To the point that women don't realize how easily they can be emotionally manipulated:

Once at a previous job many years ago, a very overweight new girl who clearly liked me mentioned in conversation that it was impossible to make her angry with insults, as she had heard them all. I told her that wasn't true, and she challenged me to find out, giving me 3 tries. Sure, why not? I already knew the winning insult, but had to set her up first.

Insult #1: Some sort of fat joke - She huffed in confidence. She had heard all the fat jokes and didn't care.

Insult #2: Called her retarded in some manner - She smiled thinking she was home free and would defeat me. Now for the heart stab...

Insult #3: "You're an ugly fucking fuckface!" - Before I finished the last word, she jumped from her chair and yelled, "No, you're an ugly fucking fuckface!" Just as quickly, she realized I got to her. To her credit she sat down and laughed heartily. From then on, we got along great, calling each other fuckface whenever managers and customers weren't around.

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Negs can works on 6s and 7s if that’s your play park. You just have to tread with caution as women in this range, who know that they’re quite pretty but not beautiful, tend to have more hang ups - more than 4s and 5s who are generally more accepting of their plainness.

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Negging is intended to catch the interest of the prettiest girls who are used to constant flattery.

The less attractive the woman, the less daily flattery they receive, thus the electric charge created by the neg diminishes.

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"But remember, the persuasive power of rhetoric is in its appeal to the emotions. And emotions are very closely connected to one’s self-perception. Which is the reason it is very common for observably-sensitive Gamma males to proclaim that they operate by logic alone"

I find Gamma lies sometimes describe Omega reality (well mine anyway). For the vast majority of my life I have had no perception of my emotional state. Most of my emotional experience is through empathic connections (I can feel the emotions of others). Rhetoric and appeals to my emotions are quite ineffective. The emotional manipulations that I would be vulnerable to would have to make use of my empathy.

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To be honest bros, I didn't even know what the hell negging was. This modern dating stuff is complex. No wonder my dating experience as a young man was such an unmitigated disaster. It's a miracle I got married.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Negging is jargon for a backhanded compliment-tease.

Lambdas who are the "life and soul of the party TM" are typically gangster neggers.

"Girl, your hair looks amaaa-zing! It's from that Good Korea, right? I can tell."

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I had my own sister tell me in no uncertain terms that she loves leading guys along just to drop the "I want to be friends" paragraph when their hopes are inflated. To many women, if you're not her Prince Charming you literally don't count as a human being. Guys should still take those risks but it's not hard to see why so many of them crash out.

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Don't count your blessings just yet. If you can make it past the 7 Year Itch, then you can probably breathe a bit easier. Marriage is a nastier minefield than dating is these days.

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What a neg is not: “Hey dumb bitch, that ponytail makes you look fat.”

What a neg is: “Your favorite color is pink? You must be a girly-girl. Love that!”

The word “neg” itself might be poor rhetoric, since it is an ugly sound, like “dreg” or “bug”.

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Another opportunity is when an attractive woman says something stupid or expressing a very basic level of misunderstanding.

Men either won’t say anything or will correct her with a “well, ackshually..” whereas if you laugh and tease them about it while throwing in a compliment you’ve not only made an impression but have assisted them in appearing less of an airhead.

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When I was single, I always struggled with negging as a strategy (for my personality). But it is an uncanny phenomenon. After reading this post, and evaluating past experience, it is so obvious. I was nearly 100% successful with "Unintentional Negging" (aka, letting a woman know she was annoying and to stay away from me because it was really true).

Whether I went out for 1 drink only, because of an early flight; or it was just someone who immediately rubbed me the wrong way, I would let her know that she was not my type or what I didn't like. Not as a strategy, just not in the mood for BS sometimes and not caring enough to conceal it. Most of the time, they were equally standoffish.

Then, like weird clockwork, and in some cases with only a minute before closing time, I am going home with the person who I could not stand the entire night. I was always stunned, and I probably should have practiced using it more intentionally.

Negging clearly works, and I would argue, especially on those who say it doesn't work on them.

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> Negging clearly works, and I would argue, especially on those who say it doesn't work on them

When I was younger I remember some girls would try to shit test me and tell me upfront that they didn't put out on the first date. I would tell them that I respected their position and I wouldn't ask them to do anything they were uncomfortable with.

Invariably, those girls would almost always put out, and I didn't violate my word because I didn't ask them to do anything in a literal sense; I simply assumed the sale and followed their body language.

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"For what we wish others believed, we first are always self-deceived."


Part of a man's maturation process is realizing this fundamental truth about our collective existence, and then taking the necessary steps to be brutally honest with himself. Iron never lies. Let them know you by your fruits. Lift, be your family's rock, and STFU.

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Its hard to not neg women who are 8 and above. People like that are used to getting a ride through life. Someone like that starts an interaction with the default premise that you will worship the ground they walk on. They also tend to have retarded views since everyone in their life claps like a seal for every mundane thought they have. If my understanding of negging is correct, then it is something you naturally do out of self respect and honor?

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This comic strip by xkcd is a good example of the gamma smart boy take on negging. https://xkcd.com/1027/

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14 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

There's photos of Randall Munroe, creator of xkcd, and his wife out there. She could be a 4 or a 5, not enough photos to tell.

Negging would never work for him or on his wife. They are both outside the range.

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Did a quick image search of the guy and his wife. Couldn't find the wife, but his face screams "Gamma".

