Challenging = massively irritating pain in the posterior. You got that right.

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Speaking from experience (dating a Russian model and two other women in the same league), women at the top end of the attractiveness scale are generally untrustworthy and dishonest. There’s an addiction to shallow compliments that becomes so strong that other values are drowned out. I consciously put all that aside and married an honest woman with strong family values…and have no regrets today.

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Ugly ABCD-pajeeta BTFO! You have done a great service to mankind.

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If Vance’s wife was a 5 this chick is a 4.

At least when Vance’s wife smiled it looked warm and feminine, this chick, not so much. Something about that smile is off putting.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

i have come to the conclusion that makeup is black magic. saw women who was solid 8 dwindling to a 5 or 6. it was amazing but terrifying.

the other problem is women all to often believe it is the true "them"

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Every man in the dating market should watch a few youtube makeup tutorials. They need to understand the level of deception that woman will descend to in their mating behavior.

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Saar!!! Saaaar do not redeem 23 year old family minded Christian girl next door. You must marry 36 year old brown accounts manager! Saar please!!!

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

The second I saw the picture of the Indian girl, the facts clicked harder than they already did. Everything about the description of her was already bad, but so much more convincing given the picture. Indian women are socially insufferable and nearly always mid, with bodies shaped like coke cans and too much body hair. Her instagram pretty much demonstrates this profile: https://www.instagram.com/dini_inabottle/p/DAGaOuqsAuI/?img_index=1

As for NYC, it's a pretty fair bet if you meet a woman who spent time there she's already way into the double digit notch count, having imitated the sex and the city lifestyle promoted to all young women as a goal. Funny thing is, the 5s and 6s usually wind up being more promiscuous than the 7s and 8s since they are the ones "feeling the need to keep up."

Also, I may be the only one who noticed this:

"...She wants a house in the suburbs of Jersey and won’t be upset when you build a ‘man cave’,..."

Uh, if he buys the house with the proceeds from a job he probably doesn't even like all that much, the whole house is his, not just some sanctioned zone labelled the "man cave." I so want that expression to just die.

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“Funny thing is, the 5s and 6s usually wind up being more promiscuous than the 7s and 8s since they are the ones ‘feeling the need to keep up.’ “

Bravos and even high Deltas will try to seriously date the latter but there are enough of the former around that one is just as good as another. Often enough the 5s and 6s will age down to 3s and 4s and end up having to settle for a low Delta or Gamma, if they do at all.

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"Too much body hair" but getting PRP for hair loss already!

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Why would he want to marry, when she has a male co-founder for her dating app?

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Probably. Indian guys are the only ones who can stand Indian women, and family/cultural pressure has a lot to do with that.

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“Curry fever” is brilliant.

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It's not a shock why her advice goes nowhere on a rocketsled.

"As the founder a dating app ..."


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What’s “chutzpah” in Sanskrit?

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"Never pay any attention to anything women say about intersexual relations."

This brought to mind several half-pissed, Friday night pub conversations back in the early 80s where 5 or under acquaintances would explain to us how ugly women have great personalities in lieu of good looks and are thus better girlfriends in the long run than hot women who only rely on their looks and have zero personality. I don't recall any man acting on this advice when we went out drinking sans said women.

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Unless she has a smokin' bod hidden in that picture, that chick is a hard 4.

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She doesn't and it's not.

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I have very few female friends and it took me up until recently to understand why that is the case. I didn't realize I was in a game that I never asked to be in. Walking into a room and immediately being hated for existing is hard until you understand how miserable most sub-6's lives are. They legitimately believe that I am in a competition with them over their ugly, man-child of a husband. When I refuse to play along, they seethe even more. It's quite hilarious now, before, not so much

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For context, are you single? Just wondering if you're triggering a mate-guarding reaction or not validating their choice of husband.

1: Don't hit on my husband!

2: I'm not. I swear.

1: Why not!? You think you're too good for him?

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I'm married and we are pretty much together all the time. He's a big dude, impossible to miss, so it's apparent we are together. I've never really been in the singles scene, so this behavior didn't make sense to me. I'm obviously with someone, so I'd assume that they'd have no reason to feel threatened.

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as a solid 4. What game are you talking about?

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those who are in competition with other women, even family. Which from what I've read from Vox's blog is the norm as there is no hierarchy of women

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I remember I had friends visiting me and we were hanging out with a local girl who was actually pretty hot. She said "Wait until you meet Anja she's amazing she has such a good job she's travelled a lot and she goes to the gym. she's just great"...

I snickered and said that Anja isn't their type. She was a career lady obsessed with her 6 weeks a year holiday and even though she was fit she was at absolute best in the right light a 5...

My friend was genuine about this but she just didn't get it.

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I have observed that women with high IQ, attractive or not, also don't seem to have many friends, specially of the INTJ, INTP variety.

At least the ones I know complain of that to me, but I can't really say I've met intelligent women by the dozens.

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My sister is INTJ. She has three friends. I'm ENTJ and have three separate crews I can round up depending on the group dynamic. The E makes a huge difference. We're otherwise similar in looks, income, age, IQ.

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I know a lot of high IQ women, due to where I live, and they have a normal amount of friends.

I think it's the introvertedness that's skewing your results.

Although it could be where I live, as in order to get into an Ivy, because way too many people apply, they can select for both high IQ and high non-academic activities, which removes most introverts. So all the alums can fake extroversion, so they have a normal amount of friends.

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"Like every other girl, I think my best friends are the absolute best. But no seriously, they are. They are smart, funny, gorgeous, interesting and dynamic. They have incredible jobs, are unbelievably qualified, and they have big dreams for all the things they’re going to achieve in life."

Uh uh. And let me guess: their names are Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte.

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Who describes their friends as "dynamic"? I bet they're all "fierce" too.

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It's like she was too lazy, so asked ChatGPT to write a couple lines about them. (she added the "But no seriously, they are.")

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At least she didn't use "empowered"...

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Some of my friends are definitely static...

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