Just want to say that it's becoming quite painful to read this blog and have my protectuve delusion-bubble dismantled one particle at a time by Vox's piercingly accurate insight. However, I'm quite addicted at this point.

It really hit me in the gut today when I was entertaining an attractive young lady from church and caught myself doing an obnoxious high-pitched laugh. How many years has this been going-on? It's disgraceful!

Luckily she's somewhat aspy and doesn't seem to notice, she just wanted to chant akathists. Naturally the one single girl from church I actually got digits off has a life-long dream of being a nun.

Since I'm still wearing my ankke-monitor from the Jan 6th fun (Google "Macsen Rutledge" for cringeworthy selfies the FBI scraped off the cloud and published in the newspapers to humiliate me), I then drowned my sorrows in video gaming.

Lo! I actually reached rank 1 on the entire server! Full of Gamma pride I sent off screenshots to my ex who I was banging off and on again this past year, until her new roofer boyfriend treated to beat me (and her) to a pulp. I hadn't made much progress converting her from Wicca so no biggie, but it was still a major blow to get a flood of photos from last night's drunken brawl they had.

To make matters worse I realized that I wasn't getting matched with anyone else with a ranking. Apparently I got rank one by just playing for days on end after the ladder reset and no one else was even in ranked lol. Not too many guys on house arrest in the CCG world it seems...

Ah well I'm grateful for the SSH knowledge though sometimes I wonder if I'd be happier in ignorance. To think just a few days ago I had convinced myself I was a Sigma. Ah, how the might have fallen.

Anyway, I gotta go to sleep so I can help my ex out with cigarettes tomorrow. Otherwise she might go back to psycho-dude, Lord have mercy! I try not to pay her bills much anymore ever since the snafu with Apple Pay, turns out I ended up fronting her Tinder bill by mistake lol. My buddy told me I had reached peak-simo at that point, but i may outdo myself yet, it's true love after all!

Inbf: is this real or satire. It's real. I'm "the bear-hood guy" and this friggin ankle monitor reminds me of the truth every time it barks Nightrider-esque commands at me.

Oh btw, sorry to hijack the blog comments lol. Plz no ban.

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Love the house.

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Beautiful post, thanks!

I re-watched the Anthony Boutdain Roadrunner documentary again and had the difficult realization that one of my lifetime heroes was, in fact, a full blown Gamma. Took me a few weeks to process that but it's so clear now, particularly how he got so clinging with his final paramour and her MeToo isissues. Always liked what Peterson was doing for young and disdisenfranchised western males...but, yeah, you're correct on this none too

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Dan Bilzerian was asked about advice for the common man and one of the things he brought up was getting a nice car.

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The world’s gotten worse since accountants and lawyers took over. Hmm. I wonder if there’s any connection.

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Let's kill all the lawyers. Shakespeare knew what was up.

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"If there are three certainties in life, it is that a Harvard graduate will tell you that he graduated from Harvard, a vegan will inform you that he is a vegan..." Truth. Cannot be overemphasized. Avoid both, if possible.

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Just like a Crossfit fan too.

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It's the same person

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You'd have thought that his encyclopaedic knowledge of Monty Python would have taught him that no one is impressed by accountancy.

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Accountancy... enough of that gay banter!!!

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Anyone here watched Re:Zero?

What I find interesting about the plot is that the Main character was a recluse who got transported to a Fantasy world found that the world didn't evolve around him and his delusions of grandeur. Who didn't find what he expected in his "Power Fantasy".

Even the idealized elf princess had to reject him and his false perception of her when he melted down like a Gamma.

However. He had to go through immense suffering that he was involuntarily put through by the plot itself before he started to shape up.

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Gammas can be very successful if their special area is lucrative. If anything, souping up the delusion bubble & having some material agency makes them worse. Paging Mr. Tubcuddle…

The sweet house & car are definitely attractors. Closing the deals is what defined you.

