Now I know why my mom told me I looked better with short hair in high school--She was worried about boys lol

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I guess I out myself as deliberate social misfit because, ever since high school where the games of children reached adolescence I stopped playing..

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When my brother told me to read this post my initial reaction was shock. I've always tried to keep my hair as long as possible, and I've mostly been successful. With that in mind, a lot of past interactions I'd brushed aside as weird suddenly make perfect sense. For example, I can now assume that the hairdressers who reliably chopped off an inch or two more than I asked for were doing so deliberately. I also thought that my friends were trying to be kind when they told me to “calm down” after a boy snuck up behind me and cut off a small section of my hair when we were in high school. The more you know, I suppose.

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"But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering."

1 Corinthians 11:15

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I've always loved women with long hair. But then, I loved running my fingers through my wife's hair before she chopped it off. There is just something that says "Sexy" about long hair.

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Feb 6Liked by Vox Day

My girlfriend cut 6 inches off of her hair, then came over to my place and cried for an hour. I finally asked her, "Why are you crying? I'm the one that has to find a new girlfriend."

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I’ll join that bet. I’m a woman and find her rationalizing very tedious.

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Short hair I do agree doesn't look good, I can't remember ever liking a lady with short hair, every woman I've ever been attirer to has had long hair (and great smiles, as that is always appealing also).

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The unintentional proof of concept aspect of this project is going to be way more entertaining than expected.

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Jan 21Liked by Vox Day

I enjoy the irony of women telling men that they are totally and completely wrong about what men like and find attractive in women.

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"The more hair, the more better."

There you have it ladies! True, Beautiful and Good.

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Jan 21Liked by Vox Day

"Felicity" was a hit show on Fox in the '90's . The lead actress was known for her big puffy hairstyle. Going into the third season she cut her hair. The producers got angry, along with her agent, publicist, other cast members, crew and audience. It dominated the publicity for the third season. People questioned her mental state (I know I did.) The show was quickly cancelled. Her career trajectory nose dived.

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An unattractive style, bad haircut, or cut that is too short is never a good look. However, some women can look attractive with shorter hair, so long as it is cut and styled well. A shorter style and cut was a bit of a thing in the early 1980s. Celebrities like Pat Benatar and Sheena Easton had short (and arguably attractive) hairstyles.

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Is there, perhaps, more to the life of a woman than worrying about whether random strange men find her hair style attractive?

Does she have other concerns to which she devotes her time and attention?

Might she - at whichever phase of life she finds herself - prefer that her hair stays out of the way and not require too much time-consuming maintenance...particularly since she still attracts people to her with her beautiful eyes, dazzling smile and makeup that complements her face?

Might it be that people find this woman attractive and enjoyable company because of who she is, what she does and how she treats other people...in other words, her SUBSTANCE?

Has none of this ever occurred to you? If so, you really don’t want to hear what women have to say about men’s facial hair.

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I didn't realize the aspect of female competition, but I have long told my wife and two daughters to NEVER take advice from other women on what looks good, or cute, or pretty, on them. I knew from observation that whenever a woman was told by other women that she looked good after a change in style that invariably she looked far worse and less attractive in my eyes. Long hair on women rules!

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This is true having experienced this. Now I understand why my Mom said don't cut too much off and if they cut more off than you tell them to cut the tip.

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