The school of fish that is the media has gone with "weird" as their insult of choice against Vance. I fear this is pretty effective and likely confirms his gamma persona, which they sense.

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My Aunt's don't like him, but can't say why. Something about his face...

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He pings the lambdadar.

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And his Indian wife sure has a Jew-ish look about her.

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Brahman as in the caste is related to Abrahaman as in the Jewish blood line. They argue whether Jews were upper caste Indians or whether upper caste Indians came from Jews. Both share the J haplogroup, as Ramaswamy likely does, too.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

JD Vance is the tech bro crypto candidate and Peter Thiel is the real VP. Vance used to work for Thiel and was his protege. Vance was also the recipient of largest single donation to any senate candidate ever, given by Thiel, who is also gay, which adds a data point to Vox’s recent post on Vance/CDAN. In light of that, it’s prudent to look into Thiel’s political ideology. A good starting point is to read The Straussian Moment.

Something else to consider: The tech lords all seem to be jumping on Trump train (why?), although some, not overtly so. Mark Zuck just said that Trump’s reaction after being shot is “incredibly bad ass”. Why the change in tone?

Speaking of Zuck, released emails from Meta (released during Tennessee vs. Meta) show an exchange between Thiel and Zuck in which Thiel makes the case that Zuck must become the “spokesman” for the Millennial generation, because the Boomers will be gone soon and it will be up to the Millennials to take over.

This puts Zuck’s image makeover into context. Notice Mark is training BJJ now and has a much better hairstyle, etc. His recent 4th of July photo on a surfboard in a tux holding a beer and US flag is evidence of his transformation from a dorky lizard robot to a half-way normal/cool guy.

These guys are all reading the tea leaves. They know that Trump is unstoppable. So instead of fighting him, why not join him and position themselves for the post-boomer era?

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Make me laugh......vox, jd, both go read some comic books and play with your G.I. Joe's. Vox the hydraulic midget, short man complex, JD can help vox pick out a leather bound book cover and go play in the arrested development sandbox.

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Vance bombed his most important speech ever at the RNC last night. He made it about himself in the past and not his vision of the future.

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I wonder if higher people high on the SSH sometimes have trouble distinguishing Gammas from Omegas.

If Vance is an innate low SSH type, I'd argue he's more likely an Omega than a Gamma.

The archetype of Omega commonly referenced is usually in a state of being an utter loser. They lack ambition, drive, focus, resilience, basic hygiene, etc. They also can't delude themselves into thinking they're really winners like a Gamma can. If an Omega engages in introspection in this state he will likely be further undermining himself and it's unpleasant. Omega's will avoid introspection through intellectual pursuits, blatant escapism, and avoiding unstructured social gatherings.

IMO a more successful Omega will have a small group of close friends (more than just gaming or drinking buddies) and an agreeable supportive wife (an Omega will happily marry interracially for the sake of agreeableness). His marriage likely be more codependent than most.

I've read excerpts of Vance's memoir and I think it lacks the Gamma tells of being pretentious or having a villain to blame everything on. What pictures I can find of him and his wife seem to convey mutual attraction. I'd also say it's better for Trump if Vance were Omega instead of Gamma.

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As much as you or I might dislike and have contempt for them, I think definitionally a US Senator is not an Omega. An Omega is a social outcast, a US Senator -- not even Hillary Clinton -- is a social outcast.

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I would think similarly about a Gamma ascending the ranks.

IMO Gammas and Omegas are two distinct archetypes of chronically low SSH men. Judging by comments here Gammas don't appear to do well socially, just not in the same manner as an Omega.

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Vance’s anti-Trump virtue signaling in 2016 suggests Gamma more than Omega. Omegas simply don’t do that, as it would require a social sense, even if only on Reddit.

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Virtue Signalling implies some level of care for the status game. Polemical Virtue Signalling in public more so.