I did find one with a couple of female fans of his. About what you'd expect.


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Despite his approach not really being clever, the guy was trying at least. But XKCD has a really bad gamma "trust the science", girl power slay queen vibe to his comics. He's basically a male feminist. His female characters are always smarter and wittier and wiser and just better than the male characters. That's what this comic was about - women shitting on dudes that approach them at bars because they're "strong and independent and don't need no man". It wasn't about gammas flubbing a neg.

I wouldn't take anything XKCD writes as useful or helpful in any way. It's leftist "smart boy" trash humour, always has been.

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That SMBC comics are just like that, too. Treating women as superior to men - that's a very common trait in gammas.

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Ooh, girl boss hear me roar.

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People who try to be Spock and suppress their emotions are those who are most afraid of their emotional potential. That is, they’re afraid to allow themselves to open up and vocalize the more positive emotions like joy, hope, and excitement because that also opens the door to the possibility of negative emotions like disappointment, hurt, and heartbreak.

So many people are afraid of healthy vulnerability. I, myself, am trying to work on that. But think of the wonder that comes with allowing yourself to be enchanted by something that takes you by surprise and leads you on the roller coaster of life.

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Negs work because they are indistinguishable from the natural behaviour of someone who is high status or disinterested in the woman's approval.

A guy can tell a woman she is 'quite pretty' and she will often playfully screech about him qualifying it with 'quite'. This is something a high value man might say to a woman if she is a 7 to him.

If a guy comes across as too low in status, this kind of thing will just come across as him showing off, and trying to demean her, but if he is a Chad, it will be received as genuine.

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If a "low status guy" can successfully deliver a good neg, then it will work. The woman might shit test him harder because of incongruence, but the neg will still work.

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Everyone is open to emotional manipulation. Men manipulate women, women manipulate men. You see it every day. Just no-one lies to think it works on them, or that others might use it to get one over on them in some way.

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Negging’s gotten a bad rap because the game’s exploded, and now you’ve got gamma nerds running wild, trying out half-baked lines like a swarm. Women pick up on this fast, and soon, the sting isn’t just in the neg itself but the realization of, “Am I even worth negging?” But when gammas attempt it—and fail—it’s a menace. If it works, and the guy isn’t half of what he implied, it leaves her feeling duped. You could call her shallow, but women, biologically, are wired to seek out the best potential genes.

Think of it this way: if you’re dealing with a guy like Gilgamesh, 3/4 god, why wouldn’t you want him spreading his genes? Of course, men hate this, too. They don’t like Gilgamesh getting all the ladies, but he’s got that divine allure. Meanwhile, a gamma negging successfully is like a cheap knockoff—it creates a deep biological dissonance. She wanted to be swept up by Gilgamesh, not by the hunchback from 300. That’s why women instinctively recoil at the concept. If a high-value man does it right, she barely notices; when it’s a low-status guy, she’s been tricked by a cuckoo in the nest.

I’ve heard genes are epigenetic, meaning they’re shaped by your environment and efforts. So, when you work on improving yourself, it doesn’t just change you on the surface—it alters you on a biological level. Everyone has the potential to level up if they’re willing to put in the effort. Understanding techniques like negging can be a useful starting point in a broader journey of self-improvement. Truth is, these dynamics exist whether we like them or not, and embracing reality is part of the process.

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"now you’ve got gamma nerds running wild, trying out half-baked lines like a swarm."

Somehow I think gamma nerds are complaining or extolling the success of negging online without ever leaving their bedroom, rather than going into the wild to try it.

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"Only the woman who is devoid of all feeling and emotion, who is a passionless creature of pure dialectic, cannot be successfully negged"

Is this a theoretical woman, or have any men run into such a creature by twist of fate?

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I'm certain there are clinical cases in an institution somewhere.

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It's what a naive guy thinks about the good girl. He thinks negging is something only assholes do. A good man would do that, and he is morally upstanding and blah, blah, blah.

Women do not want to bang, remember? Only whores and sluts are into that.

Edit, added: This is what women show the guy when he can't imagine that women can be both the archetypes of the Madonna and the whore.

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"It's what a naive guy thinks about the good girl."

Not even naive guys thinks good girls are devoid of feeling and emotion.

The emotionless girl/ice-queen is a character trope in certain fiction, but there's an underlying hope of unlocking her smile.

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Not just fiction; I've met such women before, quite often in fact. Once upon a time I had that naive young man's hope of "unlocking her smile" and it never worked. Ironically, their smiles tend to "unlock" when you do absolutely nothing to try and unlock it. Don't ask me why because I have no idea.

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Another distinction must be drawn here between a woman who is emotionless to YOU, and a woman who is actually emotionless, and who cannot smile because there is no feeling inside.

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19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs ago

Emotionless women are unicorns. Even ice queens have emotions, like hatred and condescension

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Emotionless, icy women share their moods to men they like. If she isn’t girl sharing her problems to him, she doesn’t like him.

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Negging can be pretty funny, but you have to have skills to pull it off. Female perspective, bravery to engage, comedy, & social sophistication of this form are things will make a man stand out/be memorable.

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I think I misunderstood negging. The nails example would work. I can't think of a single female I know, myself included, who wouldn't have a curiosity or outright interest in males that demonstrate they won't pedestalize or orbit. But it's embarrassing to admit if the male manufactured fake status and can't maintain it.

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