Looking at r/gammasecretkings, the accusation is that you plagiarized Reddit:


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Great list! A lack of respect for others is repulsive.

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You clearly have failed to comprehend anything of what Vox has posted. You are an Extreme gamma.

I hope you can comprehend that that he reads these comments. He will make his determination and respond as he sees fit. Yes I am grandfather, and proud of it. What is your posterity? Does it exist or just another gamma fantasy. FO loser.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

Stop booming already. It's not your job to convince people to like or respect Boomers. And it's a bad idea to adopt that Sisyphean task anyhow.

The correct response to "OK Boomer" is respectful silence indicating that one is contemplating the collective sins of one's generation.

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Mea culpa SDL, for some unknown reason this started as a new comment string. This was part of Gamma Optical response, an artifact of substact.

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Not being a libtard because all women are libtards nowdays.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

When we first met, I was unintentionally condescending to my now , current wife. So much she contemplated not taking it further. But..alas my charm and good looks won out.

12 yrs later..still going strong.

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Bubba, you sound like you have a double digit IQ.

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60..and still dropping

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Why don't you leave?

Why do you put up with it?

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That was for Light On The Shore

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Yet again, we see that man and woman both enjoy/dislike the same personality traits. Just get in good with the bros if you're ever confused about women. The men will be more honest in the feedback they give you, and you'll get a grip in the fastest way possible.

In fact, high status men are better than women at spotting bullshit and weak personalities.

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The internal quotation says, "Pick one of these bookshelf Zoom backgrounds to give yourself an edge in this regard. Don’t worry, it’s going to work. There’s a subconscious phenomena behind this."

If using this technique, try not to use the mismatched "a phenomena". The titles are mostly foreign and most of the subject matter is poetry. Ain't nobody gone fall for that and if they do is that really a desirable manipulative image to put out there?

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Manners and etiquette while eating. One of my tasks was taking potential hires out to eat after the interviews, supposedly off the clock. Big bosses would hand him down to me, their underling. Take him out, show him a good time. Come casual, go to a nice mid to upper tier restaurant. Reported back table manners, could he be taken out in public without embarrassing the company? Did he know to not talk with his mouth full. Open tab, did he take advantage of it, order expensive drinks, and the filet mignon with desert? Get drunk. What was his interaction with servers and others? Find out the real reason why he wanted to leave his current position, if there was one. Amazing how most didn’t realize that the dinner was an extension of the interview process. They would open up to the low underling, not to the big power hire/fire guy. As he would represent the company in mixed company we wanted class, not an ass.

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As a female soldier who served in Iraq, I’ve seen firsthand how different types of men—Alphas, Sigmas, Deltas, and Gammas—behave in ways that either attract or repel others, especially women. One of the most memorable individuals was Karl, an ex-Marine who everyone adored on our dusty little FOB. Karl had been through a lot—combat injuries, medevac, even breast cancer, which people found oddly endearing. His charm was effortless; he was always genuine, honest, and helpful, traits that are attractive no matter what. During our downtime, another girl and I started building porches, and instead of offering to take over—which would have taken the fun out of our project—Karl would bring us tools and compliment our work. He knew how to be supportive without overstepping, making everyone feel seen and appreciated. He also had this quirky habit of eating around a cookie so that it stayed perfectly round until the last bite. Women would tease him about it, and Karl would just laugh it off, drawing people in with his easygoing nature. Even during meetings, Karl would sit there with a beer in a cozy—technically against the rules—but nobody cared because everyone loved him. He wasn’t the most physically attractive guy, but his authenticity and kindness made him the most appealing on base. You have to realize, there are a LOT of men and very few women, and Karl got ALL the female attention.

Karl’s authenticity and easy-going helpful nature stood in stark contrast to others on base who tried to use pickup artist techniques but ended up embodying a lot of the behaviors women find unattractive. For example, when I was building sidewalks to avoid walking through the muddy moon dust, one Gamma kept saying, “That’s not a sidewalk! It’s not on the side of anything.” When I asked him what he’d call it, he shrugged and said, “Not a sidewalk.” It was dismissive, unhelpful, and reeked of negativity—classic Gamma behavior. While the rest of us were trying to make the best of things and help out, Gammas like him focused on nitpicking and trying to prove themselves in meaningless ways, which just pushes people away.

Gammas tend to view humility as a weakness, and this often shows up in their attempts to appear knowledgeable or superior, but it only highlights their insecurity. Meanwhile, men like Karl, who are genuine and humble, naturally attract others without having to try so hard. In the military, you learn to value men who can see through nonsense—Alphas and Sigmas, in particular. Sigmas are quick to cut through pretenses and demand honesty, which can be intimidating but rewarding when you drop the act. Alphas might engage with playful banter before getting real, but they respect those who are straightforward and competent.

Navigating the military hierarchy, I’ve seen Delta commanders often pair themselves with Alphas for support, recognizing that Alphas’ confidence and decisiveness make them reliable—traits that women also find attractive in men. Deltas can be hardworking and run their units like a family, but sometimes they forget their roles, needing guidance from their Alpha counterparts or even from those around them to stay on track. In contrast, Alpha commanders surround themselves with competent Bravos and budding Alphas, which keeps their teams focused and effective.

