
I don't buy the suggestion that cops are soft on women. Cops want their suspects and they know the interrogation game very well - basic thot lies aren't usually getting past a pro. Even a female customs agent will admit that women lie more than men. Female prosecutors also know that juries do not hold women as accountable as they do men. But the conviction in America is usually up to a jury of retards. I used to wonder why, whenever a female teacher went on trial for sexually assaulting a minor student, she showed up with makeup and her hair freshly done. Now I realize that getting dolled up isn't a negative, it's deliberate manipulation of a the male simps on the jury, who are more likely to let her go. However if the jury box is going to be filled with frumpy 50-something fat ladies, she will dial down the appearance a bit. Democracy at its finest.

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i have not looked at this substack for about a year. Didn't realize it had stayed so active. Is there a link to the quoted study anywhere? I just scrolled through all the comments and didn't see anything that would be likely to be it. I tried to google it, but nothing has come up so far.

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"Typhoid Mary" or Mary Mallon did not commit murder, which is the intended killing of people, rather she was a carrier of typhoid and infected people in the various private households she was employed in. She ended up being quarantined for the remainder of her life. The other comments are fair and accurate, and this bias continues today.

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She went back to work knowingly exposing people to something that could kill them. That can cross the line into manslaughter or 2nd degree murder in some jurisdictions.

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She may not have had the ability to understand that she was responsible for those deaths, and it actually took the authorities some time to make that determination; and she was effectively removed from society for life. And yes, there are different charges that can be laid even today. In other news, some time ago California made knowingly exposing other people to AIDS a misdemeanor instead of a felony and that was not only for women.

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Oh, I heard about that move by CA. Unreal how far the depths of pandering to sexual minorities will sink to.

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This is also why Catholicism worships Mary and why Protestants have become weak on this point and are beginning to tolerate it. Because gammas outnumber sigmas.

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Gamma detected

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This post reminds me of the back story for the play, later musical, “Chicago”. In the early 20th century Chicago’s all-male juries developed a reputation for always acquitting pretty, young women of the murder of their husband and / or lover. The juries were less lenient toward unattractive women.

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Even without taking abortion into account, women commit the majority of child murders. Anyone who puts women on the kind of pedestal that blinds them to the violence women can commit is in for a nasty surprise.

If you add in abortion, then of course women become the largest commiters of violence (towards helpless victims no less) by an insane margin. Ancient cultures knew this - look at any typical pagan goddess and you'll usually find stories of destruction.

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If you take certain practices into account, such as forced feeding in Mauritania, and genital mutilation in certain North-African countries, you'll see that they're *not* forced on women by men, but by *other* women, usually older women.

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Even worse, women poop, AND fart. We're gross, guys. Get that pedestal out of here.

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Women are gross. I've been in enough homes for work and just seeing the state some women can live in is abominable.

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When I was a young man working as a security guard, seeing the state of public women's restrooms was a real eye-opener.

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I knew a female prison guard who said pretty much the same. Nasty beyond description.

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There's even a meme for the pedestalization of women, especially the attractive ones: "if evil, why hot?"

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it's because Adam wasn't breastfed

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It is amazing how wilfully blind some Deltas can be.

They would not allow their wife handle their finances, but when it comes to voting... let's all pretend!

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Immigrant metaphor as relationship advice: always have clear boundaries, and always respond to their violation with consistent and resolute repercussions.

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"the least attractive men have the lowest average opinion of women."

I think low status men get more opportunities to see women at their worst. Not enough status to experience women on their best behavior aiming to please a man.

Saw a wife look on her crippled husband with a mocking smile as he was crying in distress. Female cruelty is a reality.

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Women lack empathy and seeing a man in weakness and distress brings out a nasty side to them. Indifference at best if you're lucky.

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Women are better at cruelty than men, arguably.

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The protagonist in "Book of the New Sun" belongs to a Torturer's Guild whose job is to, as named, torture people for the government. It only has men in the guild because, as you note, women are real mean about it.

"It is said that in ancient times there were both men and women in the guild, and that sons and daughters were born to them and brought up in the mystery, as is now the case among the lamp-makers and the goldsmiths and many other guilds. But Ymar the Almost Just, observing how cruel the women were and how often they exceeded the punishments he had decreed, ordered that there should be women among the torturers no more."

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Democracy = idiocracy

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Psychpathocacy more likely.

