Jun 21Liked by Vox Day

Some guys are perpetually performing in their own comedy routine character. Please just stop

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Jun 20Liked by Vox Day

I use a couple crutch rules at my new job. If I am not addressed directly I don’t interject. If I feel the need to, I do a 20 count and see if my comment would still be relevant.

If I am talking casually with a collegue, I try to share one anecdote for every two they share.

These two things have helped me.

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I absolutely agree with this:

"Not so. The best response is when she looks puzzled and says “I don’t get it.”""

10/10, if she says that it's the best sign and you honestly should enjoy her not "getting it". She's a woman. It doesn't matter

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So with just a little work on themselves, these guys could be eligible to be victims of the divorce-slavery-child-abuse racket (sorry "marriage with kids") just like the rest of us. Cool!

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Imagine thinking you are a sigma, then overthinking what a woman might think of you or what you say or do. Reeks beta.

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Some lower status men have a fear of rejection bordering on pathological, to the point that they will self sabotage even when it’s put on a plate for them.

This is why it’s important for Deltas especially to notch up a few wins early in life to build confidence, even with women they don’t find attractive.

A delta can also benefit from an overbearing girlfriend who will iron out some of these kinks but this is also fraught with danger as many an un happy delta is stuck in a mother-child relationship with their wife.

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This is why it’s important for Deltas especially to notch up a few wins early in life to build confidence, even with women they don’t find attractive.

Wishful thinking

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That's such a weird analysis. Her comments about dudes making odd sounds seems weirdly specific. Sounds like a singular bad dating experience.

I can't take any analysis seriously that starts referring to men as alpha or beta, let alone sigma, delta, or gamma? Were those last 2 made up yesterday?

These analyses sound like male, Munchausen by proxy, pop-psychology nonsense.

My advice to raise your self-confidence would be to stop diagnosing and judging others.

Pick someone or something to give a shit about and work on that.

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You should have started the post by telling us which weird sound you make that you "know isn't weird".

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

Obvious Gamma is obvious.

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I think he's just uninitiated, but he does raise valid criticisms about the article. He's right, this blog is amateur psychology. You are not a psychologist. It seems to me you just read a lot and write a lot. Maybe you think that because you have read about it makes you an expert on the subject. I don't think it does.

Disagreeing with the article doesn't make him a "Gamma" whatever that means, and making that determination based on seven sentences in a comment section is dumb.

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No. They're not valid.

And since you don't know what a "Gamma" is, on what basis do you claim that disagreeing with the article doesn't make him one?

It might help if you understood that this blog is not psychology of any kind and the average psychologist is three standard deviations less intelligent than me.

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"You are not a psychologist"

High praise. Surely you won't defend that pack of pill pushing tranny transformers.

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Full on point as usual. 👍

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Boy, you're real smart. Vox is finished. Dominated. 10/10 headshot, no scope'd. No chance. Defeat by Somedudeontheinternet.

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"Maybe you think that because you have read about it makes you an expert on the subject."

Vox pretty much created the subject, developed and refined it for well over a decade, and hundreds of people have found it helpful and useful.

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Didn't worry, check my analysis of his comment in my reply to him. Vox's defeat took years but he finally lost to "Somedudeontheinternet"

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I knew people who made weird noises. You only really have to know one to remember them for the rest of your life.

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I know a guy who made noises and laughed at bad moments. He was a decent fellow. He is engaged now, perhaps the wedding already happened, I don't remember when it was. He found a girl that was his tier which is why it worked out. It speaks to his honesty and self reflection. They will probably work out good in the long run.

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Been thinking about Nym’s comment: women don’t want to have to prep, excuse, caveat, and explain you to their friends before they meet you.

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Thank you, I'm copying that. It's an excellent supportive or secondary sentence, whatever it's called in English. To the main or head sentence.

And the main I'm thinking of is "Be attractive and don't be unattractive."

Your or Nym's comment clarifies so much.

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I read this again and immediately thought of Jim Carrey. I don't find Jim Carrey at all funny. I find him extremely annoying.

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Jun 18Liked by Vox Day

This post specifically reminds me of a friend of a friend from a few years ago who incessantly (and I mean INCESSANTLY) did the "That's what she said" innuendo. He'd do it 5 times in 10 minutes. He'd do it when it only *barely* made sense.


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I also recall the "Wazzaaap" phrase that got popularized during a Super Bowl.

