The failure in this analysis is a failure to realize women control hiring now so perhaps men with tattoos trying to fake high status to sluts are more hireable. At least worth a few minutes of ponderage.

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The woman wouldn't have been complaining and trying to normalize her tattoos if that were the case. Nor do men display their tattoos during the hiring process.

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Tattoos are a symbol of brain dead youth. A bunch of guys in my fraternity went on spring break, got drunk and got tattoos of the Greek symbols on their ankles. 25 years later they all regret it and are terribly embarrassed. At least they can hide it with socks.

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Are you a french female by chance, Have to know.

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I always make the comparison between tattoos and wallpaper, who wants to see the same wallpaper all their life?

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I've been in a lot of long term relationships with beautiful women and I can say, unequivocally, that women with a tattoo or piercing are much more fun and actively engaging when it comes to monkey-business

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What a rogue you are! I'm sure all of us appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to talk about yourself and your sexual conquests.

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Right, tattoos mean slut. That was ackshually covered above.

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No fun woman ever needed a trashtoo to be actively engaging.

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The worst is people who say, "I got this tattoo for myself, and nobody else!"

Sure... Just like you have bumper stickers "just for yourself, and nobody else."

If you're going to do something permanent, at least stand behind it. Say something like, "I got this barbed wire tattoo on my arm, because I think it looks badass!"

Meanwhile, everyone who sees it thinks, "I bet this guy got a barbed wire tattoo, to make people believe that he's badass, but he's probably insecure, and needs a push." 🤣😂

Tattoos are a permanent reminder of a temporary state of mind.

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Pretty true considering the one tattoo I have, I got when I was 18. It's on the back of my neck so I keep forgetting I don't have virgin skin.

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I'm thinking about getting a bumper sticker that says that. Ironically, it would have to be mostly accurate for it to be worth it, because most people are too damned stupid to get the joke.

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It’s a generalization with minimal effort to write up any proper analysis. Huge portion of best athletes, majority of richest soccer players, drivers, fighters, boxers, etc., have a tattoo or multiple. Sure you might not be able to get some cubicle desk job, but Ive seen great plumbers, electricians, etc., who have a tattoo. This article makes it sound like if you don’t slave for some big corporation in a mundane job then you’re finished.

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Congratulations on completely missing the point. If you're a rich athlete, you can do whatever you want and it doesn't matter. The same is not true for the tens of millions of young admirers who imitate them.

But good luck with your professional athletic career. I'm sure the tattoos will help immensely.

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Being overweight is horrible for you too, and makes millions of people lose opportunities, so is consuming sugar and processes foods - cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. I can name a ton of things that can affect people’s lives in various terrible ways. Your generalizations make no sense to me, hence why I pointed out all those professions, but you can make a generalization with almost anything and how it can be a hinderance in life.

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Still missing the point...

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The explosion of tattoos among young woman prove another point that Vox raises. Woman are the most easily led and influenced by peer pressure and advertising.

Woman are the voting block that is the easiest to manipulate. That’s why woman should either not be allowed to vote or restricted to voting as their fathers or husbands vote.

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This woman actually has princess peach on her arm and demands people normalize her stupidity.

It is simple, you will not be taken serious by the majority of people if you have tattoos.

I am so grateful my dad hammered into me my whole life that tattoos are for prisoners, criminals and people in the military.

I didn’t understand that generalization growing up, but now that characterization of tattooed people can be even broadened more to the mentally ill, terrible mates, and low IQ people.

The Good Lord does a fantastic job to protect you from danger if you just open your eyes and use your mind.

Stay far away from tattooed women.

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I got a few tattoos when I was 18-21. 30 now and want to have them removed.

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I got three of them from 18 to 22 years old...now I'm looking to have two of them covered up with something more in alignment with my values. At the time, in the Marines, it's just something that you do as part of the culture of "Being a Marine." It was a short list:

Chew tobacco

Get Tats

Get into fights

Drink like a Champion

In any order you'd like, but you weren't a proper Marine without checking all those boxes

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The funny part is that in America there’s so few workers that are competent at anything anymore that you literally see high management people with them which is hilarious. Everything said is accurate though and if you are going to do it at least have the common sense to do it somewhere that’s easily covered.

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The susceptibility to cultural influences part is probably the biggest reason most military men get tattoos. I saw this in the military where it was usually untattooed young men coming into a unit like the Ranger battalions, seeing all of their superiors with tattoos and drinking problems and deciding to get themselves some tattoos and drinking problems. Short time preferences as well because they were all 19 to 20 and were living in the day to day with no guarantee of being alive to get a job when they got out of the military.

