My own experience is that most women's bar for vulgarity is lower than that of most men, and that women are more likely to be vulgar in action than in word.

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I agree with what this woman had to say. I'd like to add my own personal examples, I think it will help illustrate the appeal this type of behavior has for women beyond casual or committed sexual dynamics. I'll take this as one more feather in my investigative cap that my husband may very well be a Sigma because this generally fits the bill for him. I'm also more vulgar than most women so we're a good fit.

Where my husband deviates from this description is he cracks sexually vulgar jokes or even insults towards women -without- the intent to sleep with them. He is most vulgar and crude around his fellow tradesmen, par for the course in that context. We both independently choose to wait for marriage, so that outcome was not relevant to him.

An example of this is a story of him hanging out with a group of men and women, a fairly new guy to the group brought his wife. He started testing the husbands boundaries, escalating to jokes about the wife being a whore to her face in front of her husband. He encountered no resistance. My husband backed off after it was clear the man had no intention to stand up for his wife, which was what my husband was trying to establish. He felt bad for the wife, not for what he said to her, but for what her husband tolerated him saying to her.

The difference in a woman's perspective can be summarized like this. If I had been with him at the time, she may have looked at me and thought, "How can she be with a man who treats people this way?" While I would look at her and think, "How can she be with a man who allows people to treat her this way?" I can shoot shit and talk smack just fine, we have fun with our friends, but there are lines that no one crosses knowing my husband will set boundaries if they test them.

Additionally he hates "pea cocking" from men trying to puff out their chest and impress women. His plan of action when he sees it is literally, "I will dominate you and make you hold my pocket." It is quite halarious to watch him verbally beat a gamma into submission or put a Delta back in his element, they do better in social dynamics when they stop being fake.

He does dial back around women and obviously children, and I can ask him with certain women in my life to keep it down. He will, but only so much. A reality that I have to accept and we've had hard conversations about it. I cannot dictate that he modify his behavior at all. I always knew that.

I %100 agree that for me, his vulgarity came across as "This man is no cuck and he will not be pushed around or controlled. Not by me or anyone else." There is a big appeal in that for me. And I was spot on in life changing ways. He's a man who held his ground on the covid nonsense so aggressively a Gamma freak on a power trip at his union school illegally fired him in a letter where he quoted my husband as calling his crap "Retarded". The union wrote a letter explicitly stating that this termination was illegal and offered his job back. Which he declined at the time. What a badass.

For the women and other ranks who can't wrap their minds around the nuance of why this would be so appealing, maybe these additional examples will help. The personality type that's sexually vulgar and forward towards women and that cracks gay, racist, and vulgar jokes around a campfire at men and women alike, everyone having a blast with it, is the same personality type likely to draw hard lines and take confrontation in stride. My husband had to set boundaries with my parents that resulted in them spiraling because they got called out. I married a man who will not tolerate me being abused, those terms an conditions were unacceptable to my parents. We've been no-contact for over a year now, and life is good. There is more to this type of personality than just being vulgar, and it's the other applications in life that are so attractive to women.

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"Never forget, men: Eve, not Adam, ate the apple. Eve succumbed to the serpent. Women are more susceptible to temptation than men, not less."

Cain was the first born of Eve and a son of Lucifer; Abel was Eve's second born and the first born of Adam; I have read commentary which declared the two sons were of a double pregnacy.

Then there is this:

"(Gen 5:3)  And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth...."

Adam was one pissed off man; and notice Seth was of the likeness and image of Adam.

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This was me 100% in college. I was still a virgin when I entered college, and fell hard for a girl that would hang out at the apartment I shared with several roommates. She was beautiful and sweet, and since she was kind to me and paid me a bit of attention, she immediately became the target of my affections, whether she liked it or not. I made awkward attempts to let her know how I felt, and despite her attempts to let me down easy, I kept pursuing her, and over time placed her on as high a pedestal as I could construct. In my deranged mind she was unsullied and perfect, and would remain so until our love was consummated. I soon discovered that she was banging my roommate, and after a long night of drunken, tear-filled exposition, found out that she already had a considerable body count. I was devastated, but still stupidly held on to the fantasy that she was still deserving of worship, and if she could only see how much I loved her, she'd abandon her sinful ways. I look back on this behavior now with no small amount of embarrassment, but I at least learned from the experience, and was able to alter my way of thinking, which allowed me to find a suitable mate, to whom I have now been happily married for 24 years.

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There’s an old porn 1980 movie called Talk Dirty to Me starring John Leslie and it basically shows how when a man talks dirty to a woman they actually love it. Yes I’ve watched it and I got to tell you it’s entertaining. I’ve used lines like this with women and they got turned on. Guys women are humans that aren’t perfect angels get over what you think should be and what actually is. If you want women to be different you must build and maintain a society that reinforces it kinda like old style western culture that kept women as property. Don’t have the balls to make that happen? Well then you need to adapt to what is currently going on. In fact I’m going to contact a woman I know and use some of this vulgarity to get what I want this weekend.

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Pillow talk from this guy must be so boring.

