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Eh. Low body count is a sign of women's virtue. Remember, Chastity and temperance is a virtue. Women's ability to hold in her short term desires for long term planning is critical in marriage - think of long term goals in planning estates and households, families and dynasties.
Blowing up a marriage over sexual deviancy is just the start …
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Eh. Low body count is a sign of women's virtue. Remember, Chastity and temperance is a virtue. Women's ability to hold in her short term desires for long term planning is critical in marriage - think of long term goals in planning estates and households, families and dynasties.
Blowing up a marriage over sexual deviancy is just the start of what you want to build. Critical and a sign, but Chastity simply is the foundation of Christendom.
Agree, however I was asking in a secular sense. The Christian aspect is a different layer, and in a perfect world would supersede this entirely.
Asking more clearly: Average men tend to prefer lower body count. Even deeply secular men. This is often turned back on them as "jealousy" and "insecurity". Even on a purely secular relationship-mechanics level, I think these guys know that a woman with a high count has instability, and likely is flighty or tends to monkey-branch more than average. Leading to authority issues, as I was asking on the original commenter's point.
A woman with a low count is demonstrating an unwillingness to be this way. Perhaps an inability, but most women can get it if they want.
Temperance / Chastity is a natural virtue. Even pagans have it. There are no pagan civilizations that don't laud it, and every kingdom or government that has had it undermined went through trials as they did. They either fixed the problem or eventually collapsed.
For the individual though, yes, it does lead to instability. Because she lacks self control over important things, so she'll tend to lack self control over other areas of life too - money, food, what she says, her friendships, everything.
A woman without self control is miserable to be around, and it's often miserable to be around other men with wives who lack it unless they're dear friends. Otherwise I exit conversations or change topics. But the men chose that life, and often want to drag others down in their misery rather than pull themselves and their wife up with the hard work necessary.