
Married to the Corpocracy

Women have discovered that wage slavery is far less satisfying than being a wife and mother

One of the biggest advantages you can give yourself is to develop the ability to learn from the mistakes of others. Unfortunately, due to female solipsism, women find it almost impossible to listen and learn even when they are being directly warned about the downsides of the path upon which they have been set by the social pressures exerted upon them.

It’s tragic to see the younger women, who know absolutely nothing of life, demonstrate their inability to do anything more than parrot the banal feminist rhetoric in which they’ve been steeped, as if it is any sort of meaningful response, let alone rebuttal, to the pertinent information they are being given.

“I think it’s a woman’s choice.”

Certainly. But the problem is that young women are making the choice to commit to the college-educated, single working woman path long before they have any idea what it is going to cost them. They seldom realize that the decision to pursue a college degree - which more than half of them will fail to acquire within four years - is sacrificing the ability to have at least two potential children due to the way in which it reduces their fertility window.

They also don’t realize how they are effectively eliminating 60 percent of the men their age from their prospective marital pool, since their hypergamy will usually not permit them to marry a man who is less educated or earns less money than they do at the current moment. Which, of course, rules out most of the self-starters and entrepreneurs, most of whom don’t really get rolling until their thirties.

My old boss back told me her greatest regret was not marrying the delta who was in love with her. They met in college and she said he was too boring and was corny. He proposed and she turned him down. Fast forward 20 years and he ended up starting a multi-million dollar company and married another girl he started seeing after the breakup.

It’s very, very important for young women to pay attention to their elders and learn to distinguish between who is actually content and who is merely putting on a false front for social media. The average life spent in the bowels of the corpocracy is neither a happy nor a meaningful one for anyone, male or female, but it is particularly unpleasant for women in their late twenties and early thirties, who are just beginning to realize the ramifications of their early decisions made in complete ignorance of the long term costs.

Not only is wage slavery much worse than being a wife and mother, but it comes with none of the compensations that make the homemaker’s life so meaningful and rewarding.

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