So another woman trying to avoid accountability?

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Excellent post.

Figuring out why one is the way they are will never change who they are. Only effort can do that.

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Women typically cannot lead themselves. It takes a masculine nature to stand against everyone telling you to go down this path and avoid that path. For context, I am one of the women just masculine enough to lead myself. For example, during COVID my husband tried to make me and my young daughter mask up and social distance and get the vaxx. His mother and sister pressured me and the school system tried pressuring me over my daughter. My older daughter even tried to pressure us. We never wore masks and continued shopping and living as normal. Not only did I not get the vaxx, I made sure my husband didn't get it and I fought with his mom for him.

But even I am susceptible to the feminine instinct to conform and allow myself to be led by my authorities. In high school, I told my Dad I was a feminist. He laughed a belly laugh in my face. When I got indignant, he asked me why I thought I was a feminist. So I started saying that I was independent and I wanted a career. As I heard this coming out of my mouth, I realized I was parroting the words of others, not being independent or thinking for myself. He never had to say another word. All it took was for the strong man in my life to laugh at me and I never identified with feminism again. In college, I actively fought against feminism and I am raising my daughters to be trad ladies rejecting feminism and embracing motherhood and the work of a good wife.

Women absolutely need to be led out of delusions by strong men. It only takes one good man and sometimes, it only takes one belly laugh.

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Wondering if you still respect your husband.

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I wrestle with this, to be honest. I want to be a good wife and I know feeling respected is important to him. I separate deeds and words from identity. He is a good man who is trying to do good for the ones he loves. That's his identity. But some of his deeds and words are not worthy of respect and I won't show them respect. It would be a disservice to him and my kids had I let him vaccinate the whole family.

I'm curious if the men can give me any advice here. How should a wife handle refusing to do what she knows is wrong without making her husband feel disrespected?

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The pressure is effective because the threat stated or not is exclusion from systems one has come to rely upon and where alternates are not easy to come by and may require a move or two, maybe abroad.

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It's important to recognize that you're going to be a slave to something. Being a slave as a wife/mother is much more rewarding than being a slave to the clock/your ego/the corporate machine/the lies your mother told you.. Sure, you might have a nice retirement party if you're successful, but no one really gives a shit. A few trainees may have fleeting memories about what a good girl boss you were, but that is nothing compared to raising your actual progeny.

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Absolutely right. Jobs come and go but family is forever. So better make sure you have a real one. After a few ambulance rides I quickly figured out the old man rule. Picture yourself bedridden in an old folks home. All the homes, stocks, accolades, and other attractions of the clown world mean nothing. What matters is family, friends, and good memories. Make sure all is well. As the material goods, pass them on. Family always comes first.

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You can pick your friends. You can pick your nose. But, you can’t pick your family.

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We live in a world of lies. We drown in an ocean of lies. Just about everything we think we know ultimately reveals to be a lie. Focus on reality. There is male. There is female. They are not equal. They are complementary. They bond as one. They procreate. They create life. It is beautiful. It is selfless. It is meaningful. It is in harmony with reality.

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"even a woman who has escaped the false path will tend to emotionally identify with a young woman who is walking it"•

This is what it means a blind person leading the other person to danger then wonders what happened. At the end the market always win by correcting itself.

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Change may be difficult, and education and correction may often be frustrating and thankless tasks, but surely redemption is always possible.

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"excuses, bad decisions by young women. Indeed, whereas the Gen X women can at least point to their ignorance of the likely outcomes, their Millennials and Gen Z counterparts have no defense"

I think you MUST have meant "boomer women"!

Oh, wait, you are Gen X...

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The internet was a thing largely built during the time of X'ers. The mass proliferation of knowledge and anecdotes happened right after it would have been helpful to adult X'ers. Millenials got to watch and read Rollo, Roosh and Roissi.

Similarly diy culture is seeing a new blossoming because of the similar proliferation. X'ers in the vein of Wranglerstar are being the fathers to thousands of Y and Z that boomers never were.

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Not at all. The conclusive results weren't in by the time GenX women were deciding to go to college, while at the same time they were being hammered on by the Boomers to prioritize their educations and careers.

Millennial women and Gen Z women could see what had happened to their predecessors, but they ignored the evidence in favor of the lies.

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In Weimar 2.0, bitterness of those having neared their destination on the false path is a valuable commodity, producing all kinds of suboptimal election outcomes for most of us.

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The false path involves buying into many Clownish boomerisms. One of them being that every possible bad outcome can be traced back to mid-century Germany, proponents of which have not even existed for almost a century in relevant quantity.

And beyond that believing in that voting and elections are massively impactful and relevant. If you need proof for the obvious, look at the most recent UK government which was voted in to control immigration, but instead imported over a million migrants in one year. The preferred method of the Clowns has clearly been to have Clowns overtake and subvert all of the parties.

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I think I see where this got off track. Weimer 2.0 is a reference to a debauched state. It is not at all to state that "every possible bad outcome can be traced back to mid-century Germany" because that, naturally, would be retarded. Rather, it subsumes a set of trends and affairs in art, sexuality including gender bending, literature, or what would pass for it, and rebellion against social norms that goes back a ways in human history but can be seen in many parallels to Weimar, assuming familiarity with that bit of history. Maybe Gomorrah 2.0 satisfies, but again not suggesting any outcome or if/then, or attribution other than to look at the activities that have been described.

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The origins of gender confirmation surgery can be traced back to the early 20th century when gender-related surgery was experimental and rare. One of the first identifiable recipients of gender confirmation surgery was Rudolph “Dorchen” (Little Dora) Richter, who had an orchiectomy in 1922 by her own request at the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin. Then later in 1930, she underwent penectomy by Dr. Levy-Lenz and then vaginal reconstruction by Dr. Gohrbrandt.

