When I first encountered Vox's SSH as a Bravo, I spent three minutes committing to memory all the negative traits of a Delta, Gamma, and Omega and making a mental note to avoid those traits. That's as far as I got for inward SSH contemplation.

I have used SSH in a mercenary fashion ever since. For example, when talking to potential clients:

Alpha: Emphasize the mission.

Bravo: Talk about the team.

Delta: Talk about the importance of the job.

Gamma: Be pleasant and never work with this person.

Lambda: Talk about girlie things.

That's just one example of how I use the SSH to make wads of cash.

Outside my bank account, it sure makes predicting behavior easier. It was never about me. It's about the team.

The understanding of the SSH is a Bravo SuperPower.

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"using the SSH to obsess about yourself is a complete misuse of a powerful tool. Using it to understand,"

You are saying this in mockery, steepled hands infront of you chest aren't you? We all know this unless we are a delta or gamma. And even most experienced Delta's should have realized this already.

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SSH reveals that there are levels to game. Gonna need Roosh to authorize a republishing of Game, with at least a chapter on this type of stuff.

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Completely unrelated, but I would love to read a detailed post about Vox's workflow in AI imaging. A darksteam episode, maybe?

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Jordan Peterson demonstrating his Gamma-ness. I post this here just because it’s focusing on the What instead of the Why that let me catch that Peterson is exhibiting Gamma traits here, contrary to my usual tendency to focus on the Why.

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I can easily see the AI fractals in that image when I defocus my eyes for some reason. Anybody else catch this? Note: this is not a complaint about the image, or the practice of using AI images. It is just a strange perceptual experience, and I'm wondering if anyone else shares it

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Conversely, would a gamma's enthusiastic endorsement be a major sexual turn off? In my experience I can't recall that being the case so maybe any publicity is good publicity.

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That might work for movie franchises.

No one:

Gamma: *tips fedora* "Hey babe, want to hear an interesting fact about Spock?"

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There are some people in this world from whom high praise would be a condemnation and condemnation, praise. If a Doof-like gamma told me to avoid someone, I would immediately want to know what the real story was.

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And "coincidentally" most modern "journalists" seem to be Gammas.

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This is how most humans nowadays treat church people.

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Nice, close to reverse psychology!

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dont go near him , chicks usually want to root him on first date... stay right away ...

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That’s excellent.

Gamma obliviousness to how repulsive they are to normal people raises the tragic irony to performance art.

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The SSH is an excellent guidebook for analyzing the males around one. I caught myself reviewing friends, family, and coworkers with whom I had many, many decades of contact and interaction. I came to the conclusion that while political beliefs change with real life experiences their basic SSH ranking never did. It was a surprising constant. From jr. HS to death. There appeared to be only two anomalies; one was that the lower IQ HS jock who got by on being a good looking jock quickly went down the desired list among the ladies as they aged, second was that the players even after getting married to a good woman, after a while decide she was married and he was not.

There appeared to be a strong correlation between SSH and IQ versus worldly success and marital success. Of course the professional sports show that lower IQ and physical attraction still works, but only if there is the money. But for the normal person that does not apply.

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After understanding the hierarchy and seeing relationships between men in my local hierarchy, I have been able to predict who would work best with each other and who would clash and who to keep isolated. I also learned how to stay out of the way of the hierarchy and let it do its thing. I stopped worrying about how I fit into it and just observe and utilize it to get things done that I want to accomplish. Worrying about how you fit into it causes a disruption of the process as you are not interacting naturally. In my particular situation I find it best to just step back and observe and watch things play out. I will also add that conflicts have greatly diminished because wheres previous I thought of things on a personal and social level, now I see things as objective cause and effect. 2 Bravos of similar status for example might end up fighting. You cant just resolve this by "talking it out". One either must submit to the other or you keep them separate. It isnt the fault of either of them, it is the result of the hierarchy.

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It’s the Gamma question that led to where we are now: How can God love them more than me? Let’s not forget the age old Gamma message: God doesn’t really love you. He’s just using you.

Satan wears a Fedora.

Pattern recognition is a powerful tool.

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Satan's earthly minions commonly adorn themselves with eccentric headwear, but Satan himself was created “perfect in beauty", highest of God's created order aside from the F, S, & HS. And anyway, Jesus tells us that there is neither male nor female in the heavenly order(Matthew 22:30), so no SSH. Satan, in his pride, separated himself from God. He was no reject. Not sticking up for Satan--just don't take our Enemy lightly. He ain't some neckbeard in a fedora, or anything we can even comprehend. Ephesians 6:12

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Excellent, simple, and short text, Vox. Thank you.

It reminds me of how I was told that the nice guy acts. The nice guy is not too shy to ask a girl out. He doesn't even do that, because that implies that she gets to dislike and reject him. He wouldn't be so crass to be interested in playing games. Games are hard and confusing, and he has bad experiences with mean girls and bullying jocks, those who like them. So that's not for him. He has chosen his dream girl. She is his, because of dibs. And he does all the deeds good guys do, deeds that are supposed to stack the deck to increase the odds of success. The odds of getting one's dream girl, are not 100% now, not yet, but after enough good-guy deeds, it should be certain, shouldn't it? And when the odds are certain, when they should be certain, why would you be so crude or cocky as the mean grunts in sports are? Who risks rejection if the deck is stacked to 100% success?

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"Using it to understand, anticipate, and utilize the behavior of others is a much more useful application".

Point well taken. As in war and strategy, it is very helpful.

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I can concur. Back in the day, i had a cadre of lil gammas goin around backstabbing, saying i was a player etc. It pissed me off at the time being lied about. None of them ever learned and i probly totalled more girls then all or most of them combined.

Looking back now they may have gotten several maybe more girls, more interested in me.

I dated all most but UNFORTUNATELY i Married the wrong one and divorced within 7 yrs

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