I appreciate the amount of content you post, thanks brother

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VDs response is solid gold. I wish I would have thought of that.

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Listening to and reading Vox over the years have helped me to detach from my typically Delta response to rhetoric. Once you see it it's hard to unsee it. That being said, I know I will have instinctive reactions in times of stress, but the faster I can recognize it, or even anticipate it, the faster I can correct course.

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Even the number of times I used "I" in this comment is indicative of low status, but I justified it by thinking the anecdotal story might be of some limited use to others.

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"I justified it by thinking the anecdotal story might be of some limited use to others."

Yes, they always do...

Just to clarify, for the benefit of those who might not have perfectly understood what I am talking about, solely for their benefit and not, of course, to aggrandize or draw attention to myself, by "they" I mean Deltas and Gammas.

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I'm super appreciative for these posts as personally I think it's helpful, in addition to being interesting. I know I'm a delta, but there are moments for everyone where you get attacked and have to handle conflict. In the past I have often handled conflict in the wrong way, to my detriment. Your children observe your behavior, and imitate. The more we can all get rid of dysfunction, the better off our children will be.

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This is great lesson. What a person does under pressure will reveal their SSH.

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And yet he's still the best VP of our lifetime. Any SSH analysis on past VPs?

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That last bit you wrote would have been said by an Alpha. I remember Trump writing something that sounds very similar to that.

YMMV, but hey. 👌

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Taking the biblical advice of shutting up would be an improvement.

Talking edgy and then taking it back is not convincing to say the least. What is more, the British media is in full frenzy against Vance, and it is not because any factual statements, and possibly is worsened by the fact that the SJWs smell the weakness.

As Trump said, these Clowns do not have the cards. Start acting like it, Vance!

The only benefit here is that Trump may be upset about the responses and stop going along with them for good.

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I wonder if Vance -- who SEEMS to be "such a nice guy" -- is TOO nice to go for the throat. Trying to explain, to "help Zel understand" and come be rational in the discussion, seems rather Delta, or at least not Bravo? If he could get Zel to stop emoting, and come to the calm negotiating side, then he could achieve his task of getting the Alpha's agreement signed? Trump had to break in and reach for Zel's throat...

Sometimes Vance seems pretty strong, in e.g., politely-but-firmly chastising the Euros about censoring and immigration and locking up their OWN people over migrants, but was he trying to mediate or moderate by pulling Zel back into honor? adulthood? non-Gamma-hood? as an insufficient way of protecting his alpha from the waste of his time?

It may be my misunderstanding of a Bravo's way of backing up his alpha? Of managing others or interceding in their importuning to avoid the gamma annoying the alpha? Or is that not part of a Bravo's usual tasks?

President Trump, as the alpha, had already been assured by this 'team' that all was arranged, this was going to be a SIGNING meeting for the minerals; all prepped and wrapped up. So, Bravo Vance had let his alpha down; albeit, I think it was Rubio and various minions and

ambassadors who has done most of the negotiating. But the Prez had been assured that the agreement was done, this was the ceremonial signing.

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Stop wondering. You've already been told. This is why men can't stand women and Gammas talking. The point of communication is not to misunderstand things and invent false redefinitions of perfectly understandable concepts.

"I'm just trying to help someone understand something" is very much not Bravo behavior. Bravos are the lieutenants and the policemen, they are there to dish out discipline and eject the troublemakers, not explain anything to anyone.

As a general rule, Bravos are meaner and harsher than Alphas. Think of how Owen "burns the deadwood".

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I meant situationally-Bravo Vance was not doing the job well. Is Vance a Delta in the Bravo position, and not, or not yet, able to go for the throat? It seemed that Vance was attempting to explain to Zel the mistakes Zel was making, yet Vance was unwilling or unable to be meaner and harsher. Would not leaving it to the alpha to 'discipline' Zel be insufficient Bravo-lieutenant behavior?

So, we watch and wait to see if Vance is able to develop some teeth?

Ah. I think I just made a connection too: while I'm trying to figure out WHY Vance would or would not have the 'teeth' of the Bravo, I should focus instead strictly on the action of NOT him 'grabbing a throat.' Situational and WHAT happens/is done -- not why. Thanks, once again, for pointing at the moon.

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"You're right, my bad. 636 sons of Britain are dead on the sands after a protracted war that, let's be clear, we lost. But, hey, at least you replaced each of those losers with a thousand winners last year."

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Significant Disagree !! International politics is not the same as office politics! The games and stances in those games are far more serious and subtle, involving millions of lives.

Vance appears to have grasped that reality.

YOU have not!

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"Significant Disagree !!"

I guess we now know what the opposite of "Phul Sapport" is.

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I can't tell if it's an Indian, or a boomer who just found out about the Internet.

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>muh ad hominem

An ad hominem would be "you are wrong BECAUSE you are stupid", not "you are wrong AND you are stupid."

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"you are wrong BECAUSE you are stupid"

And while a logical fallacy, it's going to be true more often than not. It's not logically valid, but it is a valid judgement and useful rule of thumb.

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Banned for a) retardery and b) lying.

You're clearly too short for the ride.

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You're lucky Vox didn't rip you a new one!

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LOL! As if….

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You're making your feelings known more than your argument.

