10 as an example.

Certainly Pearl. Who looks like a supermodel even when she forgets to comb her hair.

In the old days Hollywood would call them "statuesque." A fancy way to say they were so beautiful as to defy men's ability to rate them.

Once she has combed her hair and washed her face, I find her so lovely that any man who would not marry her on the spot if given the opportunity would be crazy.

IQ alone is a 9.5 and then her physical appearance puts her way over that.

Biologically superior redhead, Vox, sorry but no contest in this division unless you're also some kind of Neanderthal superwoman.

All sapiens chicks most resemble Ernest Borgnine with a wig on in comparison.


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That's insane. Pearl is a 5. She doesn't look anything like a supermodel. She weighs at least 1.5x what a supermodel does.

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I wanted to post her Vox just to hear your rebuttal. I am enamored of Pearl but each to his own tastes. I think she is possibly the prettiest girl I have ever seen in my life. I can easily see why other men would not find her perfect - no rubber appliances, botox in her lips or a 1 inch slab of cosmetics. For me she is that girl next door who beats all the others with pure sex appeal. She's feminine. And she was born a biological woman, too. You can't lose.

We're agreed on Marilyn Monroe. She's a 7 on her best day with makeup. Hollywood is constantly making mountains out of molehills. If you think she was overrated (she was) then take a look at the hideous 304s they are putting in films now.

One of the most attractive things about a woman for me is how livable she is long term. If she's a woman who is not marriageable then she will never look much good to me.

Science shows heterosexual men like women with a little baby fat and some rich curves. It is mainly gay standards that tell us women should look like 8 year old boys. Men find it natural to be aroused because it points to lower miscarriage rates and better recovery from pregancy, so that sort of woman is a natural schwing. Mass media tells us our instincts are wrong, if she's not anorexic she just isn't healthy.

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This sounds like a guy who's never dated skinny athletes. The ice skaters and runners, particularly middle distance types, have nice butts. The ballet dancers have very nice legs. The tall (more like not-short) gymnasts, they all have bigger hips and busts than you see in the Olympics, plus their flexibility turns heads.

Once you've dated a skinny athlete with a flat stomach, there's no going back. Plus they wear very little makeup, as exercise sweats it off, so what you see is what you get.

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It was pretty clear that you were applying different criteria when you said "IQ alone is a 9.5". But IQ is not an aspect of basic objective physical beauty.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a firm believer in de gustibus non est disputandum. The crank is turned by what turns it. But if we're just talking personal preferences, there is no metric for mutual understanding.

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I honestly thought Arcane was posting satire, but he's a fairly straightforward person it seems from previous comments. Pearl is confident enough to buck the feminist trend, but ultimately comes off as a "pick-me" girl. She is to "trad-wives" what Shapiro is to "based/right-wing/etc."

6 at best on the looks--if you're into redheads. Miscommunication due to medium of text? Or genuine difference in personal desires?

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Men who are lower on the SSH always significantly overrate the lower tier women. They don't even register the higher tier women.

It's actually a gift, when you think about it. It's entirely normal. And it's an observable tell when you don't have any direct information.

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There's another possibility, too. I can sense superior genetics at a glance. Long before science caught up with me, I already knew instinctively they were a better breed of women from as early as 6 years old. I have always known these things. Did you already know that, Vox? Shows you the gulf in perception. I'm not red haired, how do I know so much pre-loaded instinctual information about redheads without any external cues? Everybody thinks ginger women are frail and somehow damaged. In fact their bones are nearly 2x harder than ordinary females and they have far greater muscular strength. Imagine the variance in instinctual knowledge about the world that exists there.

The planet is normally freezing. All the types of women here are just decline variations during the Holocene. When the natural temperature returns, redheaded women are literally the only females in town adapted correctly to survive here. Other types of females are a kind of grasshopper that flourishes briefly here during this 12,000 year window of warmth and then are gone. How do I know the exact opposite is true of almost every single common assumption about the world? You might mistake me for a native as well.

I guess it's more important to you to classify anyone who disagrees as defective somehow. In the next breath you will say it's only science. But the science doesn't agree with you. It says redheads are honestly superhuman.

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They may be better. I don't know. But regardless, better isn't more beautiful.

A brick is less fragile than a Venetian glass. But it is not more beautiful because of that.

You have it precisely backwards. The cherry blossoms are all the more beautiful for their transience, not less.

There is nothing intrinsically defective about lower social rank. It has nothing to do with disagreeing with me. I simply observe what is and reality will reliably support my observations.

I know absolutely nothing about Pearl, but I predict that If you look at whomever she has been dating, they will not be handsome, high-status men. She can't attract them.

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I didn't see Charlton Heston pulling top quality chimp girls in PLANET OF THE APES. They didn't place much value on him. He also had different standards just as I do. My priority seems to be mate and offspring survival. And better genes. If you'll look around you'll see mankind appears to have different criteria now and it has resulted in an average IQ of 94 with enough disease and disability that the whole business of reproduction becomes moot, doesn't it? If you are survived by children who look like gibbons where is the benefit?