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My husband just called me a c*cks*cker and laughed for ten minutes straight. Still better game than your average delta.

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It never seizes to amaze me how little some men get it.

Women are attracted to the 'bad boys' because it shows an amount of power to REJECT trying to find a place within the social order that they live in day to day. That is -exactly- why displays of vulgarity, brutishness, crass behavior, etc - even by those within the day to day hierarchy - work. Because it shows to her that they, the people within the system, do so by CHOICE.

If anything, that makes them MORE appealing in her eyes than the vagabond. Because they have the power to defy the system, the knowledge of how to defy the system, and how to work within the system.

And, how to work within it to secure resources for her children.

Deltas can only do the latter. The pedestal is too high, and too foreboding, to let them touch their idol's true nature.

Even the bravos know how to get at that nature and reward it. They can't do it to a whole room of women most days, usually just one at a time or an occasional group on a good day.

Deltas! Knock the pedestal down! Take a sledge hammer to it! Do your women a favor and let her stretch her legs from all her vain posturing!

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It sure sounds like you are an unsuccessful gamma with delta envy. Why should my delta man change to satisfy your ego? The bills are paid, the savings grow every month, the roof on our house is new. The car starts every time. The kids are learning how to skate and score goals and don’t fear a little roughness on the ice. The sex is good, the meals are home cooked and hot.

Just what is it, gamma man, that bothers you so much? Is it the fact that the wife of a delta also puts her man on a pedestal? Is it this reciprocity between a man and his wife that bothers you so?

I don’t understand why authentic work is disrespected by gammas. If a man hires you to work, then work. Don’t double deal, don’t cheat, don’t slack. My man works hard and is highly valued for getting it done every day. So why is it wrong that he wants me to be happy? I want him to be happy too. It makes life soulful.

When I ask my man if I look fat in a dress, you know what he says? He says, “don’t be silly. You look wonderful.”

Ok,he is telling a fib, but it makes me cherish him. I like the pedestal. It makes the program work. You should get with the program, gamma man.

What is the problem here?!!!! Why does his kindness offend you, gamma man?

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The comment wasn't for you or your man, but to people in general and directed to men in particular. Stop being so egotistical, be quiet if you can't, and maybe you'll learn something about human nature.

Which is the whole point of the blog.

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It must have hit close to home.

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Probably. It's frustrating - I have Deltas as dear friends, but they have marriages that have problems which boil down to conflict avoidance and pedistalization. Simple solutions, but men and women like the above won't see the problem and both will simply teach their boys that it's evil to teach the solutions.

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I've observed this exact effect hundreds of times. Some sort of vulgar banter between some girl I was crushing on and an Alpha. If I tried it.... not so effective... unless you pick your target much lower on the SSH. I've gotten away with this with 2 & 3's that I cared absolutely nothing for and that's one of the Sigma's super powers - they actually don't care. How high on the SSH determines how you get away with this.

Compliment your boys when they are young and lead them to actually - really - accomplish something tangible. Take them to the dojo and let your 6 year old beat the 7 year old and bloody his nose. Have your teenage boy actually do the Eagle scout challenge or better yet now-a-days a well organized home school survive 3 days in the woods by yourself event. They'll take that accomplishment away like a polished gem and keep it close to them and they'll REMEMBER it when it is time to 'be vulgar' and suddenly confidence not cowardice will emerge. You will have banished the gamma from their souls and created deltas, betas, or even alphas if you start young enough.

I do wonder if one can actually create an alpha where something else would have been with enough good environment. The Temüjin formula would truly be a best seller.

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I didn't have time to read all the comments unfortunately, so this maybe a little redundant. I was born and raised Christian. My father is "the poster child" of a Delta. I didn't grow up hearing curse words. I was taught and believed curse words were bad. Entering my public school years, many boys approached me with quite the stings of profanity in their vocabulary. Just in casual conversation they would slip a few "F-bombs" and I will tell you, nothing "turned me off" more. I saw it as, a man was too unintelligent to use real words if he had so much profanity filler... I also had a bit of a rebellious wild side. Yes, I was a Christian girl with a strong faith, but admittedly my recent family history as a bit of inherited rambunctious personality. So I loved having fun and going a little crazy at times. So it was no wonder to me, that when I dated many wonderful Christian men in my pursuit of a good husband, I ended up with a good man, with a rather extended vocabulary, who would use on occasion a curse word. Especially when it came to anger, frustration, (and yes) the bedroom. It actually surprised me a little how exciting and fun it was to hear my husband use words that would repell me if spoken to me by anyone else casually. I found that there really was a time and place for those words and the expression that came with them. If a guy gets wacked with a 2×4, and yelps out a curse... it isn't because he is less intelligent, it is because it is the best word to express what the guy is feeling. There are times it is so braisen and a sign of no fear, it is incredibly attractive. When my husband uses a curse word at me telling me to get into the bedroom. Hee! Hee! I know that I am not going to have a choice but go and have a great time. That in that moment nothing, and i mean nothing else matters but him, me, and the ravenous bonding we are about to enjoy. A girl doesn't necessarily want that every single second, but out of the 60 in a minute I can honestly say I want it at least every 59. Vulgar words are still that, words. A intelligent and high intellectual knows how to use them very effectively. You often hear stories about women being annoyed with their perfect gentleman. Claiming they are boring and just want more... I dont think that is because they are not normal. I think it is because we women want to marry our "Prince" but sleep with "The Beast."

