What about lambdas? Are they as disruptive as gammmas? What can we expect from them in a group setting?

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Homosexuality is part of the Jewish tradition. Expect lambdas to do better in Talmudic occupations like media, law and sales and expect them to ruin everything in rational occupations like construction, manufacturing and engineering.

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“As I have advised young men seeking to control, if not eradicate, their Gamma strains, omit the word “you” from your vocabulary in any conversation in which you are being criticized. Do not even address the other individual in any way, shape, or form, much less give into the temptation to attempt to direct the criticism away from yourself by inverting the subject.”

In the face of justified criticism, this is certainly true.

If another party is demanding performance of an obligation when they themselves haven’t fulfilled theirs (and especially if your performance is a precondition of theirs) then it’s a reasonable response.

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*their performance is a precondition of yours

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I do wonder if Nazi Germany ultimately lost because party admired Nietzsche rather than an actual achiever Niccolo Machiavelli who is a Diplomat, Statesman and Soldier:


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Funny, my personal experience has been that it’s angry alphas who are so easily offended by everything… especially Nietzsche for some reason, not sure they even knew.

Eventually all they did was complain about “the world” & how “immoral” others are. Always romanticizing the past, fantasizing about collapse, even referring to themselves as slaves.

It was everything Nietzsche warned about. I eventually ditched them due to their lack of joy. I wouldn’t call them gammas though, “righteous losers” is more like it. Maybe it’s just tangentially related, but what caught me was their being offended, by Nietzsche especially.

This really sums up the pattern I saw in under 30s.


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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

It is the Angry and Offended Alphas that keep exploding like rage volcanos and acting like losers. Thankfully, the much superior Gamma can just excommunicate them.

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You can push hard against the truth, it’s bullshit that requires a support group.

Although the other better* people also saw the same pattern & too distanced themselves, I alone was happy to tell the remaining “alphas” directly to their face that their attitude had devolved into a kind of AA meeting for angry losers & sucked the joy out of life.

They needed the feedback but that’s secondary. More so for my own conscience, being straight with people is necessary so there’s no misunderstanding or excuses to be had.

Maybe one day they’ll actually build something again, but doubt it with their current attitude since all they did for 3 years was devolve when the going got tough.

The rest of us have moved on to create something beautiful without them.

Interpret that however you want.

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"Maybe one day they’ll actually build something again, but doubt it with their current attitude since all they did for 3 years was devolve when the going got tough."

That sounds like some kind of building project. What was it?

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A brotherhood/tribe bigger than just oneself. Not just hanging out etc…. Most men don’t have 5 friends they can depend on in an emergency. I’m grateful to have such friends, an intentional community.

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A proposition brotherhood/tribe for emergencies sounds good. Just so long as it's clear which one or two should maintain and bring the fuel and lubricants and which one or two have the tractor and chainsaws and maybe if funds allow Bobcat and means of transport. If you're doing electrical or pump/engine rebuilding, it would be good to have somebody that's an electrician or mechanic with skills, respectively; probably good to have somebody willing to pay for things needing to go out for hire too.

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Yea one key is that everyone has to have something to offer skill wise or at least be willing to learn. A mechanic, a police officer, a medic… Learning to use radios is kinda hard tbh. Everyone trains together as a team which creates trust through hardship.

The hardest part really is finding the time. You need 1 full day/month: train + dinner. That will to meet up keeps the group together when you feel like drifting, and anyone can drift at any time.

Most of the guys train martial arts, a couple focus on hunting. I tell others online “find 5 guys you can depend on in an emergency” and start with that. The key is intention. Guys have to want it.

I stopped trying to “red pill” normies a long time ago, but coming together to train speaks to men on a deeper level than any kind of political or philosophical “agreement”. So it transcends all that.

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First, it's the angry alphas who easily angered, offended by the pee-drinking lunatic.

But now they don't even deserve the title "alpha", so it needs to be indicated as fake using scare quotes.

What SSH rank are these "alphas", then?

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Sorry hit enter by accident.

Not sure what your system has to say about where they rank today, actually.

