
Just be a cool person and people will adopt your beliefs because you're cool.

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Quite unique post you don’t see everyday lol, nice!

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Generally, this is sadly, frustratingly, painfully, almost invariably true. The exception I have found is where physical (and instant) pain follows bad/wrong actions. It's probably one of the reasons I pursued martial arts for over four decades. There was an oasis of reality that was not perturbed so much by people's obstinate refusal to face it. In fact, amidst the occasional blood spatter and broken bones, it forced even the most delusional to either leave and never return, or begin to actually face reality as it is, including concerning themselves. I have found that martial artists that belonged to serious dojos, where the pain was real, farmers, who actually farm the land themselves and occasionally (but less often so) some people who had been in the military (usually confined to people that were drafted, saw combat and were above average IQ) are generally about the only ones you can reasonably expect to face the truth at least SOME of the times. People with sedentary jobs or IT guys, are almost completely incapable of it.

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It's a sad reality that few but those who already benefit from Truth, as it is, will have the mental will to acknowledge it as it is, unless you seek to be a curator of Truth, in which case that's something to be glad about. It filters out the enemies before they have the chance to be the enemy.

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Truth is, Death isn't going anywhere, and Jesus said no man will go to heaven but the Son of Man who is already from it...

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This is solid advice. Most only talk to hear themselves talk and I still do not understand why. Then again, I am a only child. I wonder if there are any only children who talk to hear themselves talk.

Not talking makes people confused or angry. More men than women though.

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Lies follow you and huant your future. Makes you stuck.

The truth releases you from the past. Gives opportunity for change.

Authentic truth opens future golden threads. Brings growth on multiple levels.

I agree with keeping silent particularly on a one on one basis. This brings peace.

In an open forum giving your opinion can bring others of like mind to you. This builds community.

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Most people don't want to change, and they only claim they do because it's the statistically most likely sequence of words they could utter.

I'm sure it's harder to stop habitual lying than leaving shoes on the floor, because repeatable processes and physical safeguards can be enacted for the latter (if one wants to change).

SSH self help will surely be easier if one focuses on being the best at whatever type they already are, rather than changing core values. Which raises the question, is there a good version of a gamma? Not minimally bad, but actively positive in his use of gamma fundamentals?

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This reminds me of the theory of Reflexivity. From the mind to the world and from the world to the mind. There is slippage in both directions.

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Largely true. Language is a primary means of long term behavioral change - key here being long term - and most people do have to be reminded, often, in order for them to change their habits, and usually given some incentive to, such as money, food, sex, &c. Highly intelligent people are who can change their behaviors from incoming ideas by anticipating future gains of the same incentives if they do adapt accordingly, even if it's not from the person relaying those ideas to them.

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Jul 11Liked by Vox Day

Thank you Vox, very very much, for the invaluable insights you provide through the SSH, among other topics. Although you state frequently that it is not it's primary use, it has helped me a lot to observe and understand my own behavioural patterns as well as their impact on others. Which is a first and necessary step for change. Also it has strengthened my determination to change as I see more clearly. Now, change is difficult and slow and patterns are deeply engrained. Though a) if usual patterns prevail, it helps me to understand and expect reactions from others. b) There is progress, and any time I avoid pedantery, challenging Alpha in front of others, or pedestalizing ... I have made my life (and that of others) a little bit better, easier, more enjoyable.

Thanks again!!!

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I recently discovered the SSH model with Stanislas Berton. At first glance, it seemed a bit cliché, but upon closer examination, I found it very elegant. It is indeed difficult to change one's behavioral patterns, but I use a method that helps me become aware of my behaviors.

I make several lists of "moments": gamma moments, alpha moments, beta moments, sigma moments, etc. I reflect on situations where I've exhibited behaviors typical of a gamma, alpha, beta, or others. I've come to realize that I can act like an alpha in certain situations but exhibit traits of a complete gamma in other contexts, surrounded by different people. At times, I find myself behaving like a beta. As for sigma, I find it a bit more difficult to pinpoint.

Certainly, this doesn't guarantee improvement, but it does enhance my self-awareness.


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"Except, of course, for the small issue of it simply not working for most of the men most of the time.

I had a bit of an epiphany about the generally static nature of a man’s SSH, which is to say, his behavioral patterns that define his social and sexual statuses, over the course of observing men and women alike continuing to make the same obvious mistakes despite being specifically told how to avoid making them, again and again."

Yes, changing yourself requires self-knowledge as a necessary condition. But it is far from sufficient.

You also need to understand that what you wish to become (which you cannot, without being it, fully comprehend and thereby will have trouble recognizing the desired qualities within yourself). You also need to understand and get to know quickly all the intermittent self states, you need to inhabit, between origin and target, before they decay. Otherwise you will fall back into old, familiar and comfortable patterns. Failure is inevitably part of the process. Becoming inured to it, is the first necessary change. Change is hard, highly complex and takes a long time. Death usually comes first. So you need to commit to achieving it or die trying.

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I think a thorough and honest understanding of the SSH will raise one's intra-rank standing naturally and result in graduation to the next rank in some cases. 

The irony is that a thorough and honest understanding of the SSH probably means that it is being used to navigate social settings and predict behavior in the way Vox utilizes it. An increased facility for social situations is going to result in an increase in rank whether it is simply from low Delta to high Delta or from Delta to Bravo or some other change.

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I have found, again and again, that being bright and an expert is not listened to by those who make decisions. But not saying anything keeps a working alliance going.

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In other words. Class is real.

Personality types that make for Lord and subject are mostly static. It's not without reason that all successful "revolutions" are heavily Aristocratic or upper class led.

Good Leadership types are more frequent among them.

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“let the retardery flow until it finally runs out”

Sage words to live by!

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Yes. If like Vox, you are a patient man. Also because apparently bitchslapping people every few minutes makes everyone think YOU are the bad guy. Go figure.

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Yes and disciplining other peoples’ children is also frowned upon.

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I think it was Churchill who used the analogy of a bucket of water spilled on the floor. At first, the water rushes fast but eventually it spreads out and as it spreads out it slows down and eventually stops. I have observed that conversational gammatude will behave similarly when you fail to add to its momentum.

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As a father of three, I’ve developed a sense of when to squash misbehavior by force, versus starving it of attention. I see Gamma men and BPD women as children, so the same rules generally apply.

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