Something to keep in mind, friends can be charming, charming doesn't inheritly equal attraction. There is a reason why many Alfa's are known as Jerks but still are able to sleep with so many women. Strength, status, confidence, leadership, fun, ect... all have effects on attraction. "Bad boys" who are free and unrestrained by rules and social conduct (are not necessarily good) but look fun. Who doesn't want a stong man who can't be whipped or controled by anyone? Girls just often learn too late that if they get a bad boy without any charm too, they too are included in the can contain/restrain him equation and eventually suffer real regrets. So yeah. Do be all charm. Dont be all bad boy. I am not promising that it will effect your status in the MSH, but a balance of the two will definitely keep the lady in your life more happy. (And when she is happy, other girls are going to notice, and they are going to be more intrigued and attracted to you. Desiring to get in on this "happy" too.)

Sorry for this Novel long comment, so kuddos if you read this far. I just found it so funny that a man can't be convinced there is a benefit or high status guy who would curse. My Delta father has maybe cursed 3 times total in his life, and he probably only managed that after working in his youth for a few years in a Lumber Yard (guys he worked with said more profanity then actual words, and you pick up things.) My father is amazing and great man, but my father is not high status. Every legitimate higher status man I have met have used vulgar words to some degree...long story short: I don't naturally curse... but when my husband does, its pretty *freak'n* hot.

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On1y your post explained this so well! I honestly laughed while reading this post from VD. The lyrics “want a lady on the street and a freak in the bed” kept going through my mind. Clearly, the song was written from a man’s perspective, but the sentiment is the same. As women, we want the relatable, dependable provider most of the time. Every once in awhile be the bad boy, just to add a little excitement and remind your wife that you find her sexy.

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"Kiss like a prince, but bang her like you just left prison." -How to Love a Woman, by a very tall comedian. (Owen Benjamin)

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Deltas would do well to remember that women love werewolves, fictional and metaphorical. Humans who can transform into a beast and back. It's healthier for the guy's mentality to be able to vent like that too. Related: Men who vent the killer instinct into games and sports are far healthier than those who repress repress repress.

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Yep, that's way too long... Bro, the gist is this, don't approach some strange woman in the grocery store and start cussing her out expecting her to drop her panties or something, just be manly and a little gruff...ok. God Bless.

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This is a woman.

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"It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt."

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Ugh. I should have proof read this. My typing was rushed and I messed up words. *dont be all cham* not do.

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Don't worry about it. It's too late in the day and I was to tired to read it anyway. God Bless.

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Exposing a woman to her most feminine state not infrequently requires vulgarity. The idea that this says more about the man making practical use of vulgarity than the woman who requires it is not delusional, per se, but is intensely naive.

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I just do not understand deltas.

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Seems like Delta is the most vulnerable to propaganda and has swallowed, hook line and sinker, all the lies feminists tell about women.

I would assume that in a proper patriarchy this pedestalling wont be so prolific or intense.

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Either that, or Deltas are traditionalists who live in a pre-feminist, pre-contraception era 19th century "courtship" mindset. Deltas flourish in a patriarchy and are obliterated otherwise.

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Patriarchy and flourishing deltas are definitely correlated, but I'm not sure I'd treat it as a direct causal factor.

The flourishing of deltas can be traced directly to the degree of polygamy in a society.

If you were a Delta in Imperial China, there was a decent chance you were either starving or missing some equipment.

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Directly? I think you mean inversely.

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That’s definitely the case as well. We can only assume that in a patriarchy, deltas would use their social power to “fix” women. As such they are at a total loss as to what to do.

Can only assume they will bread themselves out of existence unless something changes.

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So goes the Deltas, so goes the hierarchy.

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It's worse than that. As goes the Delta, so goes the society.

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Thanks for that Vox, it's always good to know it's worse than I thought.

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Apr 24Edited
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Only 4? That sounds like a handful to say the least.

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And a man who's invested in pedestalization will always rationalize it, no matter how silly. Evidence to the contrary will be subjected to endless No True Scotsman arguments.

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Adam was a Delta. If he wasn't, we probably wouldn't be in this mess.

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Pretty strong assertion. What is this based upon?

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Not much. I assumed if he was Alpha, he would have said "No, we're not eating the apple" and she'd follow his lead. Instead, her influence over him led him to eat.

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She had already eaten it. His choice then was to be with her, or to be with God.

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"And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." Sounds kind of accusatory doesn't it?

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Yes... "whom THOU gavest to be with me".

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And what sort of guy behaves that way?

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A child.

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SSH - who are the most child like? Tears, tantrums refusal to accept reality or accept responsibility?

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Wow, fantastic post today. May it serve to enlighten and open the eyes of those clueless pedestalizers among the Delta to the nature of women.

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