But I noticed the same pattern with conservatives more generally years ago. I never liked Bill O’Riley, he was angry all right. Portrayed an alpha amongst his tribe of Fox News hosts, & perhaps seen as some sort of leader to boomer cons more broadly. In that sense he was the alpha.

But all he did was complain about liberals who rule, who had real power. Within the hierarchy of the grater political order, he was an angry loser, a gamma by your model? Would that make sense? A gamma politically & an alpha amongst the losers?

I see the frame as slave morality. When the slave can’t take action, they often fall for the delusion of mere criticism of those who rule them. Of course they never conserve anything.

When some friends who once were full of inspiration & effort started to lose, when things didn’t go their way, they didn’t listen to reason, refused to adapt & change. Rather their attitude turned to this kind of butt hurt cope behavior I saw in Bill O’Riley back in the day. It’s toxic. This is a problem that can affect anyone at any point in their lives. It’s a psychological/attitude problem.

I for one only want the company of those who actually face circumstances as they are & take action in overcoming, which of course creates joy even in dark circumstances.

I don’t know where they will end up, but it wasn’t worth my time to stick around morally righteous angry losers.

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"Within the hierarchy of the grater political order, he was an angry loser, a gamma by your model? Would that make sense? A gamma politically & an alpha amongst the losers?"

It's not my model. It's Vox's SSH. Your question over-emphasizes the top and bottom, when the SSH is a pyramid built up of multiple ranks - the leader, the wingman, the average guys, and the smartboi who wishes he were leader.

A news commentator is more akin to a Delta in the greater society. Generates entertainment and maybe pushes/pulls opinions, but does not generate decisions. Serves the corporate owners who set policy on what topics to cover and what to blackball.

But in a particular room full of people, one particular TV newsman might be the dominant driver of groups decisions, and that's the contextual Alpha. More likely to be the show producer, but that can be its own dynamic.

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That’s all fine & makes sense. However do you notice Bill O’Riley’s message & attitude is one of complaining about those in power? To what end? The entire frame assumes the losing role. Why are conservatives always losing to liberals? The answer involves the attitude propagated by O’Riley’s persona.

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Yeah, this inversion is total gamma, you're still a faggot

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People also can become offended by smart boys and smart girls with low agreeableness always pushing them around and overtaxing them for all kinds of stupid and harmful expenditures.

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But, Our Democracy!

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Gamma tells:

1. Mischaracterizes the criticism. (Nobody said Nietzsche was a "reddit atheist".)

2. Changes the subject. (2nd sentence)

3. Wins in the end. (3rd sentence)

4. Prefaces his arguments with "Seems like" or similar. ("I'd say")

5. Mischaracterizes the other view (again). (The SSH isn't about "making women like you.")

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A typical Gamma behaviour seems (from the examples here) to be to see criticisms of their behaviour as personal attacks. “You just say Nietzsche was a lunatic because you hate him and by extension me as well.”

It deflects the criticism and avoids the need for self-reflection.

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deletedJun 24
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Can you please stop posting. You do not know much about the SSH.

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This audience is probably around 80% Delta with Gamma leanings, which is why the identification and trial of the True Gamma is so exciting to many. I have seen mothers on here refer to their "Gamma" adolescent boys with contempt. That's heartbreaking.

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'Well, you make some good points there... I'll think about it'

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in the very words: "Nietzsche" "lost" "ubermensch" "dream" "influential"

at a higher level: Nietzsche would hate being spoken on behalf of ('lol so ironic' pls go), the 'his' in "his atheism" as if the guy ever presented a coherent model for atheism and not just a series of castigations of the most prominent moral structure he could leech from, the repeated attempts to assert his position of high status, the [inferred] false binary of being a prominent philosopher OR being liked by women (which is weird, because from my limited knowledge, I had the impression Nietzsche was at least approved of by women, and, often enough, recounted somewhat positive relations therewith), and, most obviously, the veiled zifogyny involved in saying women plural instead of one woman, which indicates he probably wasn't considering marital relations when he said that

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"at a higher level: Nietzsche would hate being spoken on behalf of "

So you say.