The officers almost never had tattoos, at least not visible ones. The officers were also on average smarter, taller, college educated, and the key thing, career minded. What officer was going to add an obstacle to his road to Colonel?

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Owen said it best when he likened it to

"Scribbling on themselves frantically with permanent marker."

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Huh, my partner has tattoos and also a very good job at an old company with renowned retirement benefits. As in, an extremely conventional employer. He’s doubled his income in the past three years and recently got his annual salary in shares as a bonus.

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May 23·edited May 23

This anecdote isn't an exception disproving the rule of what tattoos signify. It merely indicates that signals and red flags can be ignored in particular circumstances in the case of your partner and the PM of Australia. In regard to the latter he was signaling his working class credentials to Labor voters who he perceived had voted against Labor because of its "progressive" policies.

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But I’m not in Australia (which means tattooed politicians are not so unusual) and the claim here is that tattoos signify a man is not conventionally employable. Yet you observe how with the Australian PM, tattoos signified something entirely different: working class credentials. Those credentials do make him employable in public office — in fact, they’re an asset. This alone points to nuances in perceptions about tattoos that are entirely overlooked by blanket statements about the one or two things they signify to all — that a woman is a slut/whore or that a man is conventionally employable — as claimed here (and supported by examples of tattooed men who don’t have conventional careers, such as professional athletes and musicians).

In the case of my partner, he is hardly the only person at work with tattoos. It’s almost as though hiring decisions are made on the basis of a skills test rather than scrutiny of applicant bodies. No, he isn’t covered in tattoos but some are visible and…apparently he’s still very conventionally employable.

Anyway, it’s a stupid argument because it’s written in absolutes. And it’s been stupidly defended. There is certainly some room for interesting discussion on what tattoos signify to whom and why, but it won’t be found here. I only commented to draw out the stupidity for those slow to catch on.

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Well in Australia there was a report of the PM having a tattoo. I only briefly glanced at it but went back for a closer look and it was on a satirical web site. My error but even so the fact a satirical web site depicted a tattooing PM as making an appeal to working class demographics indicates that indeed tattoos are signifiers of low status aspirations.

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Okay well, in my country, the PM used his tattoos for broad public appeal – an advantage for a politician. Frame it however you want: my point is that tattoos absolutely can be interpreted in various ways and that the original argument is as stupid as they come – if only because it is so rigid and therefore easily shattered.

I would go on to argue that anyone who interprets a tattoo through such a singular and extremely negative lens is simply demonstrating a profound lack of imagination. On display are the limits of their own thinking and life experience. Sure, face tattoos might prevent someone from becoming PM in some countries…but not all. Not in mine, where Indigenous practices are better recognized and respected by the general public.

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You're tattooed and too stupid to succeed in a midwit profession...

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Partner. Brings an old saying to mind: why buy the cow if you’re getting the milk for free.

Seems like he has a good situation. All the benefits of having a wife with none of the responsibilities, like commitment, permanence, family. The real question is why have you allowed yourself to be used in such a fashion.

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Tattoos indicate free milk for anyone who asks.

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He's a man.

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“If you’re a man, tattoos primarily signify that you’re not conventionally employable. Which is fine if you’re a Hell’s Angel or a US Marine, but if you’re planning to pursue conventional employment in the global corpocracy, you might want to consider not removing yourself from the management fast track before you even start.”

He’s being forcibly recruited into senior management.

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But are his tattoos visible ? Or are they hidden under work clothes?

I am not a fan of tattoos. They are too common - meaning people folliw everyone else & want to fit in & the majority of them are ugly. It's rare to see a really attractive one.

On young women they are often a sign of insecurity (I want to be unique but don't look at me, look at my tatts) On middle aged women new tatts are sign of insecurity about aging.


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One is, on his wrist. He also had four earrings and long hair for a bit, doesn’t anymore.

Again, he works for an old company — not some Silicon Valley disaster that aligns salaries with share prices.

Of course, that’s just one example. But the claim was written in absolute terms, and one example is enough to show it is false.

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"He’s being forcibly recruited"

OK, I take it back

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Sounds painful. He's not quite 'all that', is he, your partner. I'd dump his inked self and get yourself a good man. You are clearly uncomfortable with his self-scribbling. I don't blame you!

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Well, your unverifiable personal anecdote is obviously conclusive and clearly obviates every other bit of statistical and observational data on the subject. We now understand that tattoos are sexy, high-class, and will only help one's career progress. You must be exceptionally nice and pretty to have locked down such an exceptional partner.

You should probably tattoo FUKC on your forehead, I'm sure it will do wonders for your future prospects, which we will follow with interest.

