When Western Civilization is saved, and we attend the coronation of Donald IV, the latter will look upon the nerds in the front row and exclaim: 'my friends, you bow to no one'.
It says a lot that the best fightback organized was by people who long ago gave up on the world. Had resigned themselves to the world of fantasy. Only when their fantasies were under attack did they mobilize. Like the painter in a prison who only goes full berserker when you take his art off him.
One of the problems of defending Good is there's hardly anyone who epitomizes it. So the long slow degrading process sucks out all the inspiration. Somewhere along the line everyone contributed to it
That's why me must serve the spirit world. Where true perfection is possible. Where Aslan lives, and a man inspired by him develops powers he did not know he had.
"Gee-whiz, let's just use social pressure on social outcasts. It work beautifully with everyone else, why would this case be any different?"
From the point of view of clown world #GamerGate must feel like a Lovecraftian horror story.
You are on top of the world, all the map is painted with your colours, you are in such control you will elect Hillary Clinton just to prove that you can.
And then you receive a report from the irrelevant province of video games about some skank and five guys.
Before you realize what's happening, the whole map is red with containment breaches, attacks coordinated by this thing called memes.
You use all the tricks you have, exposing yourself in the process, but nothing can stop them, they keep coming, without rest, without mercy, they keep coming.
"Why?" you cry. "We just wanted to play video games" they laugh.
Wonderful! Clowns do not reach the level of an Omega in capability. Especially not the Omegas of today, the hardened ones whom the Clowns banished from society.
The words and actions conveying "no" is a potent weapon against Clownery. Without having access to outside resources they starve. Clowns hate Omegas, for there is nothing to feast on, nothing to corrupt for their benefit.
When Western Civilization is saved, and we attend the coronation of Donald IV, the latter will look upon the nerds in the front row and exclaim: 'my friends, you bow to no one'.
Hell yeah I love this song. The path to paradise will be littered with the heads of our enemies
If it makes everyone feel better, Anita Sarkessian got exposed as a grifter and still gets made fun of for those fake wedding pictures she did.
It says a lot that the best fightback organized was by people who long ago gave up on the world. Had resigned themselves to the world of fantasy. Only when their fantasies were under attack did they mobilize. Like the painter in a prison who only goes full berserker when you take his art off him.
One of the problems of defending Good is there's hardly anyone who epitomizes it. So the long slow degrading process sucks out all the inspiration. Somewhere along the line everyone contributed to it
That's why me must serve the spirit world. Where true perfection is possible. Where Aslan lives, and a man inspired by him develops powers he did not know he had.
Not a metal guy, but great song! What instruments are you playing on it?
Nothing. It's AI. I wrote the lyrics and arranged the structure.
There was a lady tsk tsking the affair on CNN. It was funny when she had to say one lead henchmen at DOGE once went by “Big Balls.”
Can you imagine if AI had been around during #GamerGate?
Those memes would have been churned out in droves.
God is great. And the lowest SSH chess pieces were aptly used by God.
SDL, this song kicks ass. Thank You. Yes, go forth and unleash your hate, your anger, let it flow through you, Friends.
"Gee-whiz, let's just use social pressure on social outcasts. It work beautifully with everyone else, why would this case be any different?"
From the point of view of clown world #GamerGate must feel like a Lovecraftian horror story.
You are on top of the world, all the map is painted with your colours, you are in such control you will elect Hillary Clinton just to prove that you can.
And then you receive a report from the irrelevant province of video games about some skank and five guys.
Before you realize what's happening, the whole map is red with containment breaches, attacks coordinated by this thing called memes.
You use all the tricks you have, exposing yourself in the process, but nothing can stop them, they keep coming, without rest, without mercy, they keep coming.
"Why?" you cry. "We just wanted to play video games" they laugh.
Roman empire getting overrun with barbarians.
Turns out they can understand your system and tactics.
"What? We can't just be decadent and fight among ourselves for power? We have to actually maintain things and fight external threats? Inconceivable !"
Hey Vox, any chance we can get that song on spotify?
Eventually. It will be on the album I'll release later this year.
The theft of a red stapler caused the downfall of a company. Never forget that.
I am the leader of Gamergate and so can you!!
Wonderful! Clowns do not reach the level of an Omega in capability. Especially not the Omegas of today, the hardened ones whom the Clowns banished from society.
The words and actions conveying "no" is a potent weapon against Clownery. Without having access to outside resources they starve. Clowns hate Omegas, for there is nothing to feast on, nothing to corrupt for their benefit.