Vox, is it possible for you to write about which religious and cult leaders fall into the SSH? It would be interesting to see if any religious sect, denomination, or cult was started by a gamma male.
The amount of times I hear Sigma being used incorrectly even in Germany is astounding. And it is generally from leftist adults or just kids.. "eyy man das ist voll Sigma Digga"
I like telling the adults where this word came from, to their utter digust.
I still recall reading the original post when you posted it; it was great food for thought. What strikes me about it as I reread it now, besides the fact that it has stood the test of time, is how incomplete your characterization of the ranks was compared to now--especially the gamma. I think the gamma mindset was pretty alien to you (and no doubt still is), and you've written a lot of words over the ensuing 15 years teasing out the bizarre, feminized, secret-king inner world of the gamma mind's metaphysics.
But there's so much more to say about all the ranks, and I'm looking forward to your book. One recent distinction you've made that I find very useful is alpha empathy versus delta narcissism, a difference I would not have noticed if you hadn't pointed it out.
It's hard to say. I usually have ideas percolating in my mind for a while before articulating them. I'd have to go back and read old posts to see if there are any clues in there, and I'm really not inclined to do that.
No, never crossed my mind. I don't care what other people do. I also knew from the start that if people began to find it useful and the concepts became broadly known, a) some would try to redefine and pervert the concepts and b) others would attempt to deny me any credit for coining the terms.
My husband started really following Vox not long after we got married nine years ago, so somewhere around 2016 or 2017. It is surreal to see the SSH leak out into popular culture, with even the wokest of family members talking about it, while we've been on the inside at the source point all along. It's frustrating but also fun, and we try to set people straight who seem open to it.
Catching a wave and riding it is the easiest way to influencer bucks, second to ticket taking of course. What the wave is doesn't really matter, nor does having any genuine understanding or contribution to the matter. "Sigma male" has entered the public lexicon? Better make videos about the sigma grindset, how to unlock your sigma potential, and what Nietzsche can teach us about being sigma.
It's amazing how much retardery is out there, but what is really incredible is the simple fact that such retardery sells. A Youtube search for "sigma grindset" came up with a list of videos, several with millions of views.
I had the same focusing event with Grok3, a few weeks ago. It was vague at first, used the Beta term, and had a mention of Vox as associated with the framework. But as soon as I asked if it considered any of Vox's discussions and developments, particularly with the Bravo descriptor, the detail improved by magnitudes. At some point of playing around with it, I got Grok to acknowledge Vox was the originator of the taxonomy.
This was a needed post. Rips the rug out from under the latest "Sigma Grindset" tik-tok mindset, and brings this back to brass tax, predictive model function.
Yeah its helped me in business as well. The longer I stick around and read the posts and comments, the clearer the predictive power of the model becomes.
I never realized that Beta Male predated you. No wonder it has such negative connotations among most people, when it was essentially a grouping of Deltas, Gammas, and Omega.
>most never surmount the desperate need to belong caused by their social rejection
Good thing this was reposted, because this is a problem with omegas that tends to be overlooked. And something a lot of omegas don't want to admit to themselves.
No man is an island. The in-group take their security of belonging for granted.
The outcast knows the insecurity of exile. But if they don't drop the desperation and emotional needy-ness, they're marking themselves as outgroup to be excluded even when they could have fit in.
The ordering of delta vs gamma is one of the first things people latch onto when Ive tried to explain it to them. I've had people nod along thinking I'm paraphrasing Brave New World and then jump into correct. At one point I wondered if it was gamma bait but the delta designation being capable of change embodies the utility of SSH.
I also hear your word "midwit" now used everywhere. It is generally used in reference to those who think themselves intelligent or educated, but are actually fools. That's close to your definition of "smart boys" with an above average IQ.
Vox, is it possible for you to write about which religious and cult leaders fall into the SSH? It would be interesting to see if any religious sect, denomination, or cult was started by a gamma male.
The amount of times I hear Sigma being used incorrectly even in Germany is astounding. And it is generally from leftist adults or just kids.. "eyy man das ist voll Sigma Digga"
I like telling the adults where this word came from, to their utter digust.
Can there be such a thing as a situational Sigma?
No, because there is no Sigma role within the hierarchy. There can, of course, be a situational Omega.
I still recall reading the original post when you posted it; it was great food for thought. What strikes me about it as I reread it now, besides the fact that it has stood the test of time, is how incomplete your characterization of the ranks was compared to now--especially the gamma. I think the gamma mindset was pretty alien to you (and no doubt still is), and you've written a lot of words over the ensuing 15 years teasing out the bizarre, feminized, secret-king inner world of the gamma mind's metaphysics.
But there's so much more to say about all the ranks, and I'm looking forward to your book. One recent distinction you've made that I find very useful is alpha empathy versus delta narcissism, a difference I would not have noticed if you hadn't pointed it out.
How long was it before you wrote that post that you had the concept worked out?
Quick search of the blog has a mention of 'gamma' in a post from April 2004.
