"male respect is earned by integrity and effort."

I'm puzzled - maybe this doesn't hold true for gammas? My father rewarded my (girl) As much more than my brother's Bs & Cs, even though he worked harder. He wanted a son to play football, but my brother wasn't burly. He was great in track, could have been a running back, but my father told him not to bother trying out. 😥

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Men respect Rudy more than a backup quarterback who spent 15 years in the NFL.

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Can we continue the Sports SSH series? Like, it was mentioned here once that the KC Chiefs are led by a Bravo, and even the coach is a Bravo. How does that work? Who is the Alpha on the Chicago Bears when the most important position on offense is held by a rumored Lambda? Who is the greatest dual Alpha combo on one team for all time? Shaq and Kobe?

Oh, and how did Michael Jordan become the GOAT while his second fiddle was a Gamma male?

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Had a fight last night in Bali at a night club. It was an open fight where you just vs an opponent from the crowd.

I got up against a young Spanish guy, same weight, this due had a camera floating round him an all sorts. Wanna be influencer. Long story short I pummeled him.

It was a good fight, He got me with some solid shots but he just didn't have the heart and I finished it.

At the end I came up to give him a hug and shake hands and wanted to chat he just wasn't having a bar of it.

Suspect he was a Gamma.

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Jim was 100% Alpha! I was a senior at the high school in the next town when Harbaugh (also a senior) was making the news as a 3 sport star. I played soccer and ran track/pole vaulter, so never went up against him (football/BB/baseball), but heard a lot about him as "Athlete of the Week" was published in the local papers and we all were vying for the honor. He was an intense guy then and hasn't changed. His Dad was Defensive Coordinator at Stanford at the time (previously, he had been working for Bo Schembechler at Michigan; another insane competitor). His older brother never lived in Palo Alto as he was playing football for Miami of Ohio. Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners must have been 'fun' at the Harbaugh house! I wonder if they played 'mud' football on Thanksgiving morning like we did in Menlo Park?!? They did coin a phrase for the family, The Harbaugh Way. Here is a link to a local article about Jim: https://patch.com/california/paloalto/harbaugh-s-paly-teammates-remember-pathological-competitor

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Perfectly and succinctly put.

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I am not sure if Jim harbaugh was a gamma but there are signs he is. His press interviews are awkward, goofy and he plays games with words. Says one thing and then does the opposite. He quit u of m to avoid the NCAA punishment. We was never committed to u of m and every off season he was looking for a new job even though he would say that u of m was the dream job. I remember reading that when at San Fransisco the NFL players didn't like him. Vox day point showing up and work is still true. IMO Jim harbaugh isnt the best example

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IMO, he quit because he had reached the pinnacle of college football winning the NCAA Championship and had unfinished business in the NFL. That is ALL about the competition and proving that he will win wherever he goes. I was able to watch him pretty closely in high school and when he coached Stanfurd and the 49ers. I am sure it burns to be 0-3 against his big bro and to not have won a Super Bowl yet...

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Maybe. Harbaugh is an alpha. I submit. He had a different personality for the media and talk radio shows. His interviews were usually goofy uncomfortable, and boring. He never said anything alpha like or inspiring to the Media. he will never tell. Its his business not ours. Contrast that with Dan Campbell's media spots which are the opposite. Entraining, fun, genuine and wears his emotions on his sleeve. The gamma here loves him a Dan Campbell. Jim harbaugh I don't get. I had the thought that maybe Campbell is a beta? Could explain why I have gamma/alpha contempt for him. I derailed the conversion from the original. You don't have respond. Gamma curiosity on my part

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You're completely wrong. Harbaugh is a total Alpha. He's a very effective leader of men.

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I stand corrected his wife is beautiful too. it appears that I misinterpreted his nobody's going to tell me what to do attitude as gamma traits. I'm from Michigan and Michigan fans are not thrilled with how Jim Harbaugh left the program. unranked after being national champions is pretty embarrassing. Sport talk radio talk here the other day was will u of m fans even watch the Ohio State game because they know they're going to lose so bad and it won't be worth their timei. Its the price that was paid for winning the national championship and having Jim Harbaugh leave

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Anatoly's pranks/videos are hilarious!

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I went to watch a women's soccer match that an friend was coaching.

He was doing his job shouting affirmations and such and things were going well.

when one of the older girls injured her knee and had to be carried off.

The team unilaterally forfeited and walked off.

The poor guy and just stood there asking me where they were going.

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Would bill gates be an example of someone super successful but all men still think he's a poofter

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No one who's honest with himself believes Gates is successful on merit. He has the look of a guy who'll push you down the stairs to hear the funny noises you make, then make up some excuse to try and make himself the victim.

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He has the look of a guy who was called a pussy once in high school and is still salty about it.

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Great article — now how about explaining females?!!

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No. There are tens of thousands of sites dedicated to that.

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The simplicity of women confounds men. They're not at all as complicated as we think.

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Read more. That has never been the intent of the blog.

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Librarian of Celaeno has a relevant post today re. Andrew Jackson, here: https://librarianofcelaeno.substack.com/p/that-time-andrew-jackson-got-shot

"Benton and Jackson met again when Jackson was elected to the Senate and again later as president. The former friends-turned-deadly-enemies found they still had a lot in common, and gradually, what started as an alliance of convenience became a rekindled fellowship.


They remained good friends until Jackson’s death in 1845. Thomas Benton, the man who’d so violently quarreled with him, eulogized him profusely, both at his funeral and in his copious memoirs..."

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This is why the “two natural enemies teaming up” and “victorious man spares honorable rival” tropes are so common in good books and movies. They never get old.

My favorite example is Conan's treatment of the king of Nemedia at the end of Hour of the Dragon.

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One of the most beautiful things to see in competitive sports.

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"Because male respect is earned by integrity and effort."

Another fridge magnet.

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Every young man needs to be involved in some kind of competitive sport. Whether it's something more common like football or baseball, or something more specialized like karate or BJJ, a man needs to compete against other men if he wants to develop any semblance of strength or resilience. The curse of Adam causes all men to drift toward passivity or indifference, and those traits are a death sentence when the day of reckoning comes, whatever it looks like.

One of my favorite memories from my time at my karate dojo was getting roundhouse kicked by my friend's dad who outweighed me by a hundred pounds. It knocked the breath out of me and toppled me to the floor. It also taught me how to accept defeat with respect and dignity, and how get back up after having my ass kicked.

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Given the opportunity, it's good for a young man to be in both an individual and a team sport at all times.

The individual sports, particularly combat sports, forge the man strong in body and spirit.

The team sports forge the man able to achieve more with others than he can alone.

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