Why do the descriptions of Gammas' tendencies align with the reported general tendencies of women. Are Gammas necessarily effeminate?

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Sounds like a very accurate definition of a Jew. Have you ever argued with one of those creatures?

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The mental checklist of gamma behavior is oddly reminiscent of what Hitler said about Jews, especially the part where even once they admit they are wrong, they simply pretend they weren't wrong in the next argument.

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"Gammas usually focus their attacks on the mentality or the motivations of whoever they are targeting."

Such an ironic thing to say

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"Gammas usually focus their attacks on the mentality or the motivations of whoever they are targeting."

"One of the greatest advantages of the totalitarian elites of the twenties and thirties was to turn any statement of fact into a question of motive." - Hannah Arendt, early observer of the GSK in nature

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Catching up from a hiatus from Substack. This post relates to the issue with the commenter from the "Sigmas in Literature" post.

If you imagine that you could simplify "what people do" with a series of sliders on a control panel, there might be two of the sliders, one labeled "General Behaviors" and one named "Moral Compass". General Behaviors can be influenced by the Moral Compass setting.

The guy was being repeatedly told "we are talking about the 'General Behaviors' setting", while the guy was on about "but his Moral Compass setting is here".

Any attempt to get him to understand that the behavior patterns (Alpha, Sigma, Bravo, Delta, Gamma, Omega) are not necessarily related to where on the Good vs Evil slider the person might reside just pushed a reset button with him -- "I'm a Sigma, but he's a bad person, so he cannot be Sigma" -- he was just stuck in that loop.

For him, behavior and morality are the same slider. That's all he can see of the problem -- and no one is gonna tell him otherwise. Certain ideas become axiomatic for whatever the reason, and no evidence will change that for them.

"Can't be instructed."

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I think too that the behavior prediction in SSH is like temperament (classic four temperaments: choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic.) You can overcome a given tendency with habits but your temperament or rank is a good predictor of what kinds of behaviors come easily to you and what kinds of behaviors will take dedicated habit building.

I still haven't mapped out any correspondence between SSH ranks and temperaments (and women have temperaments, so it might not map at all) but it's a fascinating puzzle.

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That was my first introduction to behavior personalities, and it has been useful for a long time. And I don't quite know how they interact with the SSH either.

I want the obvious ones to make sense, like there is a connection between alpha and choleric, but my father in law is definitely choleric while being a complete gamma.

At this point I'm thinking the SSH is primary and the temperaments are just how the SSH is expressed.

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What is odd is that he doesn't see that dichotomy. I'd bet that if you talked about natural inclinations of Fallen Man and the moral compass of Christianity, he'd have fewer issues. But once "SSH describes behaviors" becomes part of the equation, he shuts off.

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Don't think he wants to see it, because he doesn't care about other peoples opinion , views, feelings.etc. Everything he says is about him and his high status fantasies. This is the type of guy who views social gatherings as his "audience".

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It's been my experience that the tall, handsome, proven, etc. Alpha is more humble than the Gamma. Think about that, the top man, the man with the responsibility and burden of managing the hierarchy, is more open to instruction than a low level guy who hasn't proven himself to anybody.

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"Even after conceding an error, he will forget that he has done so and repeat an assertion that has already been shown to be incorrect - even when he has admitted it to be incorrect."

"But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. [He] had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. . . . Gradually, I began to hate them."

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

I am almost tempted to propose to put those types in a situation of direct contact with reality where they must adapt or die.

Whatever it may be.

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Thats been made illegal, which is why they are out of control.

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I had to suffer this today while sitting in on a board meeting at my family's business. The SJW Lambda CEO and my dad's SJW gamma business partner were doing this constantly and every time we called them out on their bad metrics or disingenuousness on something they would immediately retreat to a new line of why they were right without missing a beat.

The most ridiculous was when we were talking about how ridiculously over staffed we are especially with coders, my dad's business partner said, "I've got every single one of my guys working full time on this project that's taking 4 months for (A++ list corporation who's name you know) and we are getting paid $250K for it" as if he's super proud of that amount. My mom jumps in, "If everybody is working full time on this massive project and we are only getting paid $250K then we are massively undercharging for work." He then immediately said something to the effect of, "Well they aren't all doing the task all the time. One guy spends some time doing this part and another that part plus they have their regular work." It was perfectly textbook on this behavior type.

I read this article this morning before the meeting and I knew the meeting was going to have tons of this behavior going on and I was doubly watching for it and there were so many instances of our smart boi's doing this behavior. I swear that this behavior has to be the default arguing tactic for smart boi gamma male widwits.

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I’m so sorry, Ives. Family business; I cannot imagine how frustrating that must be.

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If you’re in person they think their really punchable facial expressions make up for their lack of argument. *LMAO. can you believe this guy ?! You can tell his argument is bad because look how high my eyebrow is on my forehead! Hahahaha!”

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The thing that drives me up the wall with the gamma I have to manage is he will call me to tell me about a problem and how he intends to handle it. When I tell him that he is handling it wrong and he needs to do x,y,z instead or that he needs to do a few more things to be more thorough with his plan, he starts to defend his plan and shoot down my suggestions with silly arguments that basically boil down to him being lazy. Then I have to remind myself that he doesn’t want to learn the right way to handle the problem, he only wants validation because he is afraid to take action without it and his ego is so fragile that he has to be right all the time.

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Whatever you do, don't stop. Because while it just all be over his head I (at 138) can't synthesize it but can follow it easily and am quite skilled at using it to drive midwits insane.

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Masculine requirement to cohere is lacking in society. Bring it back in your sphere.

Apply it to yourself first.

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The Gammas highest priority in life is to look like the winner in a debate. They will "pick fights" and "smart boy" comment on nearly everything they have time to engage in. Then use the methodology above to obscure the facts and pretend to win.

This false "winning", then will show all these women what they are missing from real "geniuses".

And if some reason it all doesn't work? Ad Hominem Fallacy.

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There is a variation of this in the Health world that is often called "Vegan logic" which involves cherry picking (poor quality) evidence, ignoring counter-examples, moving the goalposts from one health marker to another, and if that doesn't work resorting to the vegan view of ethics. In the financial markets the people who say "I'm right and the market is wrong" exhibit these same patterns. The damage to the health and finances of these people is often very harsh but it is appalling how few change their behavior before major damage is done.

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Stubborn flat-earthers who dismiss all legitimate evidence also fit this description.

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As do people who think 16V car battery can transmit tv signals 384k km.

Maybe you should stick with facts you can verify yourself when talking about Gamma problems.

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No that is based on my personal conversation with flat-earthers online.

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