Be a Sigma Male With This One Simple Trick
In which the Original Sigma ponders his cultural legacy
I’ll be honest. Given my talent for unorthodox thinking and my ability to write more or less coherently, I assumed from a fairly young age that I would leave some intellectual legacy behind. Nothing particularly major on the scale of an Aristotle, a Thomas Aquinas, or an Adam Smith, but something more on the level of a Hermann Hesse, a Samuel Huntington, or a John Bagot Glubb.
Umberto Eco, I felt, probably represented my potential ceiling, although my inability to execute Summa Elvetica as I’d envisioned it made it pretty clear that even the Eco strata was beyond me. C’est la vie. It’s better to aim high and fall short than content oneself with mediocrity.
And while my small contributions to gaming, literature, science, and theology are likely to survive in some anonymous capacity to be expanded upon by future intellectuals, it’s been a real surprise to discover that the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy, and the concept of the Sigma Male in particular, have gone viral to the point that they are being adopted and applied, however erroneously, to a wide variety of cultural applications. Well and good, even if Sigma is literally the least important of the various behavioral profiles to understand for practical purposes.
But it’s more than a little bizarre to see the way AI systems have ingested and processed the concept, to the point that it has now even incorporated my personal clothing preferences. To see that “Sigma Male” is now visually denoted by a black t-shirt, and not only a black t-shirt, but one with the sleeves cuffed, is more than a little bizarre even when I know the original archetype was conceived, in part, on the basis of my own behavioral pattern.

If you watch a few Darkstreams randomly selected from the last seven years, you’ll understand what I’m talking about here. Although, it must be said that given the way the algorithms work, I suspect that this site may be part of the reason for the connection, since I’ve customarily indicated a Sigma Male here with a character who dresses more casually than the office hierarchy and wears a black t-shirt.
In any event, if this visual archetype lasts, we can finally provide some useful advice on how to be a Sigma Male with this one simple trick!
Wear a black t-shirt. Always crew. Never v-neck.
Cuff the sleeves. Some shirts look best with one roll, the longer-sleeved shirts require two.
Hit those dumbbell military presses.
Et voila! Women will be intrigued. Men will regard you with wary respect. It’s that easy!
I can't wait to throw on my black tee and just sigma so hard all day. I'm picking up chicks just *thinking* about it.
The quick spread of the SSH and Sigma, particularly among children and teens, gives heavy weight to Vox's saying that the SSH has been around forever but no one put a name to it. They all see it and swim through it everyday and they finally have a word to express it. I haven't seen any zoomer term spread as quickly, such as 'lit' or 'throw hands', and the meme loving generations adore compact descriptors.
It's also a big disproof of the idea that concepts don't exist until a human creates them, rather than people discovering what's already there. The name of that escapes me completely though it's very popular among the SJW crowds that like to 'invent' new social structure mandates.