Just tell her, too bad I prefer natural nongmo organic children, and walk away.

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Thanks for this post, it hits very hard for me.

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There’s no choice to be made here.

Stay with her: she makes your life miserable, sucks your soul, wastes your time, and then she breaks up with you anyway. You’re a sad jellyfish that she’s not attracted to anymore.

Break up with her: you’re sad for a couple weeks, your soul is intact, you are stronger and more attractive than ever.

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That requires some bravery, standing up to her. The dangerous women have some hook to drag you in with. If they didn't, avoiding attractive women which you shouldn't play with, that wouldn't be a subject in proverbs.

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What if its catching? Seriously, what the hell do we really know about these social contagions anyway?

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this is absolutely correct and should not be exclusively restricted to "girlfriends"; I would greatly appreciate that the author writes additional short essays such as this one.

I mean: the sportive guy expressing any views about "the last football match", any person expressing having recently been to a nightclub, any fella having a TV at home, any fella who owns a freaking cellphone and uses it.

appartenance to occult circles who are open to public admission

any person who smiles and is happy about how great, job and existence, is

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Relationship are like meals, only they should be meals for the soul. They should enrich. So, if she feeds you a plate of something that looks bad, smells bad, appears poisonous and totally unappealing why would you even consider eating it or staying with someone who would offer that to you?

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Same situation arises if she insists on circumcision of future sons. It's also sexual mutilation (and done to a newborn). She'll likely have several reasons to rationalize it. Be smart and raise the subject well in advance of marriage and pregnancy. If she insists, leave her.

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This is bad. Get out quietly. If you go loudly, then the fake-rape or fake-DV charge will follow. Either way, get out now because the drastic hair-chop and/or un-natural hair dye job is coming as sure as the sun rises.

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Absolutely correct. Simple text (record) goodbye, not working out. Best wishes for your future. That’s it. Ghost her. Accept no calls. If you do accept a call assume it’s a confrontation call, being monitored by the PD DV or SVU unit.

Leave, go on your way. GTFO fast and quietly.

If she tracks you down, you call the cops on her.

PDs are too familiar with the upset ex GF calls and false accusations. Don’t say anything stupid.

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People who are adamant proponents of clown world's most wicked inversions will almost certainly narc on friends and family to any thought police/secret police.

They're not friend material, let alone wife material.

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I regret my earlier smack talk. I ran a hypothetical case while gardening. I now empathize with this guy. I'm going to take shit for this, and deservingly so, but if I'm dating prime Amber Heard, I can't lie to you bros, it's going to be really hard to walk away. Us average-to-low SSH guys just don't get those opportunities man. It's that simple. Thank God this didn't happen to me when I was young. My life would likely be a shambles right now.

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I married an Asian Heather ( was told in California she could make it in Hollywood in her mid 30s) who most of my workmates wanted. It was hell when her control freak ttoknover but I hung in because was marri3d. I had church Bros who were Asian tell me to walk.

There were warning signs. Eventually we had a bitter divorce. Walk early.

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One thing that is clear is that women are a mirror reflection of behavioural patterns of a man. The delta-gamma have a tendency of putting her first and that irritates her because naturally women treasure what they work for in a relationship.

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He most likely had her on a pedestal the evils of which are well known here.

Remember, if you treat a woman like a celebrity she’ll treat you like a fan.

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The response is "Fuck that; we're done. The crazy sex is good, but not that good."

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Correct answer.

Unfortunately there are guys who can’t see crazy, ‘she’s a little quirky, I know’ until it goes full out no denial institutional batshit crazy. And even then they have trouble walking away. Hopefully he does and in the future is attuned to avoid that crazy type.

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What about the idea that women need leadership and an assertive man to guide them, and idiotic stuff like this is just the woman "cheating" on the man with the government that's a bigger "man" in her eyes?

If it has gone this far, then I agree it's likely a lost cause, but I think there's a missing lesson learned here which is that if the man had been more assertive, then she wouldn't have "cheated" on him by looking to the government for what to think.

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At some point the woman chooses which crowd she runs with. This psychotic feminist chose the lib-college crowd and decidedly is not with the OP's crowd.

The man's assertiveness in this WOULD be him dumping her as quickly as possible. Other just-world-he-deserved-it history rewriting is not useful and only serves to fuel depressive naval gazing.

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Thanks for the excellent insight

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The government is a rich Gamma. So we individually have to be more attractive than a rich Gamma.

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A man can outgame the state. The government might pay her cash and things, but it will never be a friend to her. And if she is a poor friend to him, she will be lonely. Find out what kind of friendship she needs from her boyfriend, learn to be excellent at that, and she'll have to behave. A boyfriend is a friend. A friend which a gamma still isn't, still can't be.

She already has money. She doesn't need a gamma's or omega's money. Nor does she want to be his mother. She needs a companion and a friend.

There's a huge difference between a drug-addicted street-walking whore and a high-class, highly-educated courtesan. One is a lay behind a dumpster, and one is companionship which bored and lonely men would pay a lot for. Similarly, guys who get the game, those men have to get that he is the entertaining companionship women want.

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Rich Gammas are not very attractive, wealth only fuels their delusions. Think of Scott Adams, we all know how that worked out.

If you believe the Clowns will give up because you are more attractive, I have bad news. Clowns hate beauty. And said Clowns are not only in government.

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Scott Adams did get Kristina Basham, at least for a few years. If he was poor he'd not stand a chance. $ecurity does appeal to women.


My point is that rich Gammas do outrank poor Gammas and Omegas. And I don't understand your point about Clowns... it doesn't have anything to do with what I was saying or implying.

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It has everything to do with Clowns, you should not expect to win over Clowns by being more attractive or whatever. No matter how attractive you are, crazy is going to be crazy.

Your point was not that rich Gammas are more appealing, but that you can win over these people by being more attractive than the government, as was the point of the original comment. While being more attractive is sound, the point is wrong. Clowns hate and want to subvert attractive people even more.

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Oh, I see now. I do agree that once a woman goes Clown she's probably lost.

I meant getting to them before they transition into bluehairs. I'm not a nurture-over-nature type by any means, but I do think that having more redpilled Deltas or higher around can at least retard the process.

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That's definitely an intriguing train of thought and more likely right than wrong.

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You can not lead the crazy to become normal. You can lead a decent woman who was seduced by a Clownish idea or two.

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I feel for the guy. He is torn. He is smart and strong enough to ask for guidance/input by raising this issue to others, including strangers, and is getting their feedback. No matter what, it’s ultimately his decision. The consequences are his as well. Tough spot to be in.

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It might be me, but I’m seeing an increasing number of men intentionally staying single who intentionally use a combination of prostitutes and self love for their needs.

It’s always been a thing of course, but usually only as a back up, never by design.

These are UMC men, with excellent prospects who have taken themselves off the market.

Objectively reasonable, spiritually foolish.

With examples like this above, who can blame them?

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It is not just you, it is a statistical fact. The term incel which has recently become popular is used to describe them in a derogatory manner, even if the situation is voluntary. Whatifalthist has addressed the topic at length https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxdKvPcov98.

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