"I apologize, but I don’t feel comfortable describing or promoting theories about human sociosexual hierarchies. Such concepts can often be overly reductive, potentially harmful, and not scientifically supported."


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This SSH stuff makes Vox Day look jealous, as if he envies the Nietzsches and Kierkegaards because they had a better education, wrote works of lasting importance and were fluent in Latin and Greek, while he is unable to pronounce "Schlichter" correctly despite his claim of having known German since being fifteen. Shows that he is verbally not gifted. Quoting Don Colacho again:

"Envy is the key to more stories than sex."

Most commenting here do not have IQs that are three+ sigma. Nils M. Holm, member of the Triple Nine Society, noted in his book "Bridging the Gap" how such people are usually lonely since they have little in common with most people. (Having a 3,3+ sigma IQ as a man would be even worse in terms of marriage prospects, since there are less women with such IQs. Last I checked, for every gifted girl, there are seven [or eight] boys.)

According to this "SSH", Chris Langan is some omega or so, since he married when he was almosts fifty, suffered from loneliness most of his life, and had zero status as a bouncer.

I don't care or gossip about people's looks, though the wife of Thorsten Heitzmann, regent of the Triple Nine Society, is not a model either. Why would he care anyway? You project your lust onto others, acting as if your values aren't wholly subjective.

To quote Chris Langan:

"Right. As far as Germany is concerned, everyone is forever knocking the so-called “nazi stud farms” of the 1930’s and 40’s. But before one can even dream of doing this in any meaningful way, one must consider the alternatives available in the present reproductively degenerate environment … and we’re not just talking about genocidally replacing indigenous Europeans with maladaptive foreigners. (As I say, the situation here is nearly as bad. As one of the premier bouncers in New York, if not the best-known of all, I was nothing if not accessible to women. That I didn’t get any reproductive play on Eastern LI, where rich and pampered women abound, and that I simultaneously watched these decadent party girls having out-of-wedlock children by a succession of dunces, creeps, and minority players, is really quite informative when you come right down to it.) Truly, the Caucasian genome is in freefall."

Simply face the fact that both men and women don't "choose" a "mate", since we are talking about an irrational drive here. There is no rationale behind it. It is irrational, driven by hormones, lust. Even Konrad Lorenz knew that men are driven to act in the most stupid and even dangerous ways because of Eros.

This whole kind of thinking rather seems like revenge of the less intelligent against those with either high IQs in the 3.3+ sigma range and above---Langan's is 210!---or outright geniuses like Nietzsche, whom Vox Day, with a straight face, called a gamma. Wrongly pronounced, of course.

I only live because I believe that Christ is God and eternal damnation most likely awaits the suicide. That Hell is destruction of sould and body would be great, but is most likely false. Jehova's Witnesses teach such nonsense, there are others who also subscribe to such a view. Not understanding that this would be a boon for those who have no interest in living.

You cannot accept the fact that there are people who have no interest in this "game", and who only drag on because God forces us. Even the atheist usually does not swiftly kill himself, he too is restrained by his survival instinct. It is not hard to see that God needs to force us to participate in this cesspool.

After all, there is less resistance to copulate than to cut one's throat. If we could snap a finger and be done with life, imagine how many people would have vanished decades ago!

Simply accept the fact that those with IQs above 150 are usually suffering, and have not much in common with people. Do you think anyone I know is fluent in Latin and Greek? Reads the books I read? Then why would I want to even share my whole life with a woman that I have nothing in common with, only because you subjectively categorize them into a scale from 1 to 10?

I liked Vox Day's harsh take on immigration, the elites and his defence of Christ Jesus. Though his sex obsession is really off the mark. He is friends with other lewd imbeciles like Filotto and Roosh. Right wing author in Germany like Götz Kubitschek or Günter Maschke (d. 2022) never made such frivolous remarks, especially not about such highly subjective topics like dating and women. This is bordering on an obsession or so.

I'll end with a quote from Nils M. Holms book "Bridging the Gap":

"Having a job that pays the bills helps to find your way in this world, and having a jobs that allows for some extras, like a new car, vacations in foreign countries, or maybe an own appartment, is seen as the ultimate goal by many. However, this can be a stale experience when you are always on your own. You may find a partner, but never feel any connection to them, because they do not share your interests, your values, your empathy, your sensitivity, etc. Many relationships of high-IQ people are uneasy compromises at best. The alienation they first felt at home and then at school and in later life extends also to their closest connections."

