I wonder where Anthony Comstock would fall on the SSH.

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"Snyder Texas" Are you kidding me? One of my top bucket list spots of all time. God, I want to go there.

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Occasionally the question is asked how to motivate / use Sigmas in organized workplaces. Find a task that aligns with their personal motivating priorities, give them autonomous authority, & get out of the way is probably the best answer.

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Put them in interesting situations, let them make hard and fast decisions, and move them along to another interesting situation before they get bored.

I'm fairly certain one such Sigma could completely overhaul a failing company alarmingly fast.

EDIT: And have some Bravos on the side taking notes. They're the ones you want to maintain and replicate the solution once he's moved on.

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Frank Hamer was THE Texas Ranger of the 20th century. THE Texas Ranger of the 19th century? John Coffee Hays? Also a SIGMA.

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Here's my review of The Highway Men. An excellent and overlooked movie about Hamer's hunt for Bonnie and Clyde.


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Well, shoot. You make it sound almost worth getting Netflix again to see.

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Jan 22Edited

For thise who want to become Sigmas, can your gaze look like this?

If you can tune your nervous system into one of observation and distance, perhaps its possible to become a Type 2 Sigma, but the bar is set such that men who react to what they observe can clearly not become Type 2 Sigmas and were not born as Type 1.

The pattern of behavior is more than the eyes, but its an outward expression of the internal state. Distanced in a way others aren't.

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For those who want to become Sigmas:

a) You can't.

b) You wouldn't if you could.

c) You wouldn't like it even if you would and could.

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Indeed C is the most important answer for those who are jealous.

They would feel isolated if they could be that distanced, because its not their way.

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Just stop it. You're beclowning yourself.

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You failed to understand.

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Oh no, I understood alright. I just think your notion is idiotic.

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That people cant become sigmas even through effort?

Tell me how its wrong.

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Okay, I'm going to type very slowly so you can keep up. Each of the roles in the SSH describes behavioural characteristics. You can no more become a Sigma if you are not predisposed to that role than you can become a hummingbird or a Ferrari. I don't need to tell you how it's wrong. It's up to you to tell us how it's right since you're adding to an already clearly defined term with nonsensical nonsense. Classic Gamma behaviour, which fits since Gammas are the group most desperate to redefine themselves as Sigma.

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Your head is on backwards. You misunderstood and you have doubled-down on your misunderstanding.

You are claiming Im gamma for my saying that people cant become sigmas. Backwards.

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What the [CS] is a "Type 2 Sigma"? And why does anyone besides a Gamma want to become one?

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As in the Type 1/2, were you born with it or did you develop it later?

My point was exactly that people want to become one weren't born one. You can become something you weren't born to be, but its not a path to just decide to become, your life would have to forge you into it.

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Does the steady, raptor-like gaze of Sigmas have something to do with their pupils? It seems like Sigmas tend to have larger pupils, like they are able to observe and take in more detail than the average person.

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You tell us. Here are some pics with different pupil sizes, does one look more 'sigma' than the other?



Possible supporting evidence quote:

"When looking at other people, we can readily tell how attentive (or distracted) they are. Some cues to this are fairly obvious (as when someone stares intensely at you), but others seem more subtle. For example, increased cognitive load or emotional arousal causes one’s pupils to dilate. This phenomenon is frequently employed as a physiological measure of arousal, in studies of pupillometry. Here, in contrast, we employ it as a stimulus for social perception. Might the human visual system be naturally and automatically engaging in “unconscious pupillometry”?"

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I'm not trying to propose the idea of larger pupils necessarily being "sigma" in and of themselves. Rather, I'm thinking that one of the possible reasons for the unsettling feeling people get from the gaze of a sigma could be due to a person subconsciously picking up on the sigma's high level of intelligence or inner mental state by seeing the larger pupil size head on. Or, perhaps a person subconsciously picks up not just the larger pupil size but the way the pupils behave, relating to the way the sigma exercises attention control or focus.

The old article below is an example of studies showing that one of the easy indicators of a high intelligence was a person's pupil size according to a study, something that was also observable by the naked eye.


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While you're on topic, do you think shock jock Howard Stern is a Sigma?

Good with the ladies and charismatic, but lacks the athleticism or leadership qualities typically found in Alphas. Or am I mis-reading the SSH in his case?

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He hid in his house for 2 years because of Covid and bitched about people who didn't want to take the vax. Huge pussy!

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No. Stern gives the ick. Any success he has is due to his position not himself. Eeew.

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It's a misread, but practice and review breeds improvement.

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"Good with the ladies". You have some thinking to do here.

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Definitely not. Total Gamma.

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Stern is a huge gamma.

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I guess the differentiation is in where the mission comes from, himself or his alpha.

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Apart from the SSH, it's nice how rare it is for the crazy to not be present in the eyes of the crazed.

This teller feels the sigma gaze is less of a gaze that sees into you and more a gaze that doesn't hold you inside at all.

A man might as well be a tree to a sigma. It's difficult to tell with such a small set, but this teller suspects the Dark Lord's empathy, what produces, a gaze that pierces into fellow man, is more particular to him than sigmas in general. If you'll compare his pictures, this difference may bear out, this teller decided to take a look, using the infogalactic picture, and he feels a little more confident in this diffence.

This teller freely admits he could be off base, after all, high empathy can be of great aid in being high status, perhaps all the difference is merely one of degree of empathy, after all Dark Lord's is alarming in depth.

Regardless, they are the eyes that are elsewhere, not lost or wandering but fixed on some distant horizon. The current is incidental.

Eyes on the prize of the mission.

A man of journey in some ways, the sigma.

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Frank Hammer looks like Vox with a hat on.

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There is a movie about Frank, with Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson called The Highwaymen. I didn't know much about the SSH when I watched it but from what I recall I think they did a pretty good job of showing the sigma.

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The denizens of Hellmouth attempted to make him a villain in the 1967 Bonnie and Clyde movie, elevated ruthless murders to hero’s. John Boessenecker’s biography of Frank Hamer is an excellent read and audiobook.The prologue validates the SSH view that status is fixed early in life. https://read.amazon.com/sample/B0166SEUTQ?f=1&l=en_US&r=43f2890f&rid=HS3EM5VFNXJFP1MQJD1Z&sid=146-1936919-1977026&cid=A3OBMWUPOCLJOP&ref_=litb_m

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It’s a look I grew up seeing everyday, every man in that world was a veteran. They all served, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and most of them in non traditional units, some followed but most were leaders. All were hard men. I learned a lot from them, many were my instructors.

I would bet that this gentleman has never sat with his back to a door, never entered a room without knowing where all the exits were, and had always scanned and categorized every person in the room.

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i laughed looking at harmer for his resemblance to vox. He eyes have the dissolute light of someone with all the answers. so close yet so far away sort of thing. Homans looks like a jolly and cheerful man whose here to fix the hierarchy. Me thinks the distinction is species and environment where both are protectors.

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seriously, it looks like she either did a reverse image search on google of SDL. truly a marvel.

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Jan 22Edited

Frank Hamer was a man with resolve and intent in his heart. Whatever he's doing he intends to do it and it can't be negotiated. He looks like that whether he's mowing the lawn or setting an ambush for a couple of murderous miscreants. It either comes naturally or it doesn't. He knows how people perceive him because that gaze is nearly a physical force that can command others without speaking. The reason that people feel like a man like that is looking through them is because he is, in a way. He looks at you the same way he looks at a child or a dog. The master does not avert his gaze.

This is why one man can approach a group of armed men and tell them to 'git' and they 'git'. They know if they don't 'git' that they'll be pleading their case at the throne of God that very day.

This cannot be faked.

If you want to see Tom Homan's eyes in action watch some of his contentious congressional testimony where he spars with the Clown World's representatives in congress.

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I'm increasingly learning to trust my gut. I looked at Hamer and immediately thought, "Yes, sir!" - Sigma.

Gut read on Homan supports Bravo. He seems like the "man in charge of this" rather than "the man in charge," and that's probably a good thing.

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Yes, Homan has a slight softness in the eyes that Hamer lacks, as if he cares a little bit.

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Yep. Hamer's gaze is coldly detached. Homan's pic has a brightness to the eyes and I sense a light smile.

That supports Vox's call of Bravo. You're not on Sigma's team and he is analyzing what he can do with you. Bravo is going to take care of Alpha's group and he will make good use of you.

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BTW, this posting discussing the Texas Rangers was quite timely... I just finished a draft of my first attempt at long-form fiction writing yesterday. Sci-fi, but features Texas Rangers, and inspired by Vox and Sigma Game. You and the other regulars are welcome to check it out.


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The bravo has the face you'd typecast as Officer McFriendly.

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