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Listening to his reading of Hillbilly Elegy definitely informs this analysis

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Incredible article, being a bravo myself i can attest that even though is easy to distinguish the gammas from the alphas, one simple way is that the gammas want to convince me so hard of how alpha/sigma they're while the alphas just know i will notice and follow and enforce their lead, i was a right hand guy for many alphas either in my industry or even in social gatherings, BUT the alphas confuse a lot of times the gammas with potential alphas in the making, especially if they can play to their ego, and that's how many groups got dissected when gammas trciked their way to the top.

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It's happened too many times with my brother.

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It's really unfortunate, but those gammas often succeed in destabilizing groups once they become part of them. They create turmoil and spread discontent among the Deltas, attempting to convince guys like me how alpha they are because they're smart, while criticizing the actual alphas running the organization (though never directly to them). As Bravos, we're generally well-liked in the group, so even those with lower status feel comfortable coming to us with genuine concerns about the group's direction if they're well-meaning Deltas, or in hopes of sparking a "revolution" if they're gammas.

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Sounds like the ramblings of an 80 iq posing as something he's not. I have half a dozen rebuttals for this nonsense, but that's too much for a text. And I haven't made up my mind on Vance yet.. besides most guys who think their sigmas are just losers that get hard ons for Han Solo. Real sigmas don't write articles about being sigma, they couldn't care less and probably never even heard of the term. Which is ironic considering the "sheep in wolf's clothing" tone of the article

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We all await your final pronouncements on Vance.

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Vox's First Law: Any sufficiently advanced intelligence is indistinguishable from insanity.

The fact that it doesn't make sense to you simply demonstrates that your intelligence doesn't even rise to the level of midwit. This is further evidenced by your incorrect use of the word "their" in place of "they're".

Note that you're literally using the concepts I created and the words I coined.

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deletedJul 17
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No. The concepts aren't difficult and I keep things very simple here.

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deletedJul 18
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Based on your all-consuming focus on yourself, your behavioral pattern is pretty obviously Gamma.

You're neither the first nor the 1,000th individual to attempt to boil the entire SSH down to the question that consumes everyone: "but what about me?"

If you are your favorite subject, you're either Alpha, Gamma, or Omega.

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Tucker said all the bad people that he knows in Washington aligned against Vance, while actively promoting bergum and Haley. Now that is not a fail-safe litmus, but it’s as close of an endorsement you can get. Watch the new buzzword “inexperienced”, which is to say he hasn’t been around long enough to be beholden to the establishment. He’s far better than the fake alpha, like eye patch bitch

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I hope you’re right. If he’s self aware enough, he may overcome his harsh upbringing and be adequate. Considering all the other horrible options, let’s hope he just gamma’s them to death on policy details, plus abuses them with his positional authority, heh. I’ll take that as a win.

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"foreign 5, which translates to a native 3" . She's not Monica Belluci in prime but what is with these ratings? Native 5 in U.S is nowhere near as good looking as his wife. Maybe Vox has a oldschool rating system for attractiveness? When he said native 3, I got scared and confused.

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Look up any of the studies on dating preferences... there are lots out there that use Match.com, Plenty of Fish (etc) data. Indians and other South Asians rate at the bottom of the pile, below blacks. They are simply not desirable.

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Definitely didnt see her as a 3 lol. She's average (4-6), but 3 is definitely an ugly chick. 7-8 is hot and 9-10 is varies from person to person

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Scared and confused. Good one.

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Was really scared because a 3 evoked thoughts of very fat woman that haunts my nightmares.

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pretty sure he"s a civnat delta. he white nights some but generally haven't seen him pull standard gamma "i am secret king" behavior. if anything i am more concerend on who pulls his strings?

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Perhaps, with Trump, we don't need another Leader of Men.

Perhaps Vance has been chosen because he could be a Leader of Women. In our overly-feminized society, that might not be a bad thing.

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"Leader of Women"... I don't think this apparent Gamma-to-Delta would qualify. But it's not inconsistent with poster Genghis Khan's point...