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Speaking of AI, Mr. Privacy Guy has a new video out: "Finally, Privacy focused AI use is here" https://odysee.com/@RobBraxmanTech:6/ai1:6?r=2BLscBXoXGrsfwWVq9jCC7c7ktYyW4Si&t=0

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Regarding the Sigma in the classroom… Is it fair to assume that male teachers are lambda and gamma until proven otherwise, considering the apparent lack of a strong masculine presence in schools?

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“This (SSH) is descriptive, not prescriptive.” I know.

Owen Benjamin has often said, “I mock your bad behaviour because it’s good for you.”

Vox Day may not have been so explicit and may be (much) less philanthropic than Owen, but still he shows signs of wanting badly behaved commenters to develop some self-awareness and self-restraint: he usually issues a warning before banning commenters.

Whether “deGammification” is one of Sigma Game’s purposes or not is irrelevant, though. Speaking for myself, one of its effects, intended or not, has been to increase self-awareness, and judging from comments I doubt I’m alone.

“Ha! That’s hilarious! Wait. Do I do that?” And the cogs turn.

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"You'll give me another wish, now that I freed you right?"

"No way dude" said the genie "I got places to be, gotta get on that sigma grindset"

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'High' Delta, 'Low' Delta.

What do these look like in the day to day?

What does a 'low' alpha look like?

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

There's a couple examples of Deltas in Parks and Rec.

Jerry Gurgich is a low Delta bordering on Omega. He's competent enough at menial tasks and he doesn't upset the social order so he's tolerated. He has a wife he pedastalizes, and a family he is devoted to. Though he is the butt of many jokes, he is not an quite an Omega because he's still in the group in a way an omega wouldn't be and is even appreciated when push comes to shove.

Ben Wyatt is a high Delta/situational Bravo. His natural state is just to do his job and do it well. He gets a girl he pedastalizes to a lesser degree: he recognizes she has flaws, but would still never tell her no. He doesn't want to be in a leadership role, but he's so competent that he is increasingly put in positions of more and more responsibility throughout the show. This causes him trouble when he doesn't know how to lead a group of interns in D.C.

And remember, these concepts are fractal. Someone may be high-status in one group, and low-status in another group.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Low Alpha. An Alpha that beds a lot of women but isn't a leader of men?

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Why would anyone want to be led by such a degenerate? "Bedding many women" is the behavior of a dog, not someone I would want to be loyal to. As Andy Nowicki correctly writes, "sexualization _IS_ degradation". Also, J. D. Unwin has demonstrated that this is the downfall of a society in his "Sex and Culture". West Germany had laws against this until '73.

Such men should rather be avoided, since they can't be trusted, are easily led by the nose---or rather a completely different organ---by women.

I'm glad I don't pay taxes for such degeneracy.

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I would measure it in the size of group he can lead. A low Alpha would have a small group of 3-5, while a high Alpha might lead tens of thousands, with many low Alphas under him.

The group size reflects his skill in gaining the loyalty of men to follow him.

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This puts the 'situational alpha' into perspective for me, thank you.

The real deal does the work, builds. & maintains the group. Then he passes suddenly and it's left to a conniving friend.

You'd think he was just like him, at first. But then everything unravels.

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Agreed. To guage the status of the Alpha, high/low, measure his influence.

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My guess is that a high delta is a competent or a hot delta. A delta man who acts like an charismatic alpha more than he is a repulsive omega.

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Using the attractiveness of the wife as a proxy for SSH rank, high Delta should have an attractive wife in the 5-7 range, while the low Delta would be in the 2-4 range. (4-5 is average Delta)

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Attractiveness is subjective. I remember this Heartiste guy praising the looks of some Italian female moderator, though in the comments her manly wrists were criticized. One man's "dream woman" is another's nightmare.

If I have a 3.3-4+ sigma IQ, I would be stupid to prefer sheer looks to compatibility. And I would assume that this goes for most in lower ranges as well. Chris Langan was lonely and single most of his life, married when he was almost fifty.

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Personal attractiveness has an element of subjectivity. The referenced 1-10 number scale that men use to judge a woman's attractiveness points to objective beauty.

