Well, for what it's worth Churchill didn't think much of DeGaulle, either during the war or afterwards. And after Potsdam, Truman thought he was "psychotic."

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He called the whole dollar scam back in 1965. You can find a clip on YouTube if you search de Gaulle dollar.

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The man knew the Anglo-American Establishment was going to remove him, so he struck hard where he could, kicking off gold redemptions that inevitably forced the US off the gold-standard into pure credit money. Crazy to think we are where we are monetarily because the CIA tried to assassinate him in '65.

Maybe Unrestricted Warfare is how Sigmas instinctively do war when in charge of a state.

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It would be interesting to see if AI image processing can identify SSH from facial features.

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Physiognomy doesn't lie. There's probably quite of a lot of information in eyes, facial expression, and posture

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Everything about a person can be determined through the eyes. But alas, I don't think it can be made a science. Nor do I think most people can train their intuition to perfection.

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My friends father met de Gaulle on a number of occasions (not sure how often though). I will try to inquire about his ssh rank next time I see him. Vive le Québec libre!

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Which has brought us Justin Trudeau.

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If you look at photos of Yvonne de Gaulle when she was young that would help.Hshe is from a high status Northern French family.

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Ah, the eyes. Yep, I'm sold.

Tangent] Trust your gut when someone has "crazy eyes". Might just dodge a bullet.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Although I know little about him, I always admired De Gaulle's stubbornness in kicking the American military out of France after WW2 (not a single American base in France, contrast that with England, Italy, Germany, or Spain) and getting them to be semi-energy independent with nuclear power. A reminder to all nations that independence from other nations is a worthwhile goal.

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The echo of his energy policy is one of the few things keeping the lights on in all of Europe, literally.

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I stand corrected. From the observation;

Alpha loved by both women and men.

Sigma loved by women and hated by men.

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Sigmas still get plenty of love from men, as our host demonstrates. But more likely to be polarizing (they don't need approval), and they don't maintain the hierarchy that they sometimes enjoy the advantage of.

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Men want to be James Bond, no man wants to be James Bond's roommate.

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deletedApr 2
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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Sigmas make great characters in Hollywood movies. