DIE feminism and "pro-women" environments select for the least capable women.

American women of Northern European stock used to tough. They were still feminine, however, because the men were much tougher still.

Researching local pioneer women from 175years ago, I found a story about an Indian raid. The notable part to the 75 years later journalist was the calvary chase & that she had the presence of mind to save her husband's gold. Not notable was that she was alone on the farm like so many other women whose husbands were away building the Oregon trail. With the smoke from the next farm blackening the sky, she got her kids hidden in the woods, while she prepared to fight to the death in the house so that the would think they'd got everyone and be satisfied with looting the place. The arrival of a daring rider from the fort with a spare horse was clearly a miracle. The warband chased them to the Fort, and by the young officer's skill they survived. It wasn't even her story as such.

Which leads me back to the FSSmatrix: when it is working as it should, no-one notices. The pastor gives the Alter Guild president the word: last minute change! Funeral after Sunday service and reception to follow. Queen Bee gathers her workers, and on Sunday a crowd of 50 are fed, the two services go off smoothly, the male elders do not notice a thing. Every Sunday is like that. It just works.

The women in these Equity jobs are a mess. They have no place in the SSH and no matrix.

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The difference is probably those pioneer women being a mother really helps.

But those same women being bodyguards for men or being Warriors. I dunno. Even as far back as St John Crystostom there was condemnation of women being soldiers to bear arms and go to war to be as men in battle:


And which passage can be found in this resource:


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At some point you have to look at the kind of people that get hired in important jobs and think: "chutzpah trumps skill".

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This is a continuation of a trend that has been going on a while. For your reading pleasure about Hilary's Angels: https://www.elle.com/culture/career-politics/a9088/female-secret-service-agents/

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With Secret Service Clownery well detailed, imagine what the composition of the Clown Police must have been like.

They knew about the shooter a good while earlier, confronted him but the well below average built man ran away. The Police then tried to find him but failed, while the shooter ended up right on top of their own outpost with multiple people shouting he is right there. And they still could not take care of the job.

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This post reminded me of another post from several months ago by a woman who was describing her interaction with an obsessed Gamma. What was so interesting at the time was the difference between the male and female responses to the threat to their friend. Initially, both the female hub and the male lead (who was described as a Bravo), confronted the Gamma and told him to back off. The female hub then took all of the women out of the situation. They designed a protection plan ensuring that the female object of desire would not alone and, therefore, an easy target. The men, presumably. chased the guy off. When the guy managed to find his object of desire seemingly alone, the Bravo chased him away again.

This woman's post and now the Trump assassination attempt further demonstrate the difference between men and women and how we think and respond to threats. A woman's first instinct is to pull away and get out of danger, while a man's reaction is more often to chase it away / attack. If he cannot, he will stand or cover the intended victim, until the victim can get to safety. It fits with the idea of two separate and complementary sexes that work together almost seamlessly.

If I may ask a question of all of you: Do high-status men avoid or complain about confrontation? e.g.: "I don't like confrontation. I'm not good at it. I'll have so-and-so handle this situation."

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'Do high-status men avoid or complain about confrontation?'

Complain to who? Confrontation is life. Life is confrontation for guys. In a former post, a lot of guys talked about how Harry Potter is a bad book to give to boys, because it has no phase where it toughens the boy up, and makes him in to the hard and strong man he needs to be. Harry Potter gets saved. Girls get rescued. Boys don't. Boys do it alone, together or they die trying. Complaining to priests or shrinks or family, it's only tolerated by others, when it works and makes the complaining guy slightly less of a whining boy.

High-status men learn to handle the confrontation or get replaced. The higher up you are, the better you are at confrontation. Either you are the confrontation, the aggressive cavalry or you know someone who is, or you're the target of the confrontation.

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"Harry Potter is a bad book to give to boys, because it has no phase where it toughens the boy up, and makes him in to the hard and strong man he needs to be"

Probably did not read the books. It is set up in Goblet of Fire: Harry fails a Guy's Mission - not just about winning games. Then in

in the one with Umbridge he has to man up and not be a whiny teenager. Ends by forming Dumbledore's Army. I think the movies just give it a montage.

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That's the fifth book of the series. A little late for his first trial.

They had to hide the author's feminine name Joanne. They know that boys don't want to read stories written by women about boys being boys. As girls might prefer to know how it is to experience of girls' puberty by women who may have gone through similar things. Mothers might be able to teach that slightly better.

Read Gotrek and Felix and tell me about the trials they go through. It's a little more than a fat and thick teacher's dislike of of a student living in a special school.

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Because in book #1 he is 11 and in #5 he is 15.

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And in book #1, he survives because of how his mother saves him. How masculine of him, having his mother save him.

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After exercising initiative, both moral and physical courage, Harry faces undead evil and refuses to back down. Sacrificial Love, however intervenes, and just as in real life, saves him. Harry's own capacity to receive this love and his willingness to make a similar sacrifice is the theme of the entire series. It's a set up for the final confrontation with the villain. It's resolved because Harry, as a male leader, organized a team that could fight and would fight, in the physical realm: a thing the books show as necessary but insufficient to fighting evil.

In the end, however, the only thing that can finally defeat death and demonic power is sacrificial love. You don't get more masculine than that.

I appreciate that many of its fans are blue-haired socjus harridans. It's not millennials' fault that it showed up on the heels of decades of grey sludge that had utterly abandoned any Christian themes or male heroic adventure and they glommed onto it the way X-ers did Star Wars. And it's a better series than Star Wars, by a better creator. Because sometimes, we can reach lefty millennials through Harry Potter as I have done. That's the reason that the powers that be keep trying to cancel this series and its authors, despite her being One of Theirs.

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Thank you

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>Do high-status men avoid

No. Alphas are always being challenged.

Deltas are playing cooperative games so avoiding confrontation can work for them. It is why they are so shocked when women and gammas attack them.

> or complain about confrontation?

Complain to who? For what purpose? You certainly wouldn't admit this to your people.... and you wouldn't tell your opponents....

> I don't like confrontation

I don't like confrontation. I would be much happier if my opponents just did what I wanted. But that is not reality.

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Thank you

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No, high-status men do not avoid confrontation. But since it's usually not appropriate to directly confront someone much lower in the hierarchy - that's what's called "punching down" - they'll often order someone else to do it.

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Thank you

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Men of action are biased to confront problems.

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Thank you

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Jul 16
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Thank you

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I ALMOST feel sorry for the one chick. You just know she expected to have a cushy day hanging with the president and feeling like a grrlboss, by the sounds of it having been given a detail she would likely never have been assigned to had the chain of incompetency not been in full force. Today she's the laughingstock of the entire nation. What started off as probably the best day of her life has become the absolute worst, because she was never required to show her true worthiness to be there.

The thing is, she should have known. All of them should have known that this isn't the job for them.

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Well, when fighting against outsiders; those kings used male warriors. The royal bodyguard was for protection against assassination or a coup d'etat.

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Not trying to be a dick here, but I got curious and found that the army of Dahomey (Benin) had thousands of female "warriors" who were married to the king. They were deemed too ugly to have sex with, and most Dahomean men were either sold as slaves or killed in the wars with the rivaling nations, which is why they've been recruited into the army.

(Needless to say that the French massacred them on the battlefield.)

The 2nd source paints a heroic picture of these "Amazons" or "Black Spartans" who apparently were the inspiration for the "female elite warriors" of Wakanda.

Thanks for the history lesson.



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I went with Dahomeys in dahooptie, and when I got back my bike was gone.

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People unironically saying "What would you expect?! They had just heard shots, she was frightened!" as a means to "defend" that womans behaviour.

When the WHOLE POINT of the job is to remain calm and follow the procedure WHEN FRIGHTENING THINGS HAPPEN.

If attacks like this were not a possibility, there would not even be a point to have them there. They are there precisely to act on that risk.

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"Of course the bridge collapsed! People were walking on it!"

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Nailed it! Hahahaha

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Those fat females are an obvious liability. I wonder how long it will be before a female is overpowered & gun in even worse hands

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No idea if this is true or a cover for incompetence, but I did read an article this morning -- which I unfortunately did not save -- that this was not Trump's regular detail, but a group that was sort of slapped together, not all of whom are actual field agents, as most of his regular detail had been sent ahead to the convention. I definitely read it, but that doesn't mean it was accurate.

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That's more or less how I've heard the JFK story described, so it wouldn't surprise me.

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I read the article posted on Vox Popoli. Here is a part of it:

"If the sniper can’t tell whether he has a gun, he or she is not going to take the shot,” Cangelosi said. “Because God forbid it’s a child who’s just excited to see a political candidate, right? So you want to make sure that there’s actually a threat.”

In reality the situation was probably more like "Yes he has a gun and it is pointed at president Trump, but it could be an airsoft rifle and the 20 year old kid just playing. The Alpha has not given the call yet so I am going to pass." So, the usual Delta narcissism discussed at lengths by VD. However, the incompetence goes beyond that, for I see no reason to at least alerting Trump off stage immediately and for taking the security precautions outside of shooting someone. Clown World initiatives have made the whole team incompetent.


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Meme of the week arrived early this week.

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Seeing them escort him out of there was like watching Dorothy surrounded by a bunch of traumatized munchkins after the wicked witch showed up to spew curses. Which is absolutely not what you want for the people who are supposed to be protecting the alpha. After seeing how it all played out, if fire had continued in all likelihood he would have been protecting them instead of vice versa, because that's how he rolls.

Thank God for that turn of the head.

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Some of the west African kings had female royal bodyguards, but this was a special circumstance. The women were carefully selected and trained, and were then "married" to the king. The reason for this arrangement was that tribal societies in west Africa were not just tribal but based on clan kinship and were patriarchal, not matriarchal as we're often told by feminist propagandists. Male bodyguards might have more loyalty to their kin then to the king, but wives transferred their loyalty from their father's family to their husband's family.

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That explains why they've been enslaved by Europeans.

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The AI phot you have there made me think how all of this is about looks, the DEI aspect of it. It is to look moral in our delusional society instead of being capable, it is all about the superficial and that is why it fails. No rational person wants a woman as a body guard.

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Incompetency is not per se immoral; Acceptance of incompetency is, and promotion of incompetency is affirmatively evil.

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