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I mean claims such as these:

“If you’re a woman, tattoos signify you’re either a slut or a whore.”

To you, they do. That’s clear. It’s not at all clear that they signify this to anyone else.

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You're literally retarded. It's 100 percent clear they signify this to everyone else or the woman would not be complaining about it and attempting to normalize the abnormal.

The fact that there are exceptions does not mean there are no rules, it means the rules exist.

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Interesting. So tattoos exclusively signify that women are sluts and whores...and the woman above is complaining about that? Specifically?

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Just responding to your generalizations with an example that clearly contradicts them. I’m a former academic with a tattoo who knows many other academics with tattoos (academia=conventional employer). I also worked in government circles, which are very conservative, and — oh yes, my goodness, tattoos are there too. In fact, the Prime Minister of my country has tattoos.

As it happens, there’s a great deal of research on any number of relevant topics here: various types of biases, the cultural and social construction of meaning, and misogyny, to name a few. What I don’t see anywhere in this post is the slightest bit of statistical data to support any of your sweeping claims.

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May 23·edited May 23Author

Please. We both know perfectly well that if "the slightest bit of statistical data" was provided, you'd quibble with that too. The truth is the truth, regardless of whether conclusive proof is offered or it appeared in a dream. Perhaps if you were capable of understanding that, you wouldn't have failed in academia.

This isn't a court of law or a scientific journal, and the evidentiary standards of those venues do not apply here. And no one cares what a solipsistic woman attempting to provide ex post facto justification for her suboptimal life choices requires as a belief standard.

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Academia and government? Oh my. Two places known for incompetence, nepotism and diversity hires And "partner"? That gave it away, even before the "cultural biases," "misogyny" and other NPC gibberish.

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Tramp stamps are targets. Men like to aim. And academia stopped being a conventional employer about 25 years ago. And government? Smelly diversity, gays Jews and woman.

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fascinating insights. Based on your first hand experience? Or...is this a profundity you overheard?

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You are going to get women banned from commenting on here, dang it.

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This is true.

Owners of public toilets will testify that placing a target in the urinals reduces the amount that goes elsewhere.

Is the comparion apt?

Let the reader understand.

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"Just responding to your generalizations with an example that clearly contradicts them"

I will hazard a guess that the amount of statistics training you've had is zero. It would not require much statistical literacy to grasp how far off base you are here. But you insist.

Incidentally, this is why a correlate of gamma behavior is men who pattern their behavior after women.

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May 23·edited May 23

To be honest, even if you can find a lot of "high status" and "monogamous" people nowadays with tattoos, we live in Clown World, and in Clown World, sexual morality and good judgment are not what they used to be. That doesn't mean it will be that way for long... (All evil ultimately destroys itself from the inside if it isn't destroyed from the outside)

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academia=conventional employer

Only in clown world. Leaching off the people who actually produce value for a living.

For the rest of us it’s primarily a vast waste land of over educated idiots promulgating degrees in uselessness. Except for the real sciences, math, physics, engineering, operations research, chemistry, material science. Etc. If you speak of misogyny why don’t you speak of the research that shows women having the same average IQ as men but having a much narrower distribution. That is why so few women are in the lower IQ range than men. Special Education statistics show this. Meanwhile standards have to be reduced to get women into engineering colleges.

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Brilliant commentary, thanks for that penetrating insight.

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You're retarded, barren, and tattooed.

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You, sir, are an obvious un-self-reflecting, narcissistic moron (I use that term in a non-clinical, generalized fashion). Also, irredeemably pugnacious (and intellectually repugnant). The very definition of a troll. Not a gentleman. Ugh. Not nice to say, but Go F yourself.

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You really cannot be this dumb.

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I think it’s sarcasm on her part. Her indoctrination/education and gender automatically rejects anything outside the approved narrative. Her initial response indicated her ignorance of the purpose of Vox’s Sigmagame Substack. She is of the Western European grouping that will exist for only a very short while as they will not reproduce. They are already being replaced as the reproduction window is short and closing on them.

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Lots of tattoos, sanpaku eyes, smiles like the Grinch about to steal Christmas… all evidence of a broken woman. 10/10 would not hire. She’ll send your business to hell.

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This broad is desperate for attention. Posting her internal views about herself into the external world, via LinkedIn of all places, to gain sympathy and victim consciousness. I've dealt with chicks like this before and multiple tattoo's in most cases = batshit crazy.

Isn't neurodivergent code for mentally retarded?

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That no is a reply to "Isn't neurodivergent code for mentally retarded?" Perhaps you should research your opinions before displaying them publicly.

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