When a young woman is behaving particularly insane, the chances are very high that she just realized that her boyfriend or husband is a) desirable and b) there are plenty of women around who would be more than happy to take him off her hands. This is a natural outcome of hypergamy and Alpha-chasing; when only 17 percent of the male population are deemed sufficiently attractive, there are at least two women for every desirable man and quite often more.
Which, by the way, is why a man should never kid himself about whether his wife noticed his being aware of the attractiveness of another woman. In most cases, she will have noticed her first, tagged her as someone who might be of interest to you, and has been watching you like a hawk to see exactly how you react when you notice her.
On a related note, there are just nine days left in the Hypergamouse campaign. Note that Sigma Game is now a direct reward that you can now back directly.
I doubled my pledge so I could get two copies of Hypergamouse and two copies of Sigma Game. My brother has been having issues with his wife, and I’ve been listening to both of them. He’s an Alpha, and it’s astonishing how textbook their dynamic is. It’s like they’re unintentionally acting out the exact scenarios from the comics and the SSH theory—it’s uncanny!
I’m not the jealous type and I’ve still done that. Chilling at a barbecue, my husband leaned back and put his hands behind his head. A lady there noticed his biceps. Part of me wanted to leap across the table and dot her eyes. He probably doesn’t even know that happened.