It looks like a young nephew is turning into a Delta on this point.

About to turn 18, and is entangled with a 16 year old cliche of girl that pulls every Wounded Bird trick in the book on him.

And he falls for it over and over. Catches her red handed hanging out with other dudes all the time, and yet has no clue.

I've wondered if the fact he won't listen or accept the facts in front of his eyes is because he's a teenager.

After this post, it's quite possible he's a delta.

he's over 6' and not a bad looking kid, but he is behaving in this respect like the described Delta.

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It looks like a young nephew is turning into a Delta on this point.

About to turn 18, and is entangled with a 16 year old cliche of girl that pulls every Wounded Bird trick in the book on him.

And he falls for it over and over. Catches her red handed hanging out with other dudes all the time, and yet has no clue.

I've wondered if the fact he won't listen or accept the facts in front of his eyes is because he's a teenager.

After this post, it's quite possible he's a delta.

he's over 6' and not a bad looking kid, but he is behaving in this respect like the described Delta.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

When my husband and I were dating, there were a handful of times where I must admit now years later, I was playing some ridiculous mind games (@%/& testing). Husband responded appropriately and walked out. I chased after him and apologized profusely. If he had stayed, the relationship would have ended one way or another. We laugh about it because it was so stupid but, the fact is, I couldn't have respected a doormat. Doormats aren't sexy.

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When my ex-wife pulled the pin on our marriage of 19 years, she used that last line of “femmesprache” word for word “I love you, but I’m not in love with you”. Back then it cut me like a knife. All these years later I’d totally forgotten, until I read this story.

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He’s a stalker = He’s mad because I stopped having sex with him

Jup, know a girl (~7,5 ) with a stalker. She was warned her against the guy, but like with all the other warnings she didn't heed it.

And of course she left a Delta with a good job, house etc. Cause he wanted children. And she didn't ( think of the environment). Now she is a single mom by some other guy.

The Delta did support her with stuff for the kid.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

Met a tall slender attractive blond at work when I was about 30. She had the look I liked. Asked her out. To my surprise, she eagerly said yes. During the date learned she had three kids and an ex-husband. Said to self, "So, that's probably the reason she said yes." Bailed.

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In my experience, real victims are open about what happened to them, and have long since shed the tears about it. If she is cryin, she is lyin.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

Assuming that Delta-hood has any genetic basis:

In a functioning tribe of sufficient good genes, the Alpha's wife will make sure that the Deltas' wives are toeing the no-cheating line. Exiling the cheaters, say. Just as she ideally will match up wives for the Deltas. (And sometimes appoint a successor wife for her son.)

These are the tribes that birth a lot of quality Deltas.

Women parasitize off the male hierarchy. But some of them do care enough to maintain it.

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My read is that Deltahood has a soul/frequency basis

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Was in the same situation as the Delta in the story. Vox's writings on the matters of SSH and game back on Alpha Game actually pulled me back from the brink of doing what the Delta in the story did - my life has been immeasurably better since. It's possible to break from the Delta patterns, but one has to give the exact same attention (or more) to the advice of higher-status men as you do to women's sob stories. You will find one to be genuinely logical and helpful; the other more useless than a JBP lecture.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

In the ether you come across stories like this sad sack all the time. Maybe shake your head; maybe have a chuckle at their expense; and, then you move on. I never previously connected the (willing) victims of these stories to a whole category but ... yeah, it check's out.

Another useful lesson from my father, which I am passing on to my son -- "women are people" or to use a more local expression "don't put women on pedestals," which is the source of this weakness.

As a post-inspired aside, I wonder if an abortion destroying gambit would be to couple mandatory paternity testing statewide to any availability for legalized abortion.

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Everybody plays the fool at least once. But it's amazing how low status men keep playing that part with the same script over and over, and over.

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Oh, if only once. I lost track and stopped counting.

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Everyone can be deceived and understanding that is a strong defense.

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Deltas never learn in the workplace either.

I'm on the promotions committee at work and I tell the Deltas exactly what they need to do to get promoted and they almost never do it.

They think they should be promoted based on what they think is important and not what the business thinks is important.

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Deltas are primed to be lead. If they're not, they'll focus on what they think is important. Get their respect, sell them on the vision, give them focus, and "pat them on the back" once in awhile and they'll bust their ass for you. Lead them.

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This is very true too. High conscientiousness is one of their defining characteristics, but you are right they often can't understand that their internal standard is not what is in charge.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Vox Day

Exactly. I am not even saying they are wrong. It just doesn't matter what they think.

They have no interest in taking any responsibility for the overall standards either.

When I was more junior I used to be upset that management didn't value my strategic mindset. In reality I was hired to write lots of code and I was focusing instead on work my manager didn't care about. I was the problem.

I'm lucky a few of the older folks took me under their wing and helped me move up on the food chain.

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Be careful. That’s what they said over at Bud Lite.

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I'm like a moth attracted to a hot burning flame. I'm going to burn. Stop me bros!

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Jun 11Liked by Vox Day

My dear bros, let's not be too hasty here. We don't even know how hot she is. The hotter she is, the more likely she's telling the truth.

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Years ago I had an ER nurse I was friendly with tell me that the number one question asked privately by women brought in for a rape kit was some variation of "Will it be able to show if I consented or not?". He said that the staff usually responded "Why, what happened?" and found out the rape claim was bullshit. Usually by the time she reached an ER she had lied a lot and was in too deep to back out. This was 25+ years ago.

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B-but we're Christians! Human nature doesn't exist for Christians! If we're all just more Christian, all this stuff will go away! Be the right person to attract the right person!

That's the kind of well-meaning trash advice I grew up with. Thank God, the Christian God, for Vox Day and the rest of the crudely truth-talking manosphere.

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Most what is known as "Christian" in the English speaking world is the Evangelical variety spread since 1940s thanks to close proximity to Hollywood.

Evangelical theology is early 19th century new revelation (Irving/Darby), including methods of exegesis which have never been used in 1800 years of church history before, combined with an extremely thin anthropology based on early 19th century ideas of male and female sexuality.

The existence of the female orgasm was so alien to these guys, that they assumed a woman having one is a medical emergency. And THAT is the anthropology Evangelicals build their marriage advice on while fighting Vox's SSH. It's not in the bible BTW, the guys who wrote that surely knew their stuff. Otherwise they wouldn't have used terms like "burning in desire" multiple times.

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Precisely. But they don't stop with calling the female orgasm an aberration, they also insist that a woman simply LIKING sex with her man is a bad woman, a sinner. What I for the life of me can't seem to figure out is why God commands us to be fruitful and multiply, if at least 50 percent of the people are to dislike the act of multiplying.

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With new revelation they are technically Gnostic and as their spiritual forefathers from the 2nd century dislike sex and like to force people into asceticism. After all, the 'secret rapture' and 'secret 2nd coming' is imminent, so why bother with multiplying?

Now, about two hundred years later they have built an authoritarian tradition, lots of theological seminaries and some already introduce reforms like ordaining women. All this is completely absurd considering the doomsday premise. Why bother with building seminaries and ordaining women (or ordaining anyone), when the end is nigh?

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Brutally true, all of it.

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