A wretched gamma.

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Is it possible to get a link to the blog in question? An argument against evolution on mathematical grounds would be interesting.

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Disregard. P3ck3rw00d has linked to it above.

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Must confess, as somebody who hasn't done the sums & probably wouldn't understand them, anyway, the spiel was semi convincing & had I happened across this stuff, I probably would have wasted a whole load of time trying to understand what was being said. Quite unusual to hear somebody of this ilk who doesn't cling to the usual white Knight shibboleths & would have assumed he had a point, somewhere, however misguided & tried to bring him to Jesus.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

Curt Doolittle would have done much better had he learned to control the Gamma urges.

1) He was universally rejected in his big event. Not because the right cancelled him, but because he put himself to the position of the Alpha, and the audience predictably rejected him. Instead of apologizing for the failed event, he blamed the audience for the rejection, which finalized the implosion.

2) Today he is writing a grandiose work of all sciences almost independently. This will likely fail, because one person can not master all the sciences, and furthermore besides Secret Kingery what even is the point. It is delegation that allows Alphas to accomplish great things.

3) Curt identified "uniting the right" as a big problem, which his big event was all about. Yet he storms into other people's blogs and streams insulting them to their faces and exploding like a volcano with anger and rage.

What I found interesting is that someone who even self-describes himself as autistic can be so emotional when it comes to Gamma things.

Doolittle's mother passed away from the wonder juice, and he has voiced the opinion that Ukraine will prevail over Russia. I believe most people in his circles disagree with these notions, and regarding Ukraine by now must suspect the strong emotions are because Doolittle has a business in Ukraine. Either way, the emotional reasoning where the Gamma always wins is not very convincing.

I believe there are many talented people associated with both Curtis Doolittle and Curtis Yarvin the other known big Gamma intellectual. But being Gammas, there are obvious limitations to them.

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Also the fact that "expertise" isn't synonymous with Leadership or being Good at the big picture.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

Autists aren't unemotional, they are often extremely emotionally motivated. They just don't read the emotions of others well.

The myth of the super logical autist is very much a myth.

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They're both dishonest retards. I have zero respect for either of them and have no idea why anyone takes either of them seriously.

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Praise of Folly did an extended take down of yarvin a while back. It was a bit pedantic, but still interesting

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Apr 25Liked by Vox Day

Hype. A lot of us got duped because of hype and undue deference and praise given to them by Blogosphere writers on the Right back in the day.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

Whatever the reason, the popularity of both imploded as those familiar with the SSH would predict. With Yarvin it was the lengthy post about Dark Elves and whatnot.

Gammas Gonna Gamma.

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The elves and hobbits thing. Where he went super secret king on all his readers claiming essentially that gammas are the real alphas.

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What gamma tells does Curtis Yarvin have?

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Here's Yarvin's full Gamma-hood on display in this "debate": https://im1776.com/2024/04/11/rufo-vs-yarvin/

It should take about 30 seconds of reading for the Gamma to scream out at you.

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Verbose posts involving Lord of the Rings characters is quite the tell, and if that is not convincing enough, he even writes poetry.

The conflict resolution is also very Gamma, avoid all conflict and somehow the Clowns with pink noses instead of red ones will raise to save the day. We can all observe who the Clowns fear, and it is the people who are not afraid of the Clowns, and do not accept Clownery of any kind.

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Ah, I forgot there was something about elves and dark elves that he posted. It sounded really stupid.

Thanks for the timely response.

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He made the claim that if we shouted down any other right wing project as being doomed to fail while claiming that his super special awesome project will inevitably succeed, "Eldar" money and power brokers will suddenly fly in and give power and funding to said project.

It's projection over how he and a bunch of withers are being given private welfare bux from Peter Thiel. And if the end result of this "Eldar" funding is controlled op Cuckservatism that hates Democracy, what's the point? It's still Cuckservatism.

