Not sure if he was a class clown in his highschool days, but a comedian who I believe to be a sigma is Norm MacDonald. Just listening to him in podcasts gave me the impression that he was that kind of guy.

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Class clown is a bit vague. In 7th grade I got into the habit of smart ass witty responses to correct the teachers. After a year I had figured out everybody loathed me for doing it. I then turned to general shenanigans and pranking with friends, which helped my status go up. Thank God for the ostracism.

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I was a class clown m, but it was more of a defense mechanism that a choice. As preemie and twin I was already small and traumatized from being force separated from my brother due to district policy. I had no idea that in the inner-city area my parents moved to (so they could pursue actvism and assuage their White guilt) all of the diversity was on a faster biological development track and about half were repeating grades. No one explained to me why all my early childhood friends were thriving in their less-enriched schools so I just figured I must be a freak if nature and acted the part. It kept me from being the victim of physical violence and the daily psychological abuse was internalized and directed onwards until Jordan Peterson and then 4chan woke me up. It's going to be a long road to recovery!

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Performative antics are debasing. There are many other insightful expressions of humour.

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Court jesters defuse those who take themselves too seriously when it would be unseemly for the king to do so, esp. festive occasions.

(Bravo · gamma · alpha)

Contemporary Georgian Tamada practice preserves this dynamic as an extant tradition.

Distinct from class clown but related.

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The myth of "I love him because he makes me laugh" has been a disaster for the human race.

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The actual statement with the missing words added is: I love him because he [is conventionally attractive and] makes me laugh. To women the missing words isn't a lie because to them you have to be on their radar first. Among guys on their radar, they may prefer the one that makes them laugh, but if you don't cross the first barrier, you are SOL.

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"I think the key component in determining the average class clown’s SSH status is to observe that both indirection and passive-aggression are predominantly Gamma behaviors."

This is the key lynchpin of the article. The ability to determine the jokester's SSH is how their comedy targets their social sphere. Alpha's are able to make people laugh, build some people up, tear some down, and generally drift around the social sphere as they want. They're direct, no hold barred, with everyone.

Bravo's build up their Alphas, can get petty with their deltas/women at times, but still make people laugh and in general build people up still. They're going to be a little more hesitant with joking about the Alpha, but they'll still go there because there if they're on good terms with him. They're still not afraid of misogynistic jokes.

Deltas are all about self derogatory jokes, and those that build up women. Cringy jokes about both, usually. Or about base bodily functions, I feel.

Gamma jokers are like their unrestricted passions. All over the freaking place. You never know what they're going to pull out of the bag and embarrass themselves and their friends with next.

At least, those seem to be my experience and observations.

Thoughts and opinions?

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Status determines how an audience will react to most jokes. If the joke teller has high status, the joke itself will do the work (or even get a push forward). When an annoying Gamma tells the same joke, it ain't funny. Just annoying.

Class clownship amplifies it. Higher status could get away with more, if they felt the need to do it.

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Yes. But there’s a few reasons for that.

It’s that’s not just the person, that’s literally that a superior has the ability to joke about certain things that an inferior doesn’t.

It’s that, as a gamma, he literally doesn’t understand the jokes. He doesn’t get the inflections, the manner in which they should be told, who they should be told to/not to, etc. He sees it as a line of code - speak thus, win prize. It’s not.

Class clown doesn’t amplify anything other than one’s status in the hierarchy - it makes a gamma more gamma. A bravo more bravo, etc.

It’s like damaged some how, or narcissistic, as a bravo or delta or gamma - doesn’t make you some sigma. It makes you a narcissistic asshole of whatever you are. People keep trying to look at a “trait” of Sigma or alpha, and say, “that’s me!”

Often they’re just loners, assholes, or anti-social at wherever they are on the hierarchy, and just need to fix their damaged self to be better at what they are.

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Vox, is there anyway you can talk more about lambdas?

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

There are two types of class clowns - the first centers their entire identity around being a clown and the second acts a clown in the class/office but can be more serious when the situation calls for it.

They have no leadership traits so not Alpha or Bravo.

Both types do decently in the male hierarchy so not omega.

Both types care about social approval so not sigma.

The first type are off-putting to women so likely gamma. The second type does ok with women so likely delta.

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IIRC, Owen was, by his own and some schoolmates’ accounts, a quiet boy.

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Class clowns desire the attention from others, the spotlight, at the expense of others. They don't care about group moral, as a Bravo does, but their own moral & their own entertainment. Overall a class clown would be a Gamma.

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My oldest son likes to fire off jokes like a Ma Deuce with diarrhea.

I reorient him by saying jokes are a tool to be used when appropriate. They aren't your identity.

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It seems like the most common missunderstanding of sigma is "I'm self centered, therefore I am a sigma".

This is illustrative of why it is much better to cultivate virtue rather than trying to psych yourself into a different part of the hierarchy. If your focus is on the hierarchy, you can be blinded by all kinds of nonsense based more on bs you tell yourself than on anything real. But if you are focused on just being the best man you can be given your state in life than your natural place within the hierarchy will work itself out.

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“yet another demonstration of the Gamma tendency to try to define externalities on the basis of internal motivations”

It’s like a compulsion. There’s only so many ways to say by the fruits.

Gamma movies have done incalculable harm to young men’s social prospects. Apart from providing common archetypal examples, it’s best to put Pedowood socialization out of mind all together.

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in my high school of many years ago, there was a couple of Alphas.

A serious kid, and a class clown.

Both I admired and respected.

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I had in mind prankster characters like Tom Sawyer and Bart Simpson. Neither are passive aggressive or indirect and play pranks for their own amusement. This is not exactly internal motivation since they are willing to irritate others for a laugh. But maybe that's not really what a class clown is.

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I think there’s a distinction between the class clown and the funny guy. The class clown dances for just a bit of approval and thinks he’s funny. The funny guy is funny and brightens peoples day/finds things amusing. The biggest difference is the funny guy can be serious because it’s not his whole Identity.

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Women don't find funny guys attractive. They find attractive guys funny.

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Didn’t say they did

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