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Your comment is insightful.

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It is quite possible that what the US (and the West in general) needs is a Sigma male who sees the situation in the US as it is and makes really hard and unpopular choices.

Trump may unfortunately simply be the last Alpha who still believes in the US and thus is prolonging the inevitable with his deeply inspiring effort.

If Trump fails, it is only a Sigma that can clean up this mess.

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Omega. Like in my book, the Omega President, a Sigma would be too nice, and not hateful enough. As a certain well known writer said to me---we could solve America's problems by putting about 3-5 million people on crosses.

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Sigmas are most certainly not too nice. It's not an accident that both China and Russia have turned around under Sigma leaders.

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I’d be interested in what Vox would have to say on this. I don’t think an Omega would even be capable of leadership, at all. A Gamma would fail miserably at leadership. A Delta would be subpar at it.

Frankly the SSH dictates that only Alphas are capable of competent leadership. Sigmas might be capable of advisory roles or as effective political agents, but not as officially sanctioned leaders. Remember, the SSH is not a Meyers-Briggs personality profile. Being “Dark Triad” doesn’t automatically make you a Sigma male.

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Capable of doing a superior job as positional leaders because their primary focus is on the goals. An Omega would have built the Wall. Not great numbers of employees would love him, and he might not spend too long at the office party. There was one US Pres. who said that he was only doing it for one term because he had completed what he set out to do. That sounds potentially Omega as Omegas would want power to do needed things, not for the ego boos as much as others, and would find the whole job a stress.

Rationally, people might see that the Omega did a better job, but emotionally, it would be hard on his followers. People are emotionally happy to follow Trump. It would not be so for an Omega.

Also, it might have the aspect of showing a mirror to his followers that showed them what they really were which most people don't want to see.

And my book is not having him be that harsh, and yeah, the uncertainty factor plays in as well.

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An Omega would never have built the wall. One attribute of Omegas is that they fail to get anything done. They may focus on their goals, but they seldom make any progress toward them.

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After some consideration, as things take some time to rattle around in my brainbox (one of the chief IQ differences I think is that the high instantly goes to point, and open minded midwit has to let things sort out over hours or a couple days):

Omega: 'No one is going to help me, are they? Nope, course not.' and 'I likely can't do it either, but I must try'.

The point about not accommplishing is sound. I have written around 18 novels, but it took me an inordinate amount of time and mental pain to get there.

Now instead of 'No one will help, its more Jesus is helping, and I have some help, but Jesus is all I need'.

As to cruelty, I will admit to not counting on the Cruelty Award recipient, but in general, anger and pain lead to cruelty. Or as one of my characters says 'Pain leads to Anger, Anger leads to Rage, and Rage leads to Fire. Now die!' before casting a fire spell. Sigma, in general would be than Omega thus less cruel. Note, as a general rule.

Your example of Chairman Xi the Sigma who arrested his top richest businessman is an exemplar of what I mean. Did X tie a few hundred people up to Y shaped crosses, lash their chest to draw blood, and then let the birds eat them? No? Then he doesn't even touch the first bar of the Cruelty Scale of a truly outraged Omega. He arrested a guy and threw him in jail.

One a side note, I have long believed that Omegas can be superior leaders for as long as they can stand it. However, getting the power is the problem. No one is going to support them. They have to practically trip over their shoelaces, and fall into a position of power.

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The Omega capable of dominating a hierarchy to enact his will is no longer Omega, but has leveled up into Sigma.

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Omegas are too unsure of themselves. What we need is a Sigma who has pulled himself out of being an Omega.

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It would be interesting seeing the media dig up dirt on him from his Omega years. And hilarious, if it didn’t work.

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These types (Omega to Sigma) tend to come out of nowhere and extremely rapidly.

Like you said, they'd probably try to pull dirt on him and most likely wouldn't find anything as it'd be a guy who's been an outcast (and thus barely has a record of anything) for a long time.

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