Instructions unclear. I am naked in public save for my cuffed black T-shirt, I have broken my fists punching dumbbells, and the military are after me for getting blood on their property. Please send help. Or at least some trousers.

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Strange how what I'm reading is like a literary mirror. I'm blushing.

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Never v-neck.


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Amazing! Omega journey will be very pleased with this, the journey is now complete.

Now that the matter has been settled, is there one simple trick for the Tower of Skulls?

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Thank you brother Vox! 🙏

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Neil Peart ( drummer lyricist of Rush) sigma candidate

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Comment to Vox, the true one and only SDL.

I hope you realize what you have done, unleashing your SSH into the open. It will flow, it will grow, it will evolve. Thank you, thank you and thank you. This is like Nobels work. Time will tell, you will have both accolades, and venom sent your way. Like the Nobel award winning doctor who pushed that ulcers were caused by a bacteria and not stress, against the established medical ($$$$) and pharmaceutical ($$$$$$) establishment, and who was eventually proven correct. Kudos, Sir.

I look forward to your book on this. Hopefully these Sigmagame posts with the attendant comments will assist in polishing and refining your Magnus opus. Respectfully yours, a humble serpent.

Damn, too much good French wine inhibits my filters. Atrox signing off. As in genus Bothrops.

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Can Sigmas be blonde? Can you name one?

This sounds stupid on its face, but I can't.

If they can, why would that be so rare?

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Blondes are rare. We're already at 2% world population for just blondeness. It gets as high as like 5% in the US. If Sigma was like .01% then in the US has less than a thousand blonde sigmas in a population of 336 million. If Sigma is .1% it only bumps it up to less than ten thousand and so on.

To compare, here's a 2011 excerpt about your chances of getting hit by lightning:

"Odds of being struck by lightning in a given year (reported deaths + injuries)

=1 in (310,000,000/280)

= 1 in 1,107,143

= Approximately 1 in a million"

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Strong point.

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Daniel Craig's James Bond is blonde.

The actor himself is probably not a Sigma, but the movie character makes it easier to imagine a blonde Sigma in real life.

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Yes. And yes.

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Asking a "why" was a mistaken force of habit. Apologies SDL.

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Matthew McConaughey?

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I don't know enough to say whether I agree about him being a sigma, but is he really naturally blonde?


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Yes, blonds are not exempt and why do you think that it's more rare? Do we have a large sample size to choose from?

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Sigma is genetic/fate driven. The childhood bullying and loneliness is in complete synchronicity with the genes.

There are morphologies (visual expressions of genes) for each position of the Hierarchy.

Sigma: Google the likeness of Vox, singer from 21 pilots, Dave Mustaine, Marilyn Manson (young,) and Napoleon. Their interests are all similar, too.

This is 1 of the sigma morphologies. I have found two in total. Ted Bundy and (young) Soros are examples of the second--plus a guy from my job, which will remain unnamed.

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May 23Liked by Vox Day

Only a matter of time before the NYT's fashion director and chief fashion critic Vanessa Friedman pens an article on black t-shirts and Sigmas.

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This will be the gamma uniform in three weeks. Without th3 gym time.

Corollary, fitted T shirts, not tents.

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So they’ll look like Doof…

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The stereotypical neckbeard gamma wears a black shirt with some bit of better-than-you sarcasm on it, already. We joke about the fedora and trench coat, but they've always got the shirt.

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Saw one just leaving a store today. Almost snickered as I went by as I couldn’t tell if it was a young man or an ugly woman. Body structure and posture does matter. Fake horns on a chihuahua doesn’t make it a bull. Clothing doesn’t make the man, the man makes the clothing

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There's also the flame decal black shirt.

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It's interesting to me how you described the changes to your long terms goals and ambitions. I've gone through similar changes once I reached the vicinity of 50.

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Drat! And I've been exhausting myself in a fruitless effort to improve my wit, my intellect, and my sense of humor, when all I needed to do was purchase a black crew t-shirt from the online Sigma- Swag-Store. I can feel limitless power surging through me already. I'll purchase three and wear them at the same time. I'll be unstoppable!

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it reminds me of the comment Vox used to keep on the blog page (badly paraphrased):

"Success doesn't necessarily come to the Best, rather it comes to those whose talents are in line with the taste of the Times they are in."

Given the Clown World culture of making guys into half-assed girls and girls into half-assed guys, there is a definite hunger for stark contrasts and polestars rooted in truth about the socio-sexual dynamic. A hunger for a viewpoint that feels rooted in reality instead of in sand...because it is rooted in reality.

Random datapoint: My daughter, almost out of college, was binging LoTR yesterday (loves the books and the movies..."you're welcome, I am a good dad, feel fortunate") pointed out that she sees a lot of Millennial girls consider LoTR as a "comfort films"...

...because "the Good guys are actually good, the men are Men, and the women are Women".

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The gammas will adopt the uniform but they will continually have to pull down the front of the shirt to hide their belly rolls.

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And it will have to have the correct label. After all! the label on the clothing makes the person, not the person wearing the item. How else will the marketing shills get rich?

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Now I know why Ben Folds did a song screaming like a gamma at a girl to give him back his black t-shirt.

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May 23·edited May 23Author

Women are trophy-hunting thieves. This is known.

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We all stole dad's shirts when he was on deployment...

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I learned early on never to lend a book to a girlfriend. Only a wife can so be trusted.

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Back in the 90s, one kept my CD with this song on it.

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Back in 2002 or so, a lady kept a Sonic Youth cassette tape. That can't be anything but a trophy.

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