It's hard to say. I usually have ideas percolating in my mind for a while before articulating them. I'd have to go back and read old posts to see if there are any clues in there, and I'm really not inclined to do that.
This may or may not jog your memory. Did you originally plan to hide the Sigma pattern because you predicted the gammas would call themself sigma?
No, never crossed my mind. I don't care what other people do. I also knew from the start that if people began to find it useful and the concepts became broadly known, a) some would try to redefine and pervert the concepts and b) others would attempt to deny me any credit for coining the terms.
"All men except true Alphas will occasionally fall into Gamma behavior from time to time"
Hey Vox, has your view on this changed?
No. The SSH is fractal, remember? Even if you're an Alpha, you may find yourself in a situational Gamma position.
Ive seen this happen once with my brother. Hes a high ranking alpha who has at times really put himself out there.
But in the rare instance when it occurred it was situational and rather fleeting. He never remained there.
My husband started really following Vox not long after we got married nine years ago, so somewhere around 2016 or 2017. It is surreal to see the SSH leak out into popular culture, with even the wokest of family members talking about it, while we've been on the inside at the source point all along. It's frustrating but also fun, and we try to set people straight who seem open to it.
I was there when the deep magic was written.
The world has changed in unbelievable ways since 2010, and the advice must be flexible enough to remain relevant.
The core of it is human nature, so it doesn't change.
Catching a wave and riding it is the easiest way to influencer bucks, second to ticket taking of course. What the wave is doesn't really matter, nor does having any genuine understanding or contribution to the matter. "Sigma male" has entered the public lexicon? Better make videos about the sigma grindset, how to unlock your sigma potential, and what Nietzsche can teach us about being sigma.
It's amazing how much retardery is out there, but what is really incredible is the simple fact that such retardery sells. A Youtube search for "sigma grindset" came up with a list of videos, several with millions of views.
"What Nietzsche can teach us about being Sigma"
I've read funnier phrases, but not often.
"Don't be Nietzsche"
Drinking your own pee may stand out but that's not high status in any human society.
On the AI front I prompt it with "Are you aware of Vox Day's Socio-Sexual Hierarchy and can you summarize it?"
this will help it to not hallucinate some other takes on SSH.
I had the same focusing event with Grok3, a few weeks ago. It was vague at first, used the Beta term, and had a mention of Vox as associated with the framework. But as soon as I asked if it considered any of Vox's discussions and developments, particularly with the Bravo descriptor, the detail improved by magnitudes. At some point of playing around with it, I got Grok to acknowledge Vox was the originator of the taxonomy.
This was a needed post. Rips the rug out from under the latest "Sigma Grindset" tik-tok mindset, and brings this back to brass tax, predictive model function.
Well, it would rip the rug out if tik-tok people could read.
Yea. The blog post is longer than the attention span of many.
Getting Vox to create 30 second tik-tok SSH clips with song and dance will be a bridge too far.
That could be a hilarious AI video project.
You know what? Not the worst idea.
Vox is already making the music. Remix and master sections a few different ways, layer it over some video...
I found out about the SSH online around 2011.
It changed everything for me, in terms of how I could evaluate myself and others, breaking from the PUA alpha/beta dichotomy.
Has helped me in business a lot, lately.
Which makes complete sense. Socio-sexual hierarchy provides insight on navigating non-sexual social situations that a sexual hierarchy does not.
Yeah its helped me in business as well. The longer I stick around and read the posts and comments, the clearer the predictive power of the model becomes.
I never realized that Beta Male predated you. No wonder it has such negative connotations among most people, when it was essentially a grouping of Deltas, Gammas, and Omega.
The older pickup artist Alpha-Beta-Omega trinary maps onto the SSH in this way:
ALPHA::High Delta
BETA::Low Delta
I remember that from Alpha Game, and have noticed it's no longer used since Owen introduced the Bravo term.
Yes, Vox's Betas — or Bravos, now — aren't PUA/Roissy betas.
>most never surmount the desperate need to belong caused by their social rejection
Good thing this was reposted, because this is a problem with omegas that tends to be overlooked. And something a lot of omegas don't want to admit to themselves.
No man is an island. The in-group take their security of belonging for granted.
The outcast knows the insecurity of exile. But if they don't drop the desperation and emotional needy-ness, they're marking themselves as outgroup to be excluded even when they could have fit in.
I needed this. Thanks
The ordering of delta vs gamma is one of the first things people latch onto when Ive tried to explain it to them. I've had people nod along thinking I'm paraphrasing Brave New World and then jump into correct. At one point I wondered if it was gamma bait but the delta designation being capable of change embodies the utility of SSH.
I've seen a few stumble over "Bravo," too. "Um, akshually, the Greek for B is Beta!"
Um, akshually, irrelevant.
Yeah, that turned out to be an unexpected bonus. Midwits never grasp that there is no intrinsic substance to symbols.
I also hear your word "midwit" now used everywhere. It is generally used in reference to those who think themselves intelligent or educated, but are actually fools. That's close to your definition of "smart boys" with an above average IQ.