Because women are solipsistic, it is very hard for them to imagine that the male experience is vastly different than their own, not just quantitatively, but qualitatively. It’s almost impossible for them to understand that, on average, men are treated with a level of total indifference from society that would render the average woman depressed, if not suicidal.
Consider the way in which the rhetoric in the following cartoon goes completely awry due to the way in which the male experience differs so starkly from the female experience. Whereas women may find the never-ending flow of male attention and praise to be tedious and annoying, men tend to remember and cherish the one compliment they received ten years ago.
Most men would find their week, if not their month, made by a single such remark directed at them.
Some time ago, when a friend mentioned that he couldn’t recall ever having been complimented by a woman, I contemplated the subject and realized that part of what went into constructing my bullet-proof confidence as a young man could be boiled down to as little as six interactions with young women consisting of 14 total words over a period of six years. Literally no insults, criticisms, or rejections were capable of scratching the titanium surface of the confidence built on a foundation of the sum total of those interactions.
Now, most women are terrified to so much as smile at a man for fear he will immediately mistake her friendliness for romantic interest. Compliments are completely out of the question; most women direct 10x or more negative comments at a man for every positive remark they make. That may sound extreme, but pay attention and keep count sometime; 100x is not necessarily out of the question.
But there are a few girls, most of them on the more attractive side, who are so accustomed to living with the burden of incessant male desire that they have no fear of inadvertently attracting Deltas and Gammas. And therefore, they’re not afraid to throw off the casual compliment. “You look good today!” “I like that shirt, that style suits you.” “Hey, did you know so-and-so has been checking you out?”
Unsurprisingly, these women are usually very well-liked by men and are very seldom, if ever, harassed by anyone who is out of her league. They have a level of comfort with the men around them that is immediately picked up on and respected by other men. Unlike women, most men are perfectly clear on the difference between a compliment and an indication of attraction. In fact, the more easily and casually the compliment is given, the more readily it is understood that it is not an indication of attraction or interest. It’s just a positive observation.
Anyhow, if you’re a woman and you would like to be a woman who is generally popular with men, try giving one man in your social circle a small compliment every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s your brother, your uncle, a co-worker, or a casual acquaintance. The only men you should not compliment are those to whom you’re actually attracted; don’t muddy the waters and confuse yourself, or worse, start using compliments as your indicators of attraction.
Keep it simple, keep it light, and before long, you’ll get good at it. And what you might even find is that in addition to making yourself more popular with the opposite sex, the male positivity that surrounds you will make you more attractive to the men whose interest you would like to attract.
It is very motivating. Though I have it on good authority that top tier women shouldn’t bother brushing gamma cheeks. They’ll just ignore it. Especially if they’re in the zone.
Yep. It's quite astounding how hard it is for women to compliment men, when you consider how easy it is for them to give other women fake compliments all the time.