I didn't see Charlton Heston pulling top quality chimp girls in PLANET OF THE APES. They didn't place much value on him. He also had different standards just as I do. My priority seems to be mate and offspring survival. And better genes. If you'll look around you'll see mankind appears to have different criteria now and it has resulted i…
I didn't see Charlton Heston pulling top quality chimp girls in PLANET OF THE APES. They didn't place much value on him. He also had different standards just as I do. My priority seems to be mate and offspring survival. And better genes. If you'll look around you'll see mankind appears to have different criteria now and it has resulted in an average IQ of 94 with enough disease and disability that the whole business of reproduction becomes moot, doesn't it? If you are survived by children who look like gibbons where is the benefit?
Too much high school in these modern standards, same as any third world country. Men are not life support systems for a pair of testicles. Everything else ends with the BBL circus.
I didn't see Charlton Heston pulling top quality chimp girls in PLANET OF THE APES. They didn't place much value on him. He also had different standards just as I do. My priority seems to be mate and offspring survival. And better genes. If you'll look around you'll see mankind appears to have different criteria now and it has resulted in an average IQ of 94 with enough disease and disability that the whole business of reproduction becomes moot, doesn't it? If you are survived by children who look like gibbons where is the benefit?
Too much high school in these modern standards, same as any third world country. Men are not life support systems for a pair of testicles. Everything else ends with the BBL circus.