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Are you saying anything?

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I've come up with a term 'Harrier males' to describe men like Nietzsche, who get by on intimidation and braggadocio but have abysmal performance rates which are oh so obviously overshadowed by the glory of their ability to land vertically

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“High status male post humously” = he was king all along. Just no one noticed until now!

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Thus spoke secret king.

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Its the same picture.

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The biggest tell for me is when he complained about another commenter “personally attacking his family and bloodline”. I laughed out loud.

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This is no place for "your mama" jokes.

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If you don't have anything else to do on a Saturday evening, I can recommend the following short youtube-video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldj0RX3CqXA

It's about a pretty young lady who talks about her love for Nietzsche. The comment section is infested with Gammas. Hilarious stuff in there.

But the most hilarious thing is when you take a look at the "Most Replayed" section of the video. Guess what the Gammas were replaying the most often? It wasn't the slutty scene where she was acting out her Dionysian side. Oh no, it's something entirely different!

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That was... unexpected, but somehow not surprising. I'm going to pretend to believe they kept watching that part as a sort of inspiration like "I should work out so I can look like that." And the comments are just unreal.

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Comparisons were made. Conclusions were drawn. The next "Most Replayed"-part of the video was watched. Maybe Vox will have to add another "dimension" to Gammahood, if you know what I mean.

The comments are a mirror of the Gamma behavior Vox is describing. While the average man would be like "My car has a backseat, let's do it!" they're like "Oh, I would love to experience your Dionysian side in person..."

They also seem to be obsessed with the music in the video. There might be some MK-Ultra recipe in that video: Combine pretty young lady with gay-guy music and you can make the Gamma do anything.

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The Joepedo meme on Vox's blog. Hilarious! If excommunication of Gammas was practiced, the embarrassment would have been avoided. Gammas do very stupid things on accident as if they were a competent troll all the time.

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"making women like you"

They either like you or they don't, there is no "making" them.

Demonosis is real.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

The threads in the past two posts about Nietzsche were very informative indeed.

While I would argue that hardly anyone is above uttering nonsense every once in a while, the Gamma has the uncanny ability to dig himself deeper and deeper into what originally was just a tiny pit and not worth mentioning. It appears to be their Patellar Reflex. They may even be aware it is happening, but they cannot stop it. It's quite astounding and sad at the same time.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

Let's see what I've learned/absorbed (if anything at all). Feel free to grade me commenters:

(1) Mind Reading #1: "Nietszche wouldn't have been a reddit atheist."

(2) Mind Reading #2: "[Nietszche he would probably consider modern secularism to be an extreme form of slave morality."

Why would we assume anything these things? Syphilis is treatable today. How much of Nietzsche was actually him and how much the spirochetes? a thinking person could perhaps see the consequences of their poor ideas and change course. Why would he not love Dollar General will-to-power with millions trying to be petty-ubermenschen? Surely some true ubermenschen would arise from this chaotic soup.

(3) Assumed authority: "His atheism lost hard." Did it now? Seems to me that a version of Dollar General will-to-power is pretty popular.

(4) Mind reading + Secret Kingery: "He ended up achieving his dream of being a high status ubermensch posthumously." This seems like the biggest tell and needs no explication.

(5) Projection: "so the insults ring pretty hollow" Why are you butt-hurt over an insult to someone else? Someone you think is super high status and successful in a way none of us could be, by the way? White Knighting for a famous dead man is very odd.

(6) Reverse Projection: "I'd say being one of the most influential philosophers of all time is a bigger achievement then making women like you." We get that you are neither influential, a philosopher or successful with women.

As I pointed out in this very thread, this presumes that I (or any of you) have any desire to be any of these things. I'm successful with the only woman who matters to me, I don't care about influence, philosophy is a hobby/interest not my day job.

Edit: Fixed my poor German

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I appreciate the formatting. It reads as clearly as a recipe

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Not being a Gamma, just a German: The plural form of Uebermensch is Uebermenschen

Solid analysis.

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Ernst Mueller my German teacher in highschool would be ashamed of me.

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