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I blame Marvel and the cultural dominance of Theater Kids for this awkward, nerdy, gross behavior.

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Long before the movies, Marvel Comics has been conditioning readers into gammas and omegas for decades.

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One of the worst things we tell kids is "be yourself". Don't be yourself. Yourself is a horrible idiot. Be good. Be a man. Learn what that is and strive to be that.

Being yourself typically means being alone.

Also realize that being "normal" in certain areas does NOT translate to all. Hanging with a lot STEM people will warp your sense of normal.

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Be beyond yourself.

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Don't do funny voices while making jokes or telling stories. Also, if you told it once, that was enough.

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Of course a very attractive male can get away with weirdness. Back in high school I had a friend that was very handsome, 6 foot 2 and in great shape. But he had a strange sense of humor and would make noises, usually to piss off some of the girls. Several of his buddies would answer back , making strange noises. The girls would get mad but on the weekends would try to get the guy to hook up with them. However he usually brought a very pretty girl from another school that the girls did not know.

I still run in to him now, he is married to a 6 foot former volleyball player , very pretty and sweet. Two kids. He is also very successful in business. Still has a strange sense of humor but is very happy. He seemed to be a mix of sigma and delta. Hard worker , not ever the boss, but got things done.

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Do women have more sensitive radar for this?

Around 30 years ago, a female colleague remarked on a male coworker's breathing. She described it as "weird yoga-type deep breathing". I had never noticed it before but from then on couldn't not hear it.

He was on the edge of social norms, and I'd classify him a low delta now. Back then he was just a guy I chose not to befriend.

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I visualize it as a Venn Diagram of Ick, with unattractiveness and how long I've known the Ick overlapping in the center

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Jun 18Liked by Vox Day

It seems so. I can reliably ask 5 of my female friends and they will all point out the same ick in certain people. Weird sniffling, poor hygiene, strange noises or smells or habits...all of which translates to a lack of discipline in our perspective. No mastery of themselves for a higher purpose. What other subpar behaviors and actions and lifestyles are these sorts content with as 'good enough'? A wife would have to constantly be reminding him to shower, to dress neatly, that there's a stain on his clothes, to please not do That One Thing out in public. And if he forgets or slips up, embarrassment and shame for her unless she is similarly unkempt and content with good enough.

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I agree. It is indicative of a lack of self reflection, middling IQ and/or a lack of drive as you say. Someone who is stagnant, who lets life happen to them and never tries to be more than just a victim of the times. We are products of this age as we are meant to be, but we must have self awareness and humility to see ourselves as we are. These types live a lie. They say they are normal, there is nothing to be done. They are in a stupor, slowly drifting to destruction. Because they have never hit absolute rock bottom, they delude themselves with excuses as to why they've never given it 100% effort and why they don't achieve their dreams.

It is sad state of affairs. I know of many such cases. When my friends and I reflect on such types, it is hard to pin down a specific reason for their circumstances. A pitful failure to launch. Crashing and burning would be a good thing for these men. They need to be punched in the face to be woken out of their delusional sleep. I was in this state myself, but I always knew something was wrong in my deepest core, which is why I eventually realized all the lies I was telling myself which choked out opportunities to grow and heal.

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Yeah, pretty sure they do. I had a not very close friend back in high school who did me a solid. I was doing something pretty random, I don't recall even exactly what it was, but he told me---You know, guys don't care about things like that (the behavior in question), but women will not put up with that.

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That's a great friend.

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Funny thing is he was never a particularly close friend. But I guess he was among my best friends in retrospect.

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The strange noises things sounds like a hold over from childhood. Strange how some people do not grow out of it.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

It probably is a childhood holdover and it is probably neurological and not willful. These guys are low on the list, but something is wrong with them that they can’t easily control. I don’t feel comfortable making fun of the handicapped, which is what these pathetic souls are. I would bet that they have a high suicide rate.

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I suspect it is more of a nervousness thing or bad habit that they never cared to notice, but perhaps your response hints at a deeper suspicion women must have. Perhaps it is such a turn off to women because it seems like some kind of syndrome or disorder that could be passed down hereditarily.

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The one from a childhood friend of mine started off as a self-soothing behavior, sort of the loud noise an autistic child would make, whenever they got stressed out. As they grew into adulthood they never shook it off even though they were obviously past the ability to control their emotional stress-out.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Yes, you are correct. It is pathos and not gamma ick. It is a different feeling. It indicates bad genetics nonetheless.

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