Take a look at this Sigma Game article. A woman might be a 10 to one guy, but she isn't actually a 10 and other men know it even if they don't say it.


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I believe the high delta plays sports. He watches sports religiously. And he questions those who do not. Because it instills the good and masculine values of a man. I'm a nerd, and when I moved closer to the faith, I had to concede that sports isn't optional for a man. You don't learn manliness in books. Men with manliness in them, they've got sports in them. You learn manliness in the fields, in the streets and in the courts.

The low delta doesn't play sports. I've seen enough alcoholic single, christian men fail to get girlfriends. And struggle to talk with women. The engineers who haven't been thugs or sportswatchers, they're not thriving deltas.

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That's not a reliable metric to guage whether a delta is high or low, across the board. I've seen plenty of low status Deltas play sports, you have to watch how they interact with eachother.

Equally as important, how they interact with women & how women respond to them. If a Delta can whip a football 80 yards, but cucks to his harpy wife, or generally is overlooked & ignored by women, that's low status.

I have an Omega coworker who is all about sports, but he's a low status Omega.

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Fair point. The cluelessness in a man with poor social skills is hard to measure.

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Having taught chess classes to kids at the elementary level, I can vouch for the fact that the hierarchy shows up very early...The sigma boys are often some of the best players, and obviously don't care about how popular they are, or frequently, aren't..But they are usually respected, and often have 1-2 friends they play with....

Then there was one boy in 2d grade, who was quiet but not silent, social but not ostentatiously so, dressed neatly every day, and beloved by virtually everyone, male and female alike...They seemed to recognize him as a natural Prince among men...not sure how he would be classified...

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This is off the mark, it's almost evil, at least disgusting. Second grade? This hierarchy dung you are talking about is at best applicable to those in puberty, not to children that are age eight or nine. Are you insane?

Sex is a curse from God, since Adam and Eve were naked and not ashamed; they did not copulate despite God's commandment. The woman was cursed with pain during childbirth, hinting at a physical change, i.e. most likely our sexuality entering the world. The first Adam did after having been thrown out of Garden Eden was to "know" Eve, which shows that the author of Genesis knew that we are talking about knowledge that changes everything. In this way, to quote Andy Nowicki, puberty can indeed be seen as a second Fall.

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I taught several hundred kids, and never saw another one with that kind of status, seemingly without making the slightest effort....

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Talked to a female friend who I haven't seen in a while today. Our conversation stumbled upon some guy she met at the gym, and I couldn't resist "Sounds like a Delta, explain to him in plain terms why you don't want to work out with him." She didn't know what I meant by "Delta", so I described the SSH to her, and asked her for her thoughts on it. At first she was a bit surprised by the simplicity of the concept, but she immediately understood the status-pyramid, and told me that that's how she structured her potential mates during her 20s. She didn't even try to hide the fact that she was out for hypergamy. (She's married to a professor, has two kids with him, and is still a hot woman.)

She had no problem understanding Alpha, Bravo, Delta, but with the Gamma I had to give some behavioral examples. "Alright, got it, I can see three of those Gammas right before my eyes!"

The Sigma intrigued her the most. She couldn't grasp the essence, though. "Tell me more about the Sigma. I don't think I know one." I went on to depict a Sigma I've worked for, when she eventually announced "Ahh, those guys..." I've only had rudimentary contact with her husband, but I assume him to be a Sigma, so he might be in for some "fun time" tonight.

Anyway, the SSH is true, it is applicable, and most people comprehend its basics within one hour. The Gammas will have nowhere to hide!

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Sounds pretty deranged. So he married a whore? I would pay money not having to touch such a woman.

"Fun time" means to have sex? Okay. Are you from Germany? No wonder it's a cesspool. From Bismarck to this. Wow.

J. D. Unwin was right, and there is no denying that you are destroyers of Western Civilization.

The SSH is just hatred for people with high IQs who'd rather occupy themselves with abstract thought. To quote Nils M. Holm ("The Gap", t3x.org):

"The most common thing that people on the other side of the gap experience is loneliness. If a lot of abstract thought is going on in your mind and you are not able to share most of it, this is a very special kind of loneliness. To most people, being lonely depends on the number of familiar people around them. To them loneliness and being alone are strongly correlated. So the average person, when they feel lonely, they can go to a bar or join a club, or go to a gym, or do any activity that brings them into close proximity of other human beings. Let us say that you get alone with every other person and ‘‘click’’ with one out of ten. In this case joinging a club, or even just going to a bar will solve the problem of loneliness for you. It may take a few days or weeks, but it will work eventually. (Of course, there may be other factors that make that approach less successful, like social anxiety or trauma, but this is not what this book is about.)

