He's obviously gay

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The principle applies that if you live out with your means you can’t get ahead.

You aren’t merely setting yourself up to fail now but in the future as well by stifling your own potential trying to meet an impossible bar when your focus would be better off invested elsewhere. Many women will have no compunction about exhausting your energies in this way.

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This post reminds me of a friend of mine in high school who was almost unanimously voted “Funniest” by my senior class. He was adored by all. The jocks, dirtbags, and geeks all thought he was fun to be around. Even the girls in our class thought so and would laugh at all his jokes. His delivery was so magnificent he could tell a children’s joke to a bunch of high school kids on a Friday night and they would all laugh hysterically. He really did have the gift of humor.

While we all thought the world of him, he never had a girlfriend, never played a sport, never did drugs or drank, and never got into a fight the entirety of his high school career. Not only that, he married the first girl he slept with 5 years after graduating high school. He met her while working the PM shift at Taco Bell as an assistant manager. They are still married to this day and they are perfectly happy with four kids. He is still ridiculously funny and his his wife is still about a five and a half.

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It's pretty enlightening that one can delta so hard that you get confused for a lambda.

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Jeesh he's rubbin up on her in that pic.

Dudes, no need to be that close for a pic. Either put your hand over her shoulder & let her snuggle up, or your hand at her waist. Not ever, ever, never under her chest.

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"The first lesson is that being a genuinely nice guy and providing acts of service for women does not generate sexual attraction. The second lesson is that while being tall, rich, or famous will get you in the door, it’s not enough to get you in the boudoir."

This is the real reason why Superman struggles to hold onto just Lois Lane and is in the friendzone with every other super babe.

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Never use the tagline "faster than a speeding bullet".

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Man of Steel, baby. Man of Steel.

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Shooting way out of your league and succeeding has been such a pervasive movie trope that some people actually believe the reality of this falsehood.

Women seem to accept it, and even facilitate it in some cases, because they get a ton of free resources and also a backup plan if a worst-case scenario befalls them, like becoming a single mom with Tyrone's child. Suddenly "You're like a brother to me" becomes "I've finally realized what a great guy you are!"

The men foolishly think they're making progress when they spend time with her as a friend-zone dinner companion or helping her move or becoming some other utility item. Then complain about being used.

Having said the above, if an attractive woman is using you for "foodie calls" only, and she's so attractive that you think dinner is an acceptable expenditure, that's fine, but be cautious about over-investing emotionally and financially.

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That made me think of Notting Hill with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. While a male A-lister falling for an ordinary woman is believable and happens IRL, I can't see an apex female falling for a regular dude unless she had already passed the Wall.

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I think flipping to active wingman should be the only reason foodie calls are acceptable. You know its going nowhere and are wasting time and resources.

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Perfectly valid choice. Every man needs to perform a risk assessment, evaluating costs and tradeoffs for these situations.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

"Shooting way out of your league and succeeding has been such a pervasive movie trope that some people actually believe the reality of this falsehood."

The problem is that those movies always end right after the unexpected kiss from the prom queen. They never tell you if she dumped him six weeks afterwards.

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The only movie I recall that was accurate with this sort of thing is The Last American Virgin.

IIRC, the nice guy paid for the girl's abortion, and then afterwards she went back to the bad boy who knocked her up, portrayed in an emotionally brutal way for the nice guy.

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The problem with being a comedian majority of the time is that women don't take you seriously. The only time they will do is if you pass the congruency test against the stereotype of being a comedian.

For David, the core behavioural patterns betrayed the situational role giving women the vibe of an imposter hence freeze, flight or fight in the first picture.

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12 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Is there such a thing as a Delta aiming for somewhat better rather than best or is that out of his league also?

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That's a hard question to parse.

There is a range for every man, based primarily on the SSH. Generally speaking, you can get and be happy with what's inside of that range; an athletic and handsome man usually gets the higher end of that range, while the more slovenly can't rise above the lower end.

Outside that range, troubles arise. A higher tier woman and a Gamma won't last, and she'll resent him constantly. A high status man is likely to cheat on a lower tier woman; even if he's loyal, her natural suspicions will likely sour the relationship.

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Deltas (and Gammas also) often have a concept of “the one”. Their romantic efforts are set against a backdrop of finding this unicorn woman who is out there somewhere.

While this has its obvious pitfalls it also highlights the optimal route for the Delta.

A few months ago Vox made a post about Deltas overrating women who are objectively mid. That’s a good thing. If the Delta can find the 5 who is “a 10 to me” that’s his true unicorn.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Aiming for higher end of range whilst having a halo effect on the woman he is fixed on.

Seems like the best option he can achieve. Improve his lot the best he can.

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There was a PUA on x who posted a regular 'green line- who leans more' test of celeb couples to assess relationship power dynamics. Since adopted by mainstream gossip press. David Walliams looks like Fagin from Oliver twist holding some freshly stolen silverware.

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

Agree with the main point here. Know where your coverage ends.

That being said: the blond in the pic with the Summer Teeth is a model?!?

Of what? Natural Laxatives?

EDIT: ok, I looked her up. This wasn't a flattering pic of her.

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"Not a flattering pic" simply means that she looks like she actually looks in that picture. If you meet a couple of models in real life, you'll be very underwhelmed.

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Some models are models because they photograph well, not because they're super beautiful IRL. Similarly, there are plenty of women that are very pretty one-on-one, but they photograph sub-par. Not all faces take to the camera equally.

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Yes. Knowing how to pose and being able to give the photographer what he is looking for is also very important. Looks alone will not make you a good model.

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True. Obviously, the photos that we all consume have been photoshopped into hyper-reality, but even before that there was airbrushing. Women, models in particular, often have dark art level skills in make-up and often look like they aren't wearing any.

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I was at an Oakland A's playoff game about 10+ years ago and Justin Veerlander was pitching. At the time he was dating Kate Upton. She was sitting about 10 rows behind me. She was unbelievably hot and I couldn't not just turn and stare at her all game long. I remember people about that time saying she wasn't that hot. Total nonsense.

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Yes, there are models and then there are models. Of course I am not saying that every supermodel is just a 6. That would be ridiculous. There are genuine 10s and 9s, but for the most part, models are 7s and 8s, who are dependent on lighting and camera work. I've met several in my life, I dated some, I married one.

Some 20 years ago I met Charlize Theron on a film set, not knowing who she was and we were exchanging a couple of sentences. She was a 7 without camera and lighting magic, nowhere near someone I would consider a supermodel. Definitely pretty, but not extraordinarily so. You wouldn't be surprised seeing someone like that shopping at LIDL.

What I absolutely commend her for is that she seemed like a totally normal person. I think, she was happy that someone for once was talking to her like she was just another girl.

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When it comes to women you've got to remember that they know how to add multiple points to their attractivness based on how they dress. Girls also know how to decrease their attractiveness when they want to. A lot of famous girls in SoCal will dress like absolute slobs when they go out in public so that people won't notice who they are and mob them in public.

From the article, looking at the model girl, in her photo with the creepy comedian, she's very much dressing down. It could be her way of passively aggressively putting down the comedian guy by making the statement that he's not good enough to dress to the max for. In the second photo she's older and trying to looking like a decently dressed housewife. I don't know who the guy in the 2nd photo is and I forgot from the article but he's clearly a successful man who dresses well and takes himself seriously and she's dressing to make him look good but not trying to steal the show.

There's a comic from Hypergamouse that shows that women know exaclty how to up their appeal:


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“Once you know who you are, stay in your lane.”

This is literally the exact opposite advice that the recent William Hunter something claimed you were giving, of “how you, too, can be a sigma.” Of course, getting him to admit error would require an act of God, so there’s no point in showing him this.

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Your comment is an example of the game of Telephone.

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If you mean I'm mischaracterizing William Hunter Whoever, I've given him ample opportunity to either correct the record or substantiate his claim. He's failed to do either.

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No, I didn’t mean that you were mischaracterizing William Hunter Whoever.

Candidly, I misread your comment and thought you were parroting him when you were not, which was stupid of me. Mea culpa.

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No one should aspire to be Sigma. It's not a life anyone other than a Sigma would enjoy, any more than an Alpha would enjoy a Gamma's life, a Delta would enjoy an Alpha's life, or a man would enjoy a woman's life.

Our natures are what they are, and they determine a great deal about how we act and interact. Understanding our natures and learning to multiply the strengths while curbing the weaknesses is how we pursue the best lives we can.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Socio-Transsexual Hierarchy you say.

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Gammas gonna gamma. The Secret King can never be wrong.

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I again picture Elon Musk jumping sky high at a Trump rally.

In that instance, Elon stayed on his lane. For a Gamma this is quite possibly impossible.

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Elon Musk was filmed/photographed doing an oddly specific jump at that rally.

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So what is Elon exactly? Delta?

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At minimum, I don't think he has the general attitudes of a Delta. I'd entertain "autistic and degenerate Bravo" based on my gut impression that he's a decent confidence man who latches onto the authorities in his proximity.

But GH may well be right.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

Type 2 lambda. Lambda via abuse.

AC had a great pair of pics of Elon meeting Obama and Trump looking like old school Renfield. Hes been worked over.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

To "not outkick your coverage" with a woman is one of the best advices a man can receive.

As a high delta myself I scored and lost fast some pretty ladies above me in the past.

Right now I´m engaged with a cute and good woman that adores me. I love her, I don't need more and my life is stable and happy.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

"The first lesson is that being a genuinely nice guy and providing acts of service for women does not generate sexual attraction."

But it scores lots of secret points in the secret game nobody knows it's being played.

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Winning the secret trophy of "good guy that stands alone".

Some lady offered "stander" as a term she thought men should take up as this badge of honor that they will be slaves to ex relationships. Could well be the label on the trophy, but no one will know..

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I submit that "strander" should be reserved for the abandoned spouse in marriage, unless kids these days take vows of fidelity upon accepting a date.

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> The body language says it all.

Score another point for the green line test

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