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Who said anything about massively impactful? Impactful enough to allow the veneer of claims of those presented as political leaders to not be laughable to a sufficient number of people, ok.

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Indeed though these outcomes cannot be made from nothing and the facade must be maintained if the claim of popular will is to continue to be made periodically. It is the case that many people though a minority approve of the policies and implementing laws of the current regime; namely New York elites and unmarried women to name a few. Identifying fraudulent pre-election claims-making does not refute the point that on-the-wrong-path types promote with their voting and pre-election activities laws veering toward big welfare payouts, government-controlled education and -interfered with nominally private social organizations, and opaque social insurance schemes, and have for some time.

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Well, of course the bribed client classes approve of the regime, irrespective of any voting. Even so, Clowns have chosen weak client classes and will likely pivot now that World War Clown is starting, it seems they are even willing to elect Trump to get men on board.

You have presented one more boomerism, if the majority just laughs at the Clowns or if they lose popular will they will pack their bags, give up and are automatically defeated. If Clowns cared about being ridiculous, they would not be Clowns.

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It's hard to see where you are reading what you say you are. Writing "the claim of popular will" is not the same as writing "popular will." There is no if/then anywhere I wrote or even lightly implied. You're seeing boomerisms even where they aren't, through rewrites.

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Clown world wars against reality.

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It is unnecessary to have it all when most or even a substantial portion of it would do, assuming reasonable expectations and mindset.

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In my defense, I posted that as a response to someone who wanted to ascribe the mentality to solipsism, as though a basic trait of female behavior is responsible for women acting like men.

Wasn't meant as an excuse for women's poor choices, however - it is almost entirely women who enforce this mindset, not men; it's our own damn fault - and I agree with your take 100%. Reality doesn't care about anyone's intentions.

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Agreed. Women don't imitate men due to solipsism, although solipsism does make it easier for them to believe the probable outcome will not apply to them.

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Indeed. Going back through history and various cultures the world over, most of the worst, most oppressive ways of living endured by women are almost always enforced by other women. I've never had a man ask in mingled horror and revulsion upon learning I'm a SAHM, "But... what do you DO all day?"

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I didn't read it as defending.

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Thanks, Dwaine. Reading my own words again this morning, I can see how it could be taken that way, however.

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When the final destination is the pit, turning around is the only way to avoid the abysmal fate.

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"even a woman who has escaped the false path will tend to emotionally identify with a young woman who is walking it"

I'm sure you're right, because it's rare that you're not. But I always looked at these women and wondered why they couldn't figure it out, if a dummy like me could. Not much sympathy in my cold heart, for some reason.

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May 26·edited May 26Liked by Vox Day

Some if it is that most women are natural followers and need an in-group of other women to build and grow their identity. And the older Boomer women who should be our matriarchs are std ridden, Diamond Princess cruising nightmares.

When I left my stunningly-successful-early-in-my career professional position to (a) stay home with babies and (b) turn my professional skills toward supporting my husband’s business endeavors, every single one of the Boomer women in both of our families let me know how shocked and disappointed they were in me. How I was setting myself up to be too dependent on my husband, and was throwing away all the opportunities they fought so hard for. This included both my mother who was living vicariously through me, my you-go-girl mother-in-law, all three of their sisters, and three boomer aged step-sisters.

Notably, all but one of them are divorced. The one who isn’t is miserable. So it didn’t take long to look at their lives and think, well, if they’re all disappointed in me it must be the right call for not ending up as a miserable old biddie like them.

I ended up out-grouping myself from them, by standing up for how my husband and I have chosen to structure our lives and raise our children. But I had to create an in-group of GenX women who chose family over career from scratch basically. And not being natural “matriarch material” myself it’s taken conscious effort to study how the naturals do it.

Women that don’t have female leadership potential in them, need visible female leaders telling them that family > career is a positive value. They can’t form and commit to a values set without the group.

It’s on the GenX women to become those examples and voices for the millennials and younger because the Boomer women aren’t going to ever do it.

Whenever I feel lost in the effort, because the older women never cease to amaze me with how much they do not care whether their progeny survive world war III, I go watch “Boomers got the Vaxx” on repeat and recommit to doing everything the opposite of that.

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One of the more attractive feminine qualities (for someone in my SSH rung) is agreeableness and willingness to confirm. These traits seem to have been bred in to Ice Age affected humans where the women had to attract providers more than just glomming-on to the most alpha guy around without a cere for food security. But we may have been a tad over-specialized since now that pro-social trait is getting warped by an anti-social society. Possibly intermixture with a more primitive breed will have to occur for the next version of European/East Asian to emerge. I have my eye on North Korea to see if there is any way to salvage the allele pairings of advanced civilization's XX. Most likely European women are a bust either way, though those sufficiently high up in the SSH should pork-away while they still exist!

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You sound like an incel.

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I've certainly had dry spells.

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Stop, for the sake of all that is good, true and beautiful, the analysis. Analysis does not change a thing.

Instead do something.hit this gym. Clean up your diet. Bin your Harry Potter T shirts.

It starts with not lying and changing behaviors.

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The female commenters statement embodies clown world hypocrisy: elevating women as all sufficient girl bosses while simultaneously infantilizing and absolving them from accountability.

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Be intolerant enough to the women without enough enthusiasm, and she'll comply. Let her get away with being a child, and she'll stay one.

If you want her to follow, you have to look like a leader to follow. She does gain more from her compliance, doesn't she?

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Men: "You can either enjoy special treatment, or be treated and rewarded as an equal."

Women: "Yes."

(Men: *Feminism really is cancer.*)

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