When I needed to get around Iraq, I avoided the red tape of scheduling rides through an office. Instead, I’d scan a platoon, spot the Alpha, and know he’d help without hesitation. Sigmas might be indifferent, and Gammas often complicate things, but Alphas are consistently dependable and straightforward. Regardless of rank, they can make decisions quickly and without unnecessary drama, which makes them invaluable in both personal interactions and operational dynamics.

From all of this, I’ve learned to appreciate men who embody the qualities like honesty, reliability, and genuine respect for others. Those who steer clear of the negative behaviors listed—like arrogance, unnecessary criticism, and lack of self-control and discipline—are the ones who truly make a positive impact, both in personal relationships and in the broader social dynamics around them. High-value men like Karl don’t just navigate these hierarchies; they enhance the journey for everyone around them by being genuinely impressive without any need for exaggeration or pretense.

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Yet, I’ll wager Karl was rejected or friend-zoned dozens of times, he didn’t meet the 6x6x6 criteria women demand!!!

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Removed (Banned)Sep 16
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You nailed it—if the military’s anything, it’s the world’s best-organized brothel with a side of MREs and camo. We’ve got gammas whining in the corner, alphas flexing their egos, and the rest of us just leaning in, doing what we do. Call us what you want, but I see dedicated pros making the best of the cards dealt. Whether it’s peacekeeping or showmanship, everyone’s got a part. So here’s to the oldest game in town—and no, I’m not talking about soldiering.

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Well put. Nice gamma neutering.

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He ain't no gamma bro. Hes a fuckn legend

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In his own mind, like the king of gammas.

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RemovedSep 18
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Understandable. Hes just an irrelevant boomer.

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Hiding behind acronyms- gamma tell.

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RemovedSep 17
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Heard the same shit during Vietnam. Grow up boy.

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Shut up boomer

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Gamma confirmed

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Gamma confirmed

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Ah, the old 'prostitution ring on base' tale—it’s practically a staple in military folklore. Not denying there's plenty of action happening, but let's not make it the headline for every female in uniform. Now, can we flip the script? I'm ready to dish on what’s really got women side-eyeing some of the fellas. Fair's fair, right? After all, it's not just the ladies who've been busy out there.

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Eden, you are responding to a gamma. As your DD214 is finalized,

Let yourself free. You are a civilian now. He likely doesn’t even know what a DD 214 means. I do, and also see too many Dishonorable Discharges in my work. Congratulations on getting thru with your values, mind and integrity intact. That is something to feel proud about. Much respect.

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Women don't belong in the military. It's indicative of a country in steep decline

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Clearly you haven’t paid any attention to the medical operations in any war. Female nurses and other females in support roles behind the lines allowed for a lot of ‘Optical’s’ to show their bravery at the tip of the spear. Including women pilots ferrying aircraft across the oceans. Your ignorance is only exceeded by your gamma stupidity.

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RemovedSep 16
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Gamma confirmed.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

to quote Mad Men - "Who cares what women think."

For most men Marriage is the process of finding out the kind of man your wife wanted to marry, and then being punished for not being that person for the rest of the relationship.

Judging by the absolute EXPLOSION of new men's advice utube channels - most run by former chad & chad-lite men who have opted to NOPE out of the dating market - if I were a woman I would be way more concerned about the implosion of the relationship market than I would be concerned about some list of basic human qualities to vet men.

Men no longer approach women (#GRape), men no longer chat women up in the office (#ME-Too) and men no longer take women out to dinner on a first date (#FreeMealsAreOver). I even saw a TikTok channel where some chik was homeless and using Hinge to bang guys then stay at their house rent free and eat all his food for a few days until he got wise and kicked her out.

The demographic collapse is real, it's worldwide, and it's centered on Men giving up on chasing Women for anything other than quick hookups.

Everything else is just Noise.

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There are always good women out there, but you won't find one by being a wuss.

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Incorrect. The progressive death spiral is going this. Fervent believers are marrying and having kids.

The future belongs to the Amish, not the woke.

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Doing this... John Carter discusses the dynamic at his substack.

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Probably a nice place if you're into doomer vibes.

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Always watch how a man treats:

Animals - if a person treats an animal wickedly they'll eventually do the same to people.

Those beneath him, that is waitstaff, etc. - these are people they don't consider important enough to try to impress, which is why how they treat them indicates what they're really like. Members of his family -people can fake certain behaviors very convincingly but usually let their guard down around those who know them and who feel they have to put up with the behavior, like family.

Watch these three things and you'll usually get a good read on the man, or woman.

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"Negging. Or any of that other "pick up artist" bs"

"Jokingly" putting others down then saying "It was just a joke!" like it’s a get-out-of-jail-free card. Ewww"

Lots of crossover btwn these two depending on the man and the execution.A poorly done neg by a low status man can easily be the same as a put down dressed up as a joke.

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No mention of crude sexual remarks/behavior as a turnoff. This means...

Permission granted to release the dick pics!

Supposedly in international online dating(Western men, SE Asian women), the volume of dick pics and requests for nudes is so high that some of the foreign women in more rural areas begin thinking that this sort of thing is standard courtship behavior for Westerners.

Village girl to her friend:"What the f'k is going on here with all the pervs?"

Friend:"I know, right! It's an American thing. Just tell them they're handsome and ask them to send money. Totally works."

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The only things I would add have already been mentioned on Sigma Game before:

-'ick' habits. Weird sniffling/noises/breathing. Have some self awareness.

-super smart boys that think bad puns and thinly veiled references are clever.

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Yeah. Health problems like sinus infection ain't good. Have to do what we can do fix that.

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