I just showed this and played it for a community member who is hanging with me right now and we were both singing and laughing. Ahhmazing work Vox.

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Absolute blast!

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I love the parade of freaks being exposed lately, this Gaiman clown, the Mr. Beast baphomet minion, the bearded commie in his self admitted little cuck chair . Darkness to light, let's go!

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"If you value your behind..."

If some of the things I've been reading about him are true, that's priceless.

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Julie C - It's a scientific fact that 100% of feminist men are into that, or claim to be.

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same band, different song... this song seems to fit on this substack for reasons I haven't seen mentioned. Does size matter in the bigger SSH picture? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5lr9qzDFQ8

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Give Gamma power, money, and status, and he will exercise his fetishes to his ruin e.g. Epstein Island Inc.

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Easy Eddie - It is unfortunate that the easy references to king Gamma behaviour are all so darn antisemitic.

They really should do something about that.

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Dolly Parton + her song "Jolene" = Jolene Parton

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Nice catch! That definitely increases the probability that the account was a sockpuppet for Mr. Tubcuddle. There is only one "Jolene Parton" in the USA and she's in her 60s, far too old to have been a "college student" back in 2012.

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Now I'm wondering what significance Tubcuddle might have found in that song.

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Jul 26Edited

taignobias - Jolene has "flaming locks of auburn hair" and is trying to steal a woman's husband, who is so smitten that he "talks about you in his sleep", despite his wife being utterly devoted to him.

The husband isn't doing anything wrong you see, it's ginger Jolene and her Celtic minx features that are doing all the work here.

It's low status male crack, basically.

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Imagine the song Jolene from the husband's POV:

"Please don't ravish me in my sleep, auburn Celtic babe, my less attractive blonde wife would be devastated.

I really want to protect her from me giving into your advances, but I'm such a sleepy head.

She would never love another man even if you did ravish me in my sleep, but still, we really shouldn't.

Please don't take me, even though you can."

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"The song was written before the news of the BathBookNeil blog came out" This is hilarious. I genuinely liked the song!

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This whole sordid affair makes me want to purge the world with fire.

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Wanted to take a closer look at the plant next to that woman posing for her Gamma boyfriend, so I clicked on the picture. Next thing I saw was the browser opening a new tab showing a picture of that horrifying pseudo-red-head immediately extinguishing my interest in that plant.

Praise be to the Holy Spirit who is guiding the SDL in such a distinctive manner!

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You can see by the audience that he is a very low status man. Even without the weird bubble bath fetish. At least he wants to be clean.

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I wonder why gammas are so prone to developing hyper-specific fetishes.

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“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”

-Robert A. Heinlein

They’re bug men.

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Dunno, hell maybe a Lambda. Thrice married, but no kids. Very interesting life he led. Sui generis.

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What SSH rank was Heinlein?

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If Stranger in a Strange Land is anything to go by, certainly Gamma. The self-insert character was pretty unbearable.

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Gamma imo. Very fun for a gamma, but still, his books are full of wanky wish fulfillment, iffy depictions of sex and relationships, political know-it-all-isms, and self-aggrandizement. Also, he had no kids.

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And a hot and horny redhead shows up in at least one of his books.

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Nearly all of the later ones, as it happens.

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Fantastic. Enough to almost reach for an emoji.

There are levels to rhetoric. And that level of skilled, polished, brutal ridicule is matchless. Especially given the pathological Gamma horror of mockery.

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Soliciting “tubgirls”, you say? Best I can do is one lemon party and two blue waffles old boy, what what.

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Gammas with power, money, and influence are the world's worst nightmare. This is truly sick to see.

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Now that I've browsed the bathtub Tumblr I'm inclined to think Neil was taking one for the team.

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