Taking normal looking women and elevating them to star-status would seem to be a very effective way to convince many average women that they are more than they are, leading to the current Alpha-F / Beta-bucks dynamic. When you can convince the next-door Betty that she should let her hypergamy run wild, well that would explain some of the…
Taking normal looking women and elevating them to star-status would seem to be a very effective way to convince many average women that they are more than they are, leading to the current Alpha-F / Beta-bucks dynamic. When you can convince the next-door Betty that she should let her hypergamy run wild, well that would explain some of the modern SMV issues.
Couple that with removing shame from promiscuous behavior, and you have a situation where the former wife-material finds itself making (a) shameless sexual bid(s) for alpha commitment. Celebrity promiscuity is sold as empowerment.
Celebrities are probably manufactured from people with a mix of talent and a ruthless desire for fame. The recruiters are probably expert in detecting them.
Things that were once shameful have been successfully inverted into points of pride.
Things that were once noble are often regarded as shameful.
And the people of the West swallowed these lies whole, largely because within all of this inversion, there was some little grain of it that provided an indulgence of their own sin.
Pride? Lust? Greed? All of the above?
Destruction is one of the easiest things to sell to humanity. It always looks like something innovative and liberating. Drugs, free love, unlimited credit expansion, effort-free returns on capital, or even something as simple as being a posturing, obnoxious gamma.
Vox uses the word "dyscivic", which encapsulates it very well. We are tearing our culture apart, and looting it morally, culturally, and financially.
It's all a cheat code and a short cut, which is the wide path that the many find themselves on.
They want to "remove shame from promiscuous behavior", yes, but that does not mean they've succeeded. Talking about which ones they have, is better than your blanket statements and generalities.
This is awkward - you've confused "can't" with "not going to".
I've tried to be gracious here, but you keep asking (or demanding) in a very Gamma way, and I would not be respecting the theme of this blog if I responded. Maybe if you retraced your comments here and re-engaged with more respect and less posturing, you would get responses that are more to your liking.
If you like, I would be happy to explain where you departed the rails of proper engagement.
Taking normal looking women and elevating them to star-status would seem to be a very effective way to convince many average women that they are more than they are, leading to the current Alpha-F / Beta-bucks dynamic. When you can convince the next-door Betty that she should let her hypergamy run wild, well that would explain some of the modern SMV issues.
Couple that with removing shame from promiscuous behavior, and you have a situation where the former wife-material finds itself making (a) shameless sexual bid(s) for alpha commitment. Celebrity promiscuity is sold as empowerment.
Celebrities are probably manufactured from people with a mix of talent and a ruthless desire for fame. The recruiters are probably expert in detecting them.
Since women are still hiding bodycount, it appears that they're still ashamed. Now premarital sex and cohabitation, sure.
The suggestive dancing thing, that is a more interesting phenomenon than "removing shame from promiscuous behavior".
Things that were once shameful have been successfully inverted into points of pride.
Things that were once noble are often regarded as shameful.
And the people of the West swallowed these lies whole, largely because within all of this inversion, there was some little grain of it that provided an indulgence of their own sin.
Pride? Lust? Greed? All of the above?
Destruction is one of the easiest things to sell to humanity. It always looks like something innovative and liberating. Drugs, free love, unlimited credit expansion, effort-free returns on capital, or even something as simple as being a posturing, obnoxious gamma.
Vox uses the word "dyscivic", which encapsulates it very well. We are tearing our culture apart, and looting it morally, culturally, and financially.
It's all a cheat code and a short cut, which is the wide path that the many find themselves on.
Time to get into specifics of "removing shame from promiscuous behaviors". Which behaviors.
It's self explanatory.
They want to "remove shame from promiscuous behavior", yes, but that does not mean they've succeeded. Talking about which ones they have, is better than your blanket statements and generalities.
It's left as en exercise for you.
I believe in you! You will figure it out!
You pretend because you can't name specifics.
This is awkward - you've confused "can't" with "not going to".
I've tried to be gracious here, but you keep asking (or demanding) in a very Gamma way, and I would not be respecting the theme of this blog if I responded. Maybe if you retraced your comments here and re-engaged with more respect and less posturing, you would get responses that are more to your liking.
If you like, I would be happy to explain where you departed the rails of proper engagement.