Given that this framework is taught in educational settings, they may feel that they are signaling that they are part of the educated elite (i.e., high status). The smugness is because they feel superior since they are part of this high level strata of society. Another reason might be that some of them might be of middle to socio-economic status, so maybe these negative consequences really don't affect them as much.

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I have two thoughts,

One is that most of the women are probably not attracting the sort of man they would like in their own culture, and they have a fantasy that an exotic refugee will fall in love with the savior white women.

Despite liberal women saying they want liberal men, they almost always are attracted to men with more conservative behaviors. So the dating pool is pretty slim.

The other is that they may be trying to use the refugees to attack prettier women to eliminate them as competition, or attack them for revenge.

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Hey Vox, do you think Deltas are being replaced by Gammas in modern society and is it possible that it's due to WWI/II causing the boomer generation to grow up in households with no or perhaps distant fathers?

If we move into tougher times and society cycles back towards K selection would that result in more Deltas and less Gammas, is there a correlation between numbers of Deltas/Gammas and where society sits in the r/k cycle?

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I think it’s just brainwashing by liberal educators. No one has ever told us about rape rates in different countries, I didn’t know until I started perusing more right wing websites and content. That goes for all feminist ideology as well.

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my two cents is this is top down propaganda.

its not a female specific issue but the result of propaganda and government corruption.

peterson and others try to analyze it on the individual scope but its much more global to me.

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And there is a good reason why Peterson et al. try to individualize it. Their very existence as social media figures depends on the fact to distract from the, sorry to say, global conspiracy. But that doesn't help us men from seeing through it and to take preventive and corrective action, as proposed widely here.

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Abundance. Human nature is diverse and unchanging and that is never more apparent then when we are in historical periods of abundance and at the peak of empires. Counterintuitive as it sounds, the better life is the worse both men and women behave. Abundance allows us to make terrible mistakes without the terrible consequences. We see this sentiment reflected in the popular quote by G. Michale Hopf "Hard times create strong men..." The same is true for women except it might go more like "hard times create more sensible women..." Perhaps hard times will allow us more sincerely rational women the freedom to stand up against the silly women out there. If the lyrics from the Wicked song are any thing like art imitating life "There's nothing that can stop you from becoming popular," but then again "Why really we're just not the gossiping kind."

(For those less than a certain age, the last quote is from a popular TV show called Hee Haw about women gossiping)

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

They want to be seen as kind & fair & tolerant - to themselves & to their peers. They believe all people are at heart good & will be just like them once they arrive settle. They believe rooting for the underdog is noble. They have been taught to be tolerant & to not judge a book by its cover - which has stripped them of any discernment or ability to listen to intuition warning them about predators.

So, this is societal conditioning plus conformity mixed with self righteousness. Also add to this an oppositional defiance to any conservative idea or person eg "conservative criticism of immigration must be wrong because I know conservatives are awful people".

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Do not underestimate the evil that these so called saviors of the needy possess. Note that all these women are low on the totem pole. They simply do not understand what its like to be desired in any form and try to inflict damage on women that are higher tiered. Their maternal instinct is non existant. They do not value themselves or others. Much like the gamma male, they project delusions of grandiosity.

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I think it's as simple as: women are herd animals and the herd is still saying "brown people sad, they just want better life. You white, you privilege, privilege bad. You get good girl points if you say brown people welcome."

At this very moment, any woman who speaks against immigration gets harassed, especially online, but even in real life she'll get those awkward silences and queer looks.

When local stories appear of sexually aggressive pajeets, women are happy to denounce the behavior, but only with a very bold disclaimer about how "race has nothing to do with it."

The racism spell is still very much in effect.

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This is the most accurate response IMHO. Women (generally) make decisions in groups because it's safer. When the Alpha woman/women make a pronouncement, it is incumbent on other women to follow. To fix the problem, we need to find new Alpha females. I think the Taylor Swifts and Meg the Stallions of the world are such poor role models things will be changing soon.

The feminist movement is less than 100 years old still and it's already burning itself out. I think if young men go back to church and prepare to raise families, the women will come around. https://archive.is/fgvhX

As I said in a different comment: Women aren't stupid, they've just been misled.

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Only when American women feel threatened as a collective, will the stampeding herd change direction.

If the millions of refugees pouring over the border were prime Heather Thomases, Salma Hyeks, and Paulina Porizkovas, the border would become the most secure border in the history of civilization(also ahead of schedule and under budget).

The pressure of this kind of intense female intra-sexual competition for mates and resources would unleash unimaginable fury that no politician has ever imagined.

MSM sob-story propaganda would fail miserably. Propaganda wouldn't move the dial an iota on something that is a core existential threat.

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(1) Heather Thomas first (2) Paulina Porizkova close second (3) Salma Hyek distant third

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Tell me you're 55 without telling me. 😁

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By the time women feel the pain of their collective delusion, the problem is going to be very bad.

Prepare to be the solution now. Waiting until the women complain to get started is going to leave you few options and limit your odds of success.

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IMO, If the vast majority of quality men were unapologetically racist, a lot of women would soon shrug and follow suit (after a lot of loud complaining). The meek male attitude right now isn't helping anyone.

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That stands to reason. Women had the vote when Adolf was elected, after all.

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I think part of the problem for a lot of women is ignorance of both the impact of importing people with different values and beliefs and the sheer numbers that are being brought in. When your world revolves around work and your family (or your family and getting them to their various activities), you have time to see some news. You try to use a reliable and honest source. Depending on the source, you could be getting very little to no information about mass immigration and its consequences. When the overwhelming majority of the people controlling the news and flow of information want large amounts of malleable and cheap individuals from cultures that look at rulers as providers instead of a necessary evil, the news is going to reflect the biases of their employers and funders. Most of the women I know watch the local news and stick to the MSM. When the stories about the Haitians eating pets and wild ducks broke, they did not believe it, many still don't, because the media told them it was a lie told by racist rubes. These women view themselves as much more intelligent and sophisticated than the people living in the affected areas. Furthermore, the stories are too fantastical to believe.

Many of them also live in more affluent areas with better schools. The only immigrants or people of color are other more affluent and educated people. They know these individuals. Their kids are in the same sports teams and clubs. They eat at the same restaurants, and so on. These people have their own customs and beliefs, but they fit into the community like most everyone else. They do not appear to be a threat. A few more of these types of immigrants will just add a bit more interest to the community, kind of like a native New Yorker in a small Texas town. This is the exposure that many of these women have.

The source of the information being provided plays a significant role in how things are perceived. With limited time, we look to trusted sources for information. If the first time you heard about the horrors of unvetted immigrants, voodoo rituals, rape gangs, etc. was from Orange Bad Man and his associates, why would you believe him? He'll say anything to get elected. He caused an insurrection. The FBI said that he is wrong. Don't you trust law enforcement over a convicted felon?

Then you have the simple fact that no one wants to talk about the real numbers. The so-called compromise bipartisan immigration reform bill would allow 5,000 to 8.000 people to enter the US every day. That works out to approximately 1.8 to 2.9 million people per year. That is more than the population of most mid-size cities in the US. Within 4 years, that would surpass the population of Phoenix, Arizona, the fifth largest metropolitan area in the US. This is information that the average American just does not have and is not given by their trusted sources. They also are not going to go looking for it unless they have an interest in it or have experienced negative consequences first-hand.

When this degree of ignorance and apathy are combined, it is very easy to manipulate people. Women are more likely to respond to pleas to help the defenseless and the innocent because they want to be good people. They want to be compassionate and understanding. Consequences for these actions are rarely considered because no negatives are mentioned or implied. It is also about helping others. This goes beyond political ideology as evidenced by examples of women in Bible studies being flabbergasted by the evil in the world and the cat ladies who think that making the world a better place is by exposing the ignorant to a new way of life. Both groups want to see an end to suffering, but they have incomplete and often false information by malicious intent of those with an agenda to subvert the country's dominant culture.