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According to this website:


Women make up 12% of murderers. So in a Just society they will make up approx 12% of executions.

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Yep. Enraging.

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That’s only because we don’t count abortion in the murder statistics.

US 2023 murders: 19,252

If 12%: 2,310 murders by females

If 88%: 16,942 murders by males

US 2023 abortions (murder for hire contracted by female, of her own child): 1,026,690 according the NPR.

Total female murders: 1,029,000

Total male murders: 16,942

Percent female: 98.38%

Percent male: 1.62%

Do not let women gas light you into thinking they are less violent than men. The women just like their victims to be utterly helpless people who are completely dependent on and therefore inconvenient to them. And they like to hire someone else to do the dirty work.

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Facts here. Many evil men throughout history have killed children, but comparatively few have killed their OWN children. Women do this every day, world wide. And they know damned well how wrong it is - that's why so few of them go into the medical profession to perform abortions, instead relying on men.

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Knew a good looking Delta who got a lot of female attention. He'd get lucky, but never hang on to them, because he pedestalized them.

He worked as a personal fitness / tennis instructor at very high end clubs / gyms. Made a killing (all those tips from bored housewives with millionaire husbands).

Well, he caught the eye of a very attractive yoga instructor. He bedded her, but didn't know how to handle the crazy that came with the hot. She made false allegations about him. Management knew it was bogus, but he was blacklisted from every high-end club / facility in the province.

He went from living life on easy street, to working as a server.

He never did learn.

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This is why women and feminism have been promoted. Because women are less of a threat to the rulers. And if women are propagandized into anti-man theory every wife would be a watchdog for the state. But truly even the worst of biological fathers have a far greater investment in their children than the state. Those handouts from the state come with a price.

It's also why dwarves are always at war. Only way to keep the weaklings under control. The story goes that a dwarf was trapped on a desert island and suffered a personality split so as to go to war with himself to protect his sanity.

Their enemies rejoiced, finally they would realize that it was their own nature that was the problem. Unfortunately the opposite happened. Whereas before the dwarves just happened to always be at war, now it was enshrined in Dwarf Law that they must always be at war (and the gammas and omegas died a thousand spiritual deaths at the thought)

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What! Women destroying Western civilization? That’s crazy! And we would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling sigmas and your inconvenient pattern recognition!

My SSH comic pitch: That Darn Sigma—like Scooby-Doo or Columbo, but with a sigma cutting through the BS.

Speaking of Columbo, he’s the perfect sigma—unassuming, independent, and completely indifferent to status, yet always ten steps ahead. He lets people underestimate him, plays the fool, then methodically dismantles their illusions with quiet precision. There’s something deeply satisfying about watching him work—like a wolf casually strolling into a den of arrogant sheep and leaving with the truth.

And then there’s Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon, another classic sigma. From the moment Brigid O’Shaughnessy walks into his office, he knows she’s lying. He knows she killed his partner, he knows she’s bad news—but he just rolls with it because he's out to make money and already expects people to lie to him. At the end, even as he’s attracted to her, even as she pleads and manipulates, he still hands her over to the cops. Not because he’s a white knight, but because he follows his own code. He’s detached, pragmatic, and not ruled by emotion—just like a true sigma.

I’m starting to think the popularity of the detective genre comes down to people’s fascination with the sigma archetype. It just doesn’t work with any other.

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Phillip Marlowe also had strong Sigma traits, which makes it interesting that his creator Raymond Chandler said "Such a man would never be in such a business".

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Sigmas are fun to read, i agree. But the best stories about sigmas are the ones in which they are paired with a bravo. It captures perfectly the distinction from an aplha. And as a bonus the bravo gets his own spotlight.

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Can you give some Sigma / Bravo examples in fiction?

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Yes. Hadrian and Royce from Michael Sullivan's Riyria. It turned out so good that his wife begged him to write more about the duo.

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Sherlock Holmes and Watson. The Robert Downy Jr & Jude Law version. They need eachother like a cigarette needs a lighter.

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I've seen Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson referenced before.

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Tom Selleck as Jesse Stone seems close to the archetype as well, although he maintains a weird relationship with his ex.

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In opposition to the ways of the world, they doggedly seek to reveal the truth no matter where it leads.

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Columbo is outstanding. The idea that a decent like him is the good guy and never has to use violence to get the win.

And even in victory there's no delight for him, he has pity for the people he exposes.

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But exposing them he must. All must be revealed.

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