The issue is that Vance was able to be put on the defense in a way that an Alpha or Sigma would not. Random country obviously refers to no country in particular, but it serves as a pretext to offense, so they ran with it. Vance either had to choose his words better or be able to counter the backlash of those seeking to be offended.

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Your observation, like Vox’s, is an opinion; not an objective fact. I happen to disagree; also an opinion.

Not used to someone (claiming they are oh-so rational and above the fray) resorting immediately to name-calling.

My response was surprise. Nothing more.

After all, sticks and stones….

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You're literally retarded. Male behavioral patterns remain identical no matter how high or low the stakes are. That's the whole point about instincts. They are sub-conscious, so it's very difficult for the conscious mind to control them.

And Vance commited very public blunders twice in a week. We can safely predict that he will either a) stop putting himself in these positions or b) continue to blunder in public.

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So those who disagree with your OPINION are regarded? ROTFL!

Please don’t make me reconsider my previous enjoyment of your opinions.

As you previously noted, those are patterns aimed at predicting, not instinct! And patterns which I hope adjust according to circumstance!

Not every action is reflexive. If it were there would be no such thing as “free will”! All acts would be reduced to a base Pavlovian system.

Note , too, I did not stoop to calling your fearful reaction the result of your retardation!

You’re welcome!

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The Gamma tells you who he is

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Reconsider all you like. I do not care in the slightest about your feelings. Because your feelings do not determine the truth about anything, much less the behavioral patterns established in another man decades ago.

As I said, you are literally retarded. Not because you disagree with me, but because you disagree with both logic and observable reality. Behavioral patterns CAN NEVER adjust according to circumstance. They are engraved in a man's psyche over a period of years in his youth. And while he can control his behavior, he cannot control his instincts or how they will influence his behavior in a given circumstance.

I note that you are obviously a Gamma due to your attempt to a) correct someone and b) defend an indefensible position as well as c) project your emotional state, which is fearful and upset due to unexpectedly being called out for your foolish choice to opine in ignorance.

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Your are retarded.

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Can they sacrifice all of the UK’s army? That would be great.

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I'm not sure the Army guys need decapitating... it's their 'lords and politicians' who need to be sent to the front! The Army guys just couldn't get a JOB in that dying country, so took a steady check...

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The UK literally cannot survive without offshore farms: they cannot grow enough food to feed their population even if they stop doing net zero and start dig for Britain tomorrow.

Free trade is now zombie trade. J. D. Vance cannot drop the rhetorical bombs or hold to a recounting of the facts.

He is a good delta: but the USA needs it's Alphas right now. As a person subject to the delta leadership in NZ -- it is better than the gamma and lambda leadership we suffered under the progressive coalition, but it is not good enough for this crisis.

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JD would make a passable president in a time other than now. Unfortunately for him, the world is changing and it will continue to change for some time. It is not going to go to back to the way it was. We are in a hot war with an international criminal organization pretending to be representative government in the West and this contest will not be decided in 4 years and maybe not even in 12. Even larger than that is the spiritual component of this which cannot be denied. The enemy is in disarray right now, but they will attempt a counteroffensive at some point. Trump was born ready, but JD was not. If I were Trump I'd have the staff going over game film with JD and then we'd engage in some friendly sparring. He needs to learn to take a punch and a few things about moving his feet, counter punching and how to back it up with a steady focused gaze.

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This shouldn't be this difficult. I truly wish Vox, or someone like him, was an advisor for Vance. It's simple, it's a battle of narrative. The response Vox posted was absolutely perfect.

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Literally no one ever wants me as an advisor or consultant. Telling people what they want to hear is simply not in my skillset.

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Does anger change Delta defensiveness into Alpha aggression?

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Nothing changes anything X into anything else. Ever. An angry Delta is a very, very different thing than an angry Alpha.

An angry Alpha tends to intimidate everyone. An angry Delta tends to embarrass himself.

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Unfortunately, Deltas are likely to have a touch of Gamma coming out when they get angry, rather than Alpha.

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636 brave soldiers died in a police action, not a war. If you seek war, war with Russia then you seek the death of 60,000 brave men. Has Britian forgot the ugliness of war that it would throw its brave young men at a war it need not fight? Better they use those men to recapture its home land then send them to die in a fools errand.

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You write as if you feel there COULD be any true men in the hierarchy of Britain... alas, alas. Foreigners, (raped) women, (raped and murdered) children, and castrati, all that's left.

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The EU has lost a war that they didn’t know existed. They are now occupied by the enemy whose numbers continue to grow. They will be relegated to the backwaters of history in the worldwide race to AI supremacy. Whatever one thinks about it that’s where we are heading.

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EU was ruined on purpose by their globalist elites, just like the OBiden regime did to us for four years, unwittingly rebuilding the way for Trump's return.

The difference with the Brits is that they no longer have enough patriotic voters or a proper sense of nationalism to be able to reverse course the way we did.

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Nor (enough) guns, with which to slow down or moderate our enemy's attacks.

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America isn't reversing course. It's just taking a different route, with a new figurehead at the helm.

America faces the same western financial system bankruptcy that the UK, EU, Canada & Australia face.

It appears Trump is part of an American nationalist oligarch group attempting to break away from the several centuries old, globalist oligarch cartel- the owners of the western financial system.

Sort of similar to America breaking away from British control prior to declaring independence.

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I could see that, elites fighting elites... just like the War of Independence. Which ushered in a golden age for the US, so let's hope for that.

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