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Just watch an interview with the guy. Complete real life "wall of text". Endless digressions and citations to show how smart he is. A middling point is sort of made at the end. Repeat.

That is Moldbug's MO

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Thanks for your response. This is some good knowledge to have beforehand.

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Applying Occam's razor CD might just be a Fed.

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Even though he admits to have worked for one of the agencies, I doubt he is in their service any longer. I recall both he and his friends are getting visits from the FBI for going over the top with the civil war type rhetoric, which they are open about.

Looks to me like Gamma doing Gamma things, but admittedly I could be mistaken.

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For that profession there is no such thing as "being no longer in service".

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Hail Vox,

Between your SSH paper and Sigmagame postings and associated comments I see a major SSH and Male-Female Rosetta Stone being developed. A multi faceted Rosetta Stone.

I hark back to McNamara with his Known Knowns, Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns.

I see the Known Knowns being further refined and polished, Known Unknowns migrating into the Known Knowns and a few Unknown Unknowns being brought into the light due to the ladies input.

I was fortunate in that when my girls got serious about a guy they brought them home for my approval. Ran enough of them off to the point that they became hesitant about bringing them to me. In hindsight, a couple of them were gammas. For some unknown reason wife seemed to be OK with most of their guys. Both got advanced STEM degrees, got jobs, and then both married Men who can and do take very good care of them and better yet provided us with grandkids.

Question: Will the Dark Lord graciously offer a volume discount when the book comes out. I want one and need two for my grandsons and, thanks to all the ladies comments, I suspect one for my granddaughter. Plus a few for friends.

Gratefully and Respectfully yours,

Green Mojave

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Any scientific theory or model is wrong. One can use them within a specific application until one has a better one to replace it.

Phlogiston theory was wrong. Now imagine someone defending the latter as transcendental truth, because his whole spiritual life depends on the existence of phlogiston. Then they start trying others to accept and pretend phlogiston is real, and that is what gets them banned.

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Inevitably, it was necessary to ban a Gamma from this very post. As usual, they failed to realize how transparent their little machinations are, trying to slip in the attempt to discredit under a veil of general flattery.

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Would it be conservative to say 1/3 of the male population in the west is gamma?

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> To be honest, I suspect I’m probably not as hard on them as I should be

You've been observably kind. You've even helped some of them out of their gammatude. You could easily have been a lot harsher.

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The first I heard of you was a friend sending me a link to your debate with JP. He said listen to this guy. I had never even been bothered with evolution. I assumed, like I ignorantly assumed Charles was Harry's biological father, that Darwin had nailed it. I went from before clicking play from this will be fun watching a religious zealot being owned to hmmmm interesting how the biologist is stumbling to holy crap I need to watch that again to "is fucking everything a lie".

Gamma infiltration into everything is amazing to see once you see the patterns. They make the perfect foot soliders for "the science" coz they're not even allowed to question it as they might get ostracised by the women that they so obviously "beta orbit".

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Gosh. Curt.

Any talk of the Big Lie, ignoring what it actually means or the talk about 1930s propaganda, at least as a concept, perfectly describes whatever delusions of grandeur UltraGammas like Curt have in their heads.

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Judaism > Christianity > Islam … Marxism > Neo-Marxism > Postmodernism > PC-Woke

Those three dots. It's a South Park joke.

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Oh man, I didn't even notice that.

So cringè

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I am woman hear me abhor gammas. We should absolutely be harsh on them, it's the only way women can protect themselves and men have a fighting change to make Delta's out of them (which is rare but possible form what I understand.) This Gamma displays every major red flag women often see on the first date with them. Forget the wood shed in some attempt at beating it out of him, just take him to the barn and take care of it Old Yeller style, this one is too far gone. I mean he sounds like he's possessed or on drugs. Like something out of C.S Lewis' Space Trilogy. Such a prime example of everything that sucks about them. Well worth sharing, thank you!

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By coincidence, we discussed Gammas at work yesterday. About a person that fits the profile, we have worked with but not presently now, and how we would not employ him outright, but could use him if we were stuck with him.

We noted in any larger sized team, a single non toxic Gamma could be a rallying figure to promote team bonding. That is, everyone hates him, and gives cause for common conversations on his latest goofy exploits. We believe that this person could be contained, directed, and occasionally triggered to generate more team building responses.

However a toxic Gamma does indeed require removal via the most direct means possible.

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Speaking of gamma meltdowns, I came across this a couple days ago: https://youtu.be/-145gvCRV44?si=p1l0-0syRlmbepsK0

I'm still new to the hierarchy, but this interaction between the male chef and Gordon Ramsey seems similar in a few ways to the interaction Vox shared today. There's a disregard for any actual authority, a delusion bubble, a freak out/meltdown that doesn't seem to make sense without the perspective of the hierarchy, some sort of "fighting back" rather than just taking direction or correction, and in both cases the gamma sets off my own ick alarms. That last part doesn't really matter other than being a small note dependent on other females confirming the sexual aspect of the SSH in regards to observing rank.

The same pattern seems to be happening in both cases however if I'm incorrect about the cook being a gamma, please let me know.

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The context of this clip is that his team has already chosen, via a group discussion, two people to potentially be eliminated. Ramsey is merely asking him to state whom their group chose and why. Not even to make a decision, but just to relay the decision that has already been made. And the guy can't or won't do it. It's bizarre and frustrating to watch. From what I recall, he was actually a competent chef up to this point. The funniest part is when, after putting on a big show, he stumbles on the way out, and Ramsey tells him to watch the step.

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His series Kitchen Nightmares is loaded with these types of things but with owners of failing restaurants. He should be known as St. Gordon for his service there IMO in genuine effort to help the less fortunate / poor decisionmakers / those that strapped themselves under debt for of all businesses restaurants, delivered candidly.

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Brilliant find, I forgot about how many gammas Gordon Ramsey uncovered in the course of his programs.

In his trouble shooting show it was even worse as he went into failing restaurants where the main reason for the failure was a gamma owner or head chef who refused to accept they were anything less than excellent. You can imagine the fireworks that ensue.

I didn't know the concept of the gamma at the time, but it puts the shows in a new light, i think i'll rewatch a few as a gamma hunt.

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I think there is a lot going on in this clip, and that gamma delusions is at least a part of it.

It seems like this guy hates the hierarchy and wants to "democratize" which is certainly part of the gamma profile.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

Gammas want to be at the top of the hierarchy but are not. This is a major source of their resentment.

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Vox's math is correct, obviously, but I wonder whether the mutation fixation rate he is using is based on a "happy, peaceful" environment. Under extreme stress, the mutation fixation rate should be much higher due to the high mortality of non-selected genomes. Thus the mutations required for white (i.e., transparent) skin to make up for Vitamin D deficiency at high latitudes can take different paths, as seen in Europeans and Northeast Asians. But whatever the mutation pathway, it's the result that counts: at high latitudes dark skin kills, so there is extreme selective pressure to find a way to lighten the skin, and the mutations that created both of these parallel paths were fixed over a *very* short time span. Now imagine not just stress caused by migration, but severe stress caused by wars or natural disasters, and one can imagine a much faster rate of mutation fixation.

Where Vox's argument is deadly is in the area of speciation. Darwin was utterly wrong on speciation being gradual, and *no one* today has even a hypothesis of how speciation occurs, such as what mechanism allow the fusion of two ape chromosomes (as seen in chimps) to a single chromosome 2 in humans and have that get fixed. No mechanism has even been imagined for this type of evolution to occur through sexual reproduction using natural selection. It is simply impossible, and thus is a much better argument to make.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 26

According to this Wikipedia entry, contemporary evolutionary theory predicts the *opposite* of what you’re claiming about a “happy peaceful” environment vs. environments of “extreme stress.”


[ Effect of Growing/Shrinking Populations

Probability of fixation is also influenced by population size changes. For growing populations, selection coefficients are more effective. This means that beneficial alleles are more likely to become fixed, whereas deleterious alleles are more likely to be lost. In populations that are shrinking in size, selection coefficients are not as effective. Thus, there is a higher probability of beneficial alleles being lost and deleterious alleles being fixed. This is because if a beneficial mutation is rare, it can be lost purely due to chance of that individual not having offspring, no matter the selection coefficient. …]

Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixation_(population_genetics)?wprov=sfti1

Summary: Higher overall mortality predicts lower fixation rate, according to Evolution.

Conclusion: if Vox’s assumption truly is “happy, peaceful” as you claim, then according to evolutionary theory itself, that would yield a high-end estimate for the fixation rate, not a lowball rate as you imply.

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You are quite correct about current evolutionary theory. It just doesn't agree with the one portion of evolution (but not speciation) that we have incontrovertible evidence for: the rapid mutation and fixation of transparent skin for people living at high latitudes. That was a high stress environment and the mutation and fixation occurred very rapidly on evolutionary time-scales (maybe <30 generations).

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That whole objection presupposes that evolution—specifically mutational fixation—is what accounts for observed environmental skin tone variance. It’s a fuggin tautology bro.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Author

The fixation rate I used is the maximum ever observed in a laboratory among bacteria. If you do the necessary math instead of just indulging in theoretical hypothesizing, you will rapidly see how impossible it is. No amount of imagination can produce a sufficiently fast rate of mutation fixation to explain the observable genetic diversity.

Remember, it's not the mutation that is key, but the fixation across the entire population. Do. The. Math. I do not understand why people insist on waving their hands and appealing to their imaginations instead of simply doing the work. What is the problem? Is it just beyond you?

Furthermore, as the cheetah example shows, any sufficiently extreme selective pressure leaves very visible signs of near-extinction of the population, so we know it simply didn't happen.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

The funny thing is, you used a fixed number for the "generations for fixed mutations" entry. Now, if we redo the math using an utterly absurd number for that entry, we still come awfully short of an acceptable number of maximum fixed mutations!



Years: 200,000,000

Years per generation: 4.3

Generations per fixed mutation: 100

Years per fixed mutation: 430

Maximum fixed mutations: 465.116,27906977

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The odds get even wilder when you look at functional irreducibility.

I think the gene fixation rate is conservative since it's single gene fixation not say 50 at the same time required to make flagellum functional.

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Are cheetahs retarded or something?

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The evidence seems to indicate that nearly went extinct and only a few individuals survived. They have very little genetic diversity even over a huge geographic area

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It's truly frustrating but we may as well be dealing with magic here. Keep adding zeros to the big numbers, wave you hands around and shake your head and voila, it all makes sense!

I worked out a rough figure of around 64 trillion years just for evolution never mind star formation etc. but then people seem to happily accept that physics is totally reliable and a hard science when it's out by a factor of at least 10 to the power 128! Go figure. M.P.A.I

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

I think a huge amount of people are incapable of doing the math.

That or they are so unwilling they may as well be incapable

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"I can't/won't do the math, but here's my imagination of what might happen with no relation to the underlying math"

MPAI is the law.

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Most People Are Idiots.

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Yes, I think most people are more than willing to be told what to think as long as it sounds plausible. Or they'll follow the implications of an idea just to the point where it seems to show something that flatters their imaginations.... and that's where they stop following. To go further might mean discovering dragons. Or just conclusions they don't want to hear.

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Or even just the mild pain that comes from stretching parts of your nes mind that haven't been used in years

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Any ya'll know where Vox's collected refutations of evolution may be compiled?

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I think this is a good place to start:


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Hey folks, I managed to answer my own Question. Here is link for every Vox entry tagged with "evolution". Enjjjjoy:


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