For highly intelligent people, though, there is this gap. Let us say that you get along with every other person on your side of the gap and click with one out of ten on your side of the gap. Then, given the gap described initially in this chapter, you would have to meet about 240 people before meeting one with whom you get along and about 1200 before you meed one with whom you really click. So you will probably not meet one in a bar and probably not even in a very large club."

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Choose wisely:

A) Go have sexual intercourse with yourself!

B) Go read the Bible, and let the Holy Spirit teach you about the utterness of your idiocy!

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Having nowhere to hide is the best thing that could happen to them.

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If it is useful, it will be used. If it is useless, it will be promoted by popular culture and human resources. It it is actively evil, it will become an academic fashion promoted bycredulous therapist and aocal workers.

The way to critique the SSH would be to demonstrate it is cukure bound -- like the MMPI a product of the American corporate and aocal systemI.

I would argue that the shattering of extended family and social restrictions (thank you boomers) has made this far more apparent in the Anglosphere than elsewhere. But the SSH remains.

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Can't wait to see stupid Myers-Briggs shunted off to the incinerator where it belongs.

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Of those I know who use MBTI, none of them use it in professions. It's for self-discovery or for fun. The self-typed doctors aren't that silly at work. And the psychologists I know, they agree that it is bullshit. And if a client of theirs talk about that, then it's only a bad test which hopefully leads further into a more serious conversation about something real. Your self-reflective test reveals enough of who you are.

And the fact that the SSH gets hated, that's a great confirmation of its use. Real things aren't liked by liars.

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We hired an older, ex-military female engineer. Worst engineer ever. She insisted everyone take an online MBTI test--and most did, just to placate her. Claimed she needed to know that I was an INTJ before she could correctly understand my instructions. She had 4-letter codes for everyone. Seems this is a thing in the military. Turns out she literally didn't know the difference between voltage and current, and had never used Excel before. She didn't last long. Total waste of my time.

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I find the 4 temperaments much more useful than MBTI

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The seven dwarves is a decent approximation, in the Irish.

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Sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic?

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MBTI probably has less value than palmistry

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MBTI, astrology or palmistry has as much as value as a screwdriver or a wrench has. Tradesmen work wonders with the latter two. If I cared more about sleeping around, I would learn everything about astrology, due to what a chickcrack it is.

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Kids see reality. Taking responsibility for their education and formation has never been more critical for keeping them there.

The idea of an observable, predictable, materially existing pattern really is self-erasing for the house of lies. Curious to see if they ever address where it derives from or just keep attacking fractitypal straw men of their own imagination.

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They all can see kids self-sorting and object to the constant lectures that self-sorting and superior performers even among the sorted aren't real, from adults either still festering over some offense years ago or trying to keep their jobs supervised by the former.

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Self-sorting is exactly it. Organic social processes. What the beast dancers hate.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

"Reductive" is newspeak for "This is so simple to understand for the layman I can't endlessly probe into the whys and hows to escape the obvious." Brevity is the soul of wit, and a dog has more wit than every one of these journalists put together.

Edit: Bit of a tangent but Doc Daneeka from Catch 22 has been on the mind lately as the pristine example of a Gamma. "You think you've got problems? What about ME?" may well be the ultimate Gamma wailing cry. His eventual fate is both hilarious and deserved.

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BMTI is far too complex to be useful as an extrospective framework for understanding others - unless everyone takes the test and tattoos their personality type on their foreheads. And even then, unless the characteristics of each type are committed to memory, we'd still be at a loss.

I like how the SSH helps bring intuitive understanding about others into full conscious bloom. Anything that can help young guys develop stronger cognitive empathy and social awareness is all good. Perhaps fewer guys will end up getting body-slammed into wall lockers.

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In many ways, Clown World is like the boy stopping leaks in a dike by plugging them with his fingers. The dike represents the falseness of Clown World attempting to hold back the truth or reality. So, the SSH is just another leak in the dike threatening to wash away the illusion. They know that it's a losing battle and soon they will be cast from their master's high horse.

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