I don't always agree with you or your takes, but The Guardian and that Steve Rose hit piece on you is idiocy.

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This kind of article is only going to cause more men to look up the SSH! So retarded and clumsy that it mocks itself...But then, the Guardian can be pretty much counted on to publish thiis sort of drivel...

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It’s all so incredibly tedious. The Guardian journalist tells us to be afraid of the sigmas because that uneasy feeling of danger and mystery we get from them is exactly the same as that icky feeling we get from axe murderers and rapists/pimps, e.g. Patrick Bateman and Andrew Tate. (I thought we weren’t supposed to slut shame because expressing female sexuality is empowerment. Or, was that last week?) Therefore, the sigma is really just an axe murderer or rapist, and we should “run for our lives!”

BUT all the kids think sigmas are a joke because their understanding is from memes that have spliced and diced the original information to the point that it is unrecognizable. At this point, I think the journalist is getting his understanding of the SSH and sigmas from the same memes.

So should we deride the SSH and sigmas or ignore the SSH completely? The ham-fisted attempts at emotional manipulation and fear-mongering are inept, at best. This is the state of journalism in this country and, apparently, the UK, and we are supposed to take it seriously.

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Jun 14Liked by Vox Day

The SSH is a tool to discern that the Guardian is run by gamma bugmen, therefore it has jumped the shark and you can abandon it.

That is what gamma bugmen are most afraid of.

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I genuinely thought it was a sexually frustrated woman writing that article.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 14

In many ways, it was.

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Any authentic and insightful social analysis must necessarily be labeled as "cringe", low-status behavior, to discourage the exploited/productive cohort from engaging with their own natural identity/identities. If the exploited/productive cohort were to abandon their *artificial* identity/identities, then the operating cost of administering the empire would immediately explode.

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Are you guys aware that "What the Sigma?" is now a widespread slang that kids in the US are using? Apparently teachers and parents are super mad, every day there are new posts about this on teaching forums, and sometimes they even prohibit the use of it in the classroom. I found it hilarious!

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The average age of a Guardian reader is 44.

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Well, the purpose is pretty transparent. The core point of a Sigma is that they ignore narratives and social trends and think mostly for themselves on the basis of internal selectors of what they have defined as being worthy of pursuit or interest. So, ANY, emulation of Sigma behaviour on any level will touch on that very topic first and foremost, and GOOD GAWD MAN! We can't have the sheep begin trying to think for themselves! Not even as tangentially as this!

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Camrade, do you not understand that you have to be part of the team! Gung Ho! We will all burn in Hades together! You are not allowed to think for yourself and you are not allowed to say Christ is King! Nor shall you have beatuy, truth or honour because they are deemed cringe by my friends brainwashed children!

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"ANY emulation of Sigma behaviour on any level"


The demonic employees of Clown World attempt to identify the natural Sigmas as early as grade school. Once located, bespoke destabilization methods can be field-tested, and the potential reach of the Sigma (even "tangentially") may be more effectively curtailed. "Can't have the sheep think for themselves."

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"You wouldn’t want [15 year old girls] to laugh at you, would you, Anon?"

Very telling.

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Steve looks like he's about to go on a diss track

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The Gamma is strong in Mr Rose.

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The predictable, stupid r̶i̶s̶e̶ Dunning-Kruger denialism of the s̶i̶g̶m̶a̶ Gamma male: how t̶o̶x̶i̶c̶ ̶m̶a̶s̶c̶u̶l̶i̶n̶i̶t̶y̶ Clown World ̶t̶o̶o̶k̶ ̶o̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶s̶o̶c̶i̶a̶l̶ ̶m̶e̶d̶i̶a̶ tries to 'sperg against the SSH.

There. Fixed it.

They hate what they cannot control, and cannot accept that they are at the bottom of it.

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What does the Guardian guard, anyway?

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Journalists used to pride themselves on speaking truth to power.

Now they are the power's palace guards.

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As the meme goes, always do the opposite of what Clown World says.

The highest echelons of the natural hierarchy are immune to social shaming tactics anyway.

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Its the guardian, the house journal of woke Marxist cat ladies and their enablers. Bugman central.

Why should anyone care about them?/

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Ok, this likely means we should be reading that "Hitler was a Sigma" any day now in Clown World media .

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Right now it is at Bateman and Tate level.

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All hand-wringing and moralfagging aside, the last few paragraphs of the article are actually correct.

Among younger people, and the younger the person the more likely this is to be true, sigma has become an amorphous brainrot term. Anyone with knowledge of the SSH prior to 2021 can quickly watch a dozen or so of these brainrot edits and tell that the term has evolved into something else, and this reflects on tiktok and Instagram comments especially - being the zoomer / Gen alpha platforms of choice. I've been noticing this for a few months now, so it's interesting that it's become prevalent enough to be picked up by The Guardian and then subsequently our host.

Maybe it's a good time to reiterate some wisdom from The Red Pill proper, which is: don't be a fucking sperg and try to talk about this shit IRL. Just learn the mental models and tools so you can use them effectively, shut up, and move on.

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The regime is constantly trying to induce brainrot on every facet of society.

Even on Substack. There are plenty of “authors” here whom I suspect are simply attempting to “poison the well” and induce doubt and confusion under the pretense of “discourse”.

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"Oops, almost stepped in some discourse."

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