Too much high school in these modern standards, same as any third world country. Men are not life support systems for a pair of testicles. Everything else ends with the BBL circus.

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Excuse me sir, your Wall of Text and Secret Crown are showing.

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I have not learned the secret language yet but I am assuming these are bad things.

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That tracks well. I'll keep that in mind.

Inside the hierarchy, it can be difficult at times to draw a line between objective and subjective ratings when personalities are involved. Looking forward to your future posts!

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Who would qualify as a ten in your opinion? Can you supply a photo?

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We'll address it soon, starting with the 5s.

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Please include your ranking of Mikaela Peterson. The gammas will lose their shit and it'll be hilarious.

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Mikaela Peterson is a 5 who cleaned herself up to a 6. She's actually done well for herself in this regard.

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I'd say, it takes photoshop to make a 10 nowadays. (Maybe our sense of perfection has been pushed up too high for mere reality?)

Btw I agree that Monroe is simply cute, not a stunner.

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There's a famous story about how Marilyn Monroe could 'turn it on' and 'turn it off.' She would be interacting with someone and they'd see her as normal 6.5-8 as above. They'd mention something about how they had no idea she was so normal close up. Then she'd say, "Oh, you want to see the other girl." She'd soften up, move in a slightly exaggerated fashion, and suddenly the people walking by would be turning their heads.

Let's see, I think this is where I saw it: https://www.americanheritage.com/do-you-want-see-her

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Taking normal looking women and elevating them to star-status would seem to be a very effective way to convince many average women that they are more than they are, leading to the current Alpha-F / Beta-bucks dynamic. When you can convince the next-door Betty that she should let her hypergamy run wild, well that would explain some of the modern SMV issues.

Couple that with removing shame from promiscuous behavior, and you have a situation where the former wife-material finds itself making (a) shameless sexual bid(s) for alpha commitment. Celebrity promiscuity is sold as empowerment.

Celebrities are probably manufactured from people with a mix of talent and a ruthless desire for fame. The recruiters are probably expert in detecting them.

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Since women are still hiding bodycount, it appears that they're still ashamed. Now premarital sex and cohabitation, sure.

The suggestive dancing thing, that is a more interesting phenomenon than "removing shame from promiscuous behavior".

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Things that were once shameful have been successfully inverted into points of pride.

Things that were once noble are often regarded as shameful.

And the people of the West swallowed these lies whole, largely because within all of this inversion, there was some little grain of it that provided an indulgence of their own sin.

Pride? Lust? Greed? All of the above?

Destruction is one of the easiest things to sell to humanity. It always looks like something innovative and liberating. Drugs, free love, unlimited credit expansion, effort-free returns on capital, or even something as simple as being a posturing, obnoxious gamma.

Vox uses the word "dyscivic", which encapsulates it very well. We are tearing our culture apart, and looting it morally, culturally, and financially.

It's all a cheat code and a short cut, which is the wide path that the many find themselves on.

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Time to get into specifics of "removing shame from promiscuous behaviors". Which behaviors.

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It's self explanatory.

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They want to "remove shame from promiscuous behavior", yes, but that does not mean they've succeeded. Talking about which ones they have, is better than your blanket statements and generalities.

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It's left as en exercise for you.

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An actress from the same era as Monroe who definitely ranks higher is Rhonda Fleming. Saw her in a western not too long ago and thought damn.

I don’t know if she’s a 10, but I’d give her at least a 9. She was 3 years older than Norma Jean, and her given first name actually was Marilyn.

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I first saw Rhonda Fleming when watching the movie Cry Danger (1951) staring Dick Powell. I immediately recognized her captivating beauty every time she appeared on screen. You are correct, she's a possible 10.

I have an interest in the classic Hollywood era. One of the most stunningly beautiful women I've ever seen is Adrienne Ames. If there is a face that can launch a thousand ships, it's hers. Judge for yourself: http://www.glamourgirlsofthesilverscreen.com/show/10/Adrienne+Ames/index.html

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I was always more taken with Rita Hayworth, but changing a legend is like trying the change a key piece of rhetoric because "X here is more correct." Won't happen.

So I'd still like to put Monroe's face on the New American Dime after the break-up.

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Both Hayworth and Monroe are top examples of how the Hollywood machine could turn normal girls into glitzy sex objects with he right packaging and roles. Look up Hayworth's photos before she became a star, complete with a hairline extending down to her eyebrows.

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Shania Twain’s face in her prime was a 10.

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With MM it is not about absolut beauty, it is about sex, voluptuousness, sensuality. Maybe similar with Scarlett Johannson (and probably quite a few other Hollywood actresses) Though MM stands out in this regard. Lot's of men would do foolish things to have sex with her, maybe even start a war. But thats not the same as the beauty of Helen of Troy...

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