This is actually pretty funny to me. I told a sexy woman at work today "I like your green", meaning her jacket. Which was green. And I liked its shade.

But she asked me "Do you mean my blue?" by which she meant her hair, which I didn't even notice she'd dyed blue and would have - and did - think doing so to be totally retarded after she said so.

Why would she think a man would confuse blue and green? I have no idea and don't care.

Women are very odd creatures, to say the very, very least.

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I need to correct one thing here, boss:

"Unlike women, most men are perfectly clear on the difference between a compliment and an indication of attraction."

This is not at all true for low status men. Most of us see indications of attraction so seldom, that we don't know what they look like.

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This explains the huge popularity of OnlyFans, stripclubs and the old phonesex lines. It's the attention, compliments and validation that draw men to them. The mistake is to think it's about the sex despite the fact that the men will never even physically meet these women. It's the validation.

The phenomenon of the husband who turns from his frigid wife to a flattering stripper (OnlyFans now) and running up his credit card makes perfect sense after this post. It was worth the tens of thousands and ruining his marriage to him for a few nice words.

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I don't know. I think a woman could get herself into a lot of trouble by complimenting men. A woman with certain top-notch social skills may well pull it off. I think I've met probably two who can do it. Girls just aren't educated in these sorts of social graces these days, which is a great shame.

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I get complimented regularly by women on my sense of humor. My wife has been told repeatedly by women, even married women, that they find her husband hilarious. Which especially inspires confidence, because my wife's wires are crossed, and most of my humor falls absolutely flat with her.

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I still, from time to time, think about a compliment I got 6 months ago when a lady told me I had "great swag" I don't even really know what she meant, but it it definitely made my week and then some.

Just yesterday a female at the car rental place I turned a car into told me my hair was absolutely gorgeous, looks like I've been sustained for another 6 months.

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Reading this post's replies, I have to say GOD BLESS YOU, Vox, because with SSH explorations and explanations you are not just saving men from mistakes and pain and time wasted, you are also empowering women to learn and help be part of the solution to so many of the world's problems. 🕊

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Corollary: Most men are desperate for affirmation. Women, if you have a guy and want to keep him, make sure YOU are a source of affirmation for him. If not, he could easily be stolen out from under you by a woman showing him just a little approval.

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Female compliments are like grease from a car salesman, 9.9/10.

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My wife recently asked what was up with everything I've bought these past years being blue.

I told her that she herself had complimented me, that it looks good on me.

She furrowed her brows, knowing I have a relatively bad memory, yet somehow remembered an offhand remark from over six years ago.

They really don't get it. She has never complimented my beard, but she has told me never to shave it. Women work in setting expectations, very rarely praise.

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Ladies, look yourself in the mirror and with the song from Snap blasting sing it out, "I GOT THE POWER!"

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It is very motivating. Though I have it on good authority that top tier women shouldn’t bother brushing gamma cheeks. They’ll just ignore it. Especially if they’re in the zone.

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Bruh he’s working on a striated chest.

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Breakin’ hearts like he breaks treadmills…

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Not that they're gay or anything.

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When a guy's all working on a major project or planning a major project, he ain't got time for that.

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He probably bats them away like flies. Idk how he gets anything done! To have that level of focus is a rare gift.

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You're right! Getting non-work related compliments from women are very rare.

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I told a guy at the goodwill counter last week what a great radio voice he has. We're best buds now. If I weren't an honest person, I might never have to pay in that store again while he's there.

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This is so true! I'm not one of those super-attractive women you're talking about. Not even mid, sadly. But I was Daddy's girl and I'm as comfortable with men as women. I throw compliments to both sexes liberally, because people need to hear about the good in them, and it's a harsh world. This has resulted in zero stalkers and zero inadvertent signals of interest, afaict. Just be tactfully kind to people. I do, like all women, have a gamma sensor on board, and those kinds don't get compliments. The ick factor is real.

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That's interesting. It hasn't ever occurred to me to be afraid someone would think I was attracted to them or think I was flirting just by saying nice things.

Words of encouragement is one of the easiest ways to bless another person. Cool jacket, man! Dude, that's an epic beard. Nice ink...etc. There's always something nice you can say. I compliment ladies all the time too. And pet all the dogs. I'll befriend a rock. Does anyone remember per rocks? I had one. His name was Balboa. The 80s were awesome.

My hubby is subject to the usual barrage of affirmations. You can find all sorts of ways to love someone if you just put in the effort. You have to love on purpose.

Now I'm mad thinking about my son marrying some hateful harpy. Boo hiss.

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Your lucky hubby should be unceasingly communicating to your son "Boy, commit to finding yourself a woman who so openly loves you as much as your mom does me"

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These days, most younger women think they're 10s and that every man wants to immediately bang them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZe-OHcBBtg

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Those women do not understand how numeric scales work. 🥴

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Numeric scales are beyond them; the bell curve might as well be an alien concept.

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Perhaps they once saw "This is Spinal Tap" and decided the "but this goes to 11" joke applies universally to serious real life 🤦‍♂️

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"kids these days" I'm starting to sound like my granny.

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Seems to be the case these days. To be fair, though, most of the girls on the Whatever podcast are actual OF thots, so their delusions are heavily reinforced by the fact that far too many men are willing to throw money at them for whoring themselves out online.

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There are a lot of thirsty Indians with disposable income online these days.

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Because they took our jorbs

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They are a much greater threat than artificial intelligence.

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