In the comments to a recent post, an obvious Delta absolutely refused to believe that vulgarity could ever be anything but a turn-off to women, and behavior to which no Sigma (i.e. high-SSH man) would ever stoop.
I didn’t dare tell Spacebunny about this for fear she might injure herself laughing.
DELTA: Do you guys really think it's in a Sigmas nature to make vulgar advances like that? I'm not pretending to be one myself here, but to me that sounds more like a porn inspired fantasy than genuinely hight status behavior. I think high-status men can get away with such behaviour to a certain extent, but framing it as "it works" - as if it's that line that makes the woman want him - doesn't sound right to me.
SIGMA: Yes. Absolutely. Although the women are more likely to lead with that sort of thing on their approach to him.
DELTA: I agree with being direct, but being direct and being vulgar are not the same thing.
SIGMA: Vulgarity is a subset of being direct. It turns off some women. It turns on others.
DELTA: But when and where to be vulgar is a question of social skills. It's not a personal choice to swear during a job interview, it's just a display of poor social skills. I didn't say never swearing makes you a sigma. I'm saying a Sigma would have the social skills to know better than to say "wanna fuck?" to a woman he is trying to seduce.
SIGMA: You're literally retarded on this subject. Women will literally say exactly that to Alphas and Sigmas. And the more adept the man, the more likely he will utilize that sort of thing in the right time and place with the right woman.
DELTA: I don't understand why you would want to be this vulgar, or want the kind of woman that would respond well to it.
SIGMA: (shakes head and gives up)
A woman even tried, very kindly and gently, to correct the Delta’s misapprehensions, but to no avail.
WOMAN: In the right context, the use of vulgarity can signal a couple of things:
1) This is someone who isn't going to be pushed around by his woman, and probably not by anyone else, either. He isn't afraid to be a little coarse in the right context (the card game was essentially an exercise in hurling insults and vulgarity, so the context was correct), and if he laughs off her speech-policing shit test afterward so much the better.
2) A man who drops an F bomb to express his desires is probably not going to use hover hands or be timid around his girl, and odds are pretty good if he's looking for a longer-term relationship, he isn't looking for a mommy figure, either.
What it really does, again in the right context (if a Doof says it, she's going to run screaming the other direction), is bypass some of the social barriers a woman has in place and goes directly to that part of her brain that is tapped into in the Beauty & the Beast archetype built into most women's mental chemistry.
Maybe not every girl wants to have a beast eating out of her palm, but an awful lot of them do, and if he shows just a touch of the beast, he'll have her attention more emphatically with a well-placed vulgarity than a polite expression of interest, even if the underlying meaning/ desire is the same.
DELTA: I really have a hard time believing profanity will influence womens opinion of a man on those questions. But, I could be wrong. It certainly strikes me as impersonal, unromantic, ungracious and a little perverted.
WOMAN: On further thought, you personally should never try this method of approach. Clearly, you are deeply uncomfortable with vulgarity either in general or in the presence of a woman. Speaking in this way would just make you look awkward and will probably fail. Further, if you try it and it works, chances are you'll be so appalled that it worked on her that her pedestal will be permanently shattered in your eyes and you won't want her after that anyway.
One simply has to pity those poor women who will never know what it is like to be ravished, to be ravaged, to be free to unleash her inner slut in unrestrained and hedonistic abandonment, because her Delta so admires, and respects, and loves, and appreciates his ever-so-saintly better half.
It’s only through seeing the full extent to which Delta’s idealize and pedestalize women that one can understand why so many women just aren’t very attracted to such observably good and decent men.
Never forget, men: Eve, not Adam, ate the apple. Eve succumbed to the serpent. Women are more susceptible to temptation than men, not less.
I didn't have time to read all the comments unfortunately, so this maybe a little redundant. I was born and raised Christian. My father is "the poster child" of a Delta. I didn't grow up hearing curse words. I was taught and believed curse words were bad. Entering my public school years, many boys approached me with quite the stings of profanity in their vocabulary. Just in casual conversation they would slip a few "F-bombs" and I will tell you, nothing "turned me off" more. I saw it as, a man was too unintelligent to use real words if he had so much profanity filler... I also had a bit of a rebellious wild side. Yes, I was a Christian girl with a strong faith, but admittedly my recent family history as a bit of inherited rambunctious personality. So I loved having fun and going a little crazy at times. So it was no wonder to me, that when I dated many wonderful Christian men in my pursuit of a good husband, I ended up with a good man, with a rather extended vocabulary, who would use on occasion a curse word. Especially when it came to anger, frustration, (and yes) the bedroom. It actually surprised me a little how exciting and fun it was to hear my husband use words that would repell me if spoken to me by anyone else casually. I found that there really was a time and place for those words and the expression that came with them. If a guy gets wacked with a 2×4, and yelps out a curse... it isn't because he is less intelligent, it is because it is the best word to express what the guy is feeling. There are times it is so braisen and a sign of no fear, it is incredibly attractive. When my husband uses a curse word at me telling me to get into the bedroom. Hee! Hee! I know that I am not going to have a choice but go and have a great time. That in that moment nothing, and i mean nothing else matters but him, me, and the ravenous bonding we are about to enjoy. A girl doesn't necessarily want that every single second, but out of the 60 in a minute I can honestly say I want it at least every 59. Vulgar words are still that, words. A intelligent and high intellectual knows how to use them very effectively. You often hear stories about women being annoyed with their perfect gentleman. Claiming they are boring and just want more... I dont think that is because they are not normal. I think it is because we women want to marry our "Prince" but sleep with "The Beast."
Something to keep in mind, friends can be charming, charming doesn't inheritly equal attraction. There is a reason why many Alfa's are known as Jerks but still are able to sleep with so many women. Strength, status, confidence, leadership, fun, ect... all have effects on attraction. "Bad boys" who are free and unrestrained by rules and social conduct (are not necessarily good) but look fun. Who doesn't want a stong man who can't be whipped or controled by anyone? Girls just often learn too late that if they get a bad boy without any charm too, they too are included in the can contain/restrain him equation and eventually suffer real regrets. So yeah. Do be all charm. Dont be all bad boy. I am not promising that it will effect your status in the MSH, but a balance of the two will definitely keep the lady in your life more happy. (And when she is happy, other girls are going to notice, and they are going to be more intrigued and attracted to you. Desiring to get in on this "happy" too.)
Sorry for this Novel long comment, so kuddos if you read this far. I just found it so funny that a man can't be convinced there is a benefit or high status guy who would curse. My Delta father has maybe cursed 3 times total in his life, and he probably only managed that after working in his youth for a few years in a Lumber Yard (guys he worked with said more profanity then actual words, and you pick up things.) My father is amazing and great man, but my father is not high status. Every legitimate higher status man I have met have used vulgar words to some degree...long story short: I don't naturally curse... but when my husband does, its pretty *freak'n* hot.
Churchianity lies about women's nature, the whole "women aren't that interested in sex as in the relationship" stuff got pushed hard in the 90's and 00's in the wake of "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" by a 99%-likely homosexual. What's mind-boggling is that so many men I know held onto that lie taught in their youth through high school and college. The delusion of that lie preventing women from being who they really are with them explains how they don't get to see that behavior.
Even the ancient confession manuals explicitly state men have significantly more self-control in regards to sex on average than women, hence why women were married off young.