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Hey, Uncle John!

It really does come down to the ABC's. Colleen is for closers.

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Take vox’s advice and become a gamma whisperer or cut your loses , punch him and quit.

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Great article - no amount of success will lead a Gamma to not being annoying and not doing Gamma things. How would a woman go along with it, when the rest have difficulty getting through a barbeque without being supremely annoyed?

Successful Gammas are quite often even more annoying and more delusional than unsuccessful ones. Just look at where success lead Gaiman.

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The ne plus ultra of today's picture is the tie not reaching the belt

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Simple and profound: "Every multiple of zero is zero"

Gamma in one sentence.

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Vox, I'm a Delta who was just transferred to work under a Gamma. I'm already headed towards the door - just want to buy some time while I tend to irons in the fire. How do I make the guy happy and keep the peace in the meantime?

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Read the 48 Laws of Power. It was written with working under or around exactly that sort of person in mind. Vox's advice just about sums it up though.

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Praise him. Don't overdo it, but a constant, low-key flow of flattery should keep him tranquil. Don't overperform, don't show him up, and don't contradict him.

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Constant flattery, especially around females.

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Especially about how smart he is.

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Head down.

Get everything on paper. If someone asks for something, get it in an email. Copy it on your work plan. Make little notes about when people change things so that you can mitigate explosions.

Don't let anyone think you're dissatisfied or looking, but don't fake anything, either. You're a good little drone who doesn't seem to be phased by shenanigans, until you're gone.

Given enough time, you're doomed, but this can stretch that window.

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Aug 30
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That's interesting. Because I've always just naturally answered that way. Perhaps I was picking up on bosses being gamma subconsciously is why.

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Most deltas think this way also, without getting psycho about it in the way that gammas do. They think that by racking up enough success points or good friend points that they'll somehow become attractive enough to get the woman they want. The problem is the real world doesn't work that way. If it did, Bill Gates would score wives a lot closer to as hot as Trump's wives.

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Deltas think being dependable, reliable, and hardworking is attractive to women, and maybe it was back in 1840 or something like that, I don't know, but it ain't high on the list now.

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I don't think it ever was attractive to women, but women have historically had way less mate choice than they do presently, and those qualities were attractive to the dads and grandparents that made such decisions. I don't think Western civilization can survive this female emancipation, but that fact isn't terribly relevant to the delta trying to get a better match than he currently gets. Just to get a woman who is 'average' in features and not overweight he has to be pulling at around the 75th percentile, which is very high for a delta, and girls that are actually pretty start in the mid 80s, which is practically Bravo. Life in the 2020s is a bitch for an average American delta.

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That Deltas aren't sufficiently appreciated by today's society is definitely a bad thing. And not good for the future of our civilization.

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The takeaway: if the hot chicks don’t check you out when you’re a nobody, they’re not going to if you’re loaded. Get money for you, not for women.

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Oddly enough, what helped me the most when I was younger was actually having a girlfriend. Low deltas should focus on that initially---get a 'starter girlfriend', even if she's not that attractive. Had a female friend back then that I actually feel kinda bad for---she was the starter girlfriend for a lot of very smart guys who had low status in the sexual marketplace. Almost like clockwork, she'd date them for a few months, they'd get that big boost from being 'pre-vetted' and a more attractive woman would steal them. Sad thing is, she was probably the smartest woman I've known, clocking in right around +4 sigmas, and she wasn't even quite as crazy as the average girl. But we all know +4 sigma brains plus a 40th percentile body only gets you guys at the 40th percentile in status.

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It can quash oneitis and related Gamma tendencies among the young and/or inexperienced, yes.

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Maybe, but I for one confess having suffered serious oneitis for my first serious girlfriend. Perhaps I just had to get it out of my system and learn to see women as they actually are, as opposed to how they pretend to be or how I wished they were.

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Vox Day demonstrates once again his masterful AI image comedic skills.

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