If you're not attracted, you're not attracted. Don't worry about it beyond that, but realize that if you set the bar too high you might eliminate yourself from what you can reasonably get
Like Vox says - the future belongs to those that show up for it. The real test of a woman is how she'll handle the motherhood aspects and accomplish tasks when she's expecting, but already has several young children already demanding attention. It's a hard life, and high expectation.
I don't know how to look for that, pre-marriage though, beyond basic competence in other tasks like you said, and staying chaste. If she can't do those, I don't know how you'd expect her to handle the long term expectations of long family, giving up immediate desires for long term family and dynasty building.
Treat beauty as an elimination criteria. For example, you don't marry below X, but, above that number, other criteria rule instead.
If you're not attracted, you're not attracted. Don't worry about it beyond that, but realize that if you set the bar too high you might eliminate yourself from what you can reasonably get
agreed. How they handle stress is key.
Like Vox says - the future belongs to those that show up for it. The real test of a woman is how she'll handle the motherhood aspects and accomplish tasks when she's expecting, but already has several young children already demanding attention. It's a hard life, and high expectation.
I don't know how to look for that, pre-marriage though, beyond basic competence in other tasks like you said, and staying chaste. If she can't do those, I don't know how you'd expect her to handle the long term expectations of long family, giving up immediate desires for long term family and dynasty building.
One possible way to see a woman's motherlyness ahead of time could be how she interacts with younger siblings or nephews and nieces.