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This photo is best explained by t. gondii infection increasing both “warmth” (openness to strangers) and “superego” (sureness that one is right, the smugness), in infected females.

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How prevalent/widespread is T. gondii? Google says about 25% globally, but I wouldn't trust that at face value.

I find this really interesting, some say that such parasitical infections could also be linked to homossexual behaviour.

If this is really what is going on, putting some kind of dewormer in european water supply systems could fix it?

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Studies vary from 25% to 80% infection. Acute infection symptoms are treatable, but no known drugs can remove it from the body. It hides out in “dormant” cysts in the brain.

I know I sound crazy, and I would very much like someone to prove this hypothesis wrong- our society collapsing due to untreatable feline mind control parasites is a sci-fi horror nightmare.

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I have read de-wormers are able to rid the body of it, such as ivermectin and fenbendazole allegedly. Ones that crosses the blood brain barrier you need a prescription of course, like Mebendazole. There are lots of other treatments for parasites as well, a lot are natural or are as simple as fasting.


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I don't think it is crazy at all, there is a PDF going around with about 200 pages on this called "Parasitepill", Milo even reposted it on X. Some things are REALLY out there, but I see no reason to doubt the basic idea of parasites changing ones behaviour, as we see with mice chasing cat piss as opposed to running away from it when infected.

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This study indicates that t gondii rewires the brain so that fear is processed as sexual attraction. They found the mechanism in rodents:

“The neurological mechanism of this change in rats was revealed recently. It was shown that in the infected rats expressing fatal attraction, Toxoplasma is able to reprogram the brain’s genetic machinery by specific demethylation of certain regulatory elements of genes (Dass & Vyas, 2014). The cat odor activates fear-associated medial amygdala circuits in normal rodents. In the Toxoplasma-infected rodents, the same odor also activates the amygdala circuits responsible for sexual behavior.”

They looked at humans and determined fatal attraction to danger correlates with infection, but also with less ability/propensity to act on it (so less actual exposure to danger).

On that theory, the women pictured have t. Gondi mediated arousal from their own fear of refugees. And feel smug because their fear/sex fantasies make them feel sexy.

Disclaimer about science reproducibility crisis, etc.

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Normal answer:

This is similar to the man vs. Bear question. Women choose bears and refugees because they’ve never had to actually interact with them. For college-aged women, their most visible threat is gamma white men actually raping them and alpha-frat boys pumping and dumping them so that they “feel raped.”

They can’t imagine an actual bear attack or a Muslim beheading gang-bang because it is too far outside of their lives experiences, and it isn’t shown on tv (which the brain stores as lived experience).

These women also usually don’t have children, so the “I’m a good person because I welcome refugees” programming doesn’t have a backstop of “these heathens are competing for resources with my kids.” Their maternal instinct is getting displaced onto the imagined poor women and children refugees, and their need for a hero is getting transferred to the refugee men who “were courageous enough to risk their lives for a better life.”

Many women could have these misapplied instincts corrected by (1) having lots of babies to care for and (2) being in an environment that lends it self to heroism and recognition of that heroism in Deltas.

Some can’t be corrected without suffering the consequences directly though. And even then, admitting they were wrong might be too painful, so they double down.

Not normal answer:

Overall, I’m coming to blame hormonal birth control and toxoplasmosis gondii for how crazy women are today. Which gets back to the “do they really have agency?” question. I think I do, but I’ve also consciously mitigated both of these influences.

Hormonal birth control overrides who women are naturally attracted to, it has increased the incidence of BPD which is correlated with the sorts of abusive childhood that force lying as a survival strategy and with trannie kids, it leads to men expecting consequence free sex and women “feeling” raped from it.

The lack of resulting children causes women to misplace their maternal instinct on refugees, puppies, and, worst of all, cats.

The cats give them t. Gondii which takes over their brain and has gender-differentiated symptoms including a reduction of threat and increase in “openness and warmth” in females, both mice and human. Crazy cat ladies are a real thing.

Birth control —> no babies —> fur babies

—> t. gondii —> broken threat assessment mechanism —> “rapefugees welcome”

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I had no idea about t. Gondii

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Most people don’t hear about it until your doctor tells you/your wife not to clean litter boxes while pregnant. Acute infection is very bad for belly-babies.

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Obviously the women commenting here are on the right side of the bell curve.

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Most probably. Yet, to allude to the famous memes most of you know, I wouldn't be sure what a woman on the left side would say. Maybe she simply would trust their (not altered) instincts?

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What do the authorities in their life say? Something similar.

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Just piling on to what others have said, Western women genuinely have no capability of understanding how bad the refugees really are. Back when I was in a Bible study that was mostly made up of retired women (a few men joined regularly, as well, but they didn't generally lead the discussion), they were frequently deeply dismayed at the violence and brutality depicted. They have never experienced that kind of life, even those ladies who were immigrants from various South American and Caribbean cultures (this was in Florida).

Meanwhile, I had been following the coverage of events in the ME, including what happened in Benghazi which tracked pretty well with what the men of Sodom wished to do with Lot's guests. What we read as brutal ancient history still happens in many parts of the world right now, but it is distasteful to think of it, and those ladies were shocked that it could happen now. We have been told for so long that those poor refugees just want the same opportunities that we have, most women literally can't imagine that hordes of young men are dreaming of violently invading, mercilessly destroying, and setting up a new empire over the ashes of the West in their own image., and chances that any of those virtue-signalling women would survive the experience are slim.

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That’s been my experience with most of the girls I’ve met in college. Ignoring the fact that universities are propaganda machines that aggressively promote the destruction of society, lots of girls get wrapped up in their “college experience” and have no understanding of the world outside their little bubble, which is usually extremely small because they think anything that doesn’t fit their current worldview is bad and scary, so they shut it out.

I don’t make fun of Greek people too much because there’s plenty of merit in Greek life, but white sorority girls live within at least two layers of delusion bubbles, maybe three. First the delusion bubble of higher education, then the delusion bubble that nothing exists outside sorority life, and more often than not, the delusion bubble of upper-middle class daddy’s money.

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"They just want a better life for their fambly!"

"Yeah, that's what Mafia members say too."

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

Girls holding "refugees welcome" signs are there because it's trendy to do - the vast majority of them would never date a refugee (no money, no status). Those that would date them tend to be attracted to the fact that the men are masculine and the girls are often too nice to say "No". Good masculinity has been almost wiped out in the West and there is a hunger for it. Unfortunately, the refugees bring the dark side of masculinity. As someone whose sister who dated a refugee years ago, it was an absolute nightmare and all the worst aspects of masculinity surfaced within a few weeks, including violent physical assaults. When my sister finally got the courage to end the relationship, she then had to deal with the stalking and harassment. I thank God she escaped.

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Women who start social media before their brain is developed ( and some never do) can be convinced of anything, but the virtue signaling female doesnt lose any sleep over the cause of the day -- its just smug fodder. Instead of taking the vote from women, maybe social media would be a better place to start.

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I have to guess, since I don't generally hold these views or associate willingly with people who do.

There's the emotional aspect already mentioned, which I do understand. It can't be helped: suffering women and children and babies are distressing to us. Nevermind that most of them are young men of fighting age and NOT women or children or babies, and nevermind what those children grow into and those women actively support. The feels are more important for these women.

Secondly, a majority racists society would entail exchanging virtue for prospects. Women seem keenly aware that by importing the 3rd world in sufficient numbers, things become too muddied for any one group to enforce society rules, thereby leaving the women to do whatever they please without much in the way of repercussions. They can have an OnlyFans, do weird performance art, protest at uni, or whatever else and still expect to get a job/find someone out there to marry/etc. Importing the 3rd world is nothing more than feelings and a middle finger to White males.

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