Delta-Gamma Ineptitude
Average-to-low SSH men are astonishingly inept with regards to influencing female behavior
From a recent discussion on SocialGalactic:
Girlfriend in therapist training, suddenly militant re: trans kids and threatening to end the relationship when he balked.
First red flag: therapist training.
Second red flag: suddenly militant due to education.
Third red flag, complete with complete with giant honking clown horn, wailing tornado siren, and demonic wails: militant about identity inversion.
There is no need for discussion here. There is no need to talk about love, and time invested, personal histories, or anything else.
Break up with your brainwashed psychotic girlfriend immediately and do not waste any time looking back. She is nuclear-grade filth and you would literally do better to marry a street whore, since at least the whore is not actively looking to abuse and physically mutilate children.
And even if, for some stupid reason unbeknownst to any self-respecting high-SSH man, you harbor some desperate hope for her redemption, the one way, the ONLY WAY, there is any chance for the relationship to survive is if the shock of being immediately, aggressively, and decisively dumped is sufficient to break through her academic brainwashing.
When a physical disease or the injury is serious, rapid surgery is required. In the relationship context, when the mental, spiritual, or behavioral problem is serious, rapid emotional surgery is required. There is no amount of talking, cajoling, reasoning, or pleading that is going to convince a brainwashed woman to change her mind.
As Aristotle observed more than 2,500 years ago, dialectic is no substitute for rhetoric. Rhetoric is emotional manipulation. And the only emotional manipulation that has any chance of salvaging anything here is the shock of a harsh and unmistakable rejection. That’s the one and only thing that might - just might - break through the programming and social pressure.
The irritating thing about people appealing to the logic of trying to avoid the pain of a relationship failure is that they inevitably act as if it's never happened to anyone before in the entire history of the human race, and that no one before them has ever experienced such a novel event or could possibly understand the terrible emotional pain they fear experiencing that justifies their inaction.
OF COURSE it's tough. OF COURSE it's emotionally painful. Literally everyone knows that.
But the fact that it’s tough to lose a pet doesn’t mean that you don’t bury the dead body in a futile attempt to avoid feeling the pain.
The guy has time. Burn the bridge and try again.
It will blow, learn the lesson for next time.
An education in anything nearly this bad is poison. Even going in with all the right worldview would be hard, nearly impossible if you lack such.
"I don't associate with people who think mutilating children is acceptable. You have thirty minutes to collect your stuff and go, starting now [look at watch]." Block number, block social media, change locks (just in case she made a secret key).
Nothing more need be said to this creature, ever. There cannot be any compromise on this issue in one's personal life.
Any form of emotional blackmail means that the individual is unsalvageable, but such an act motivated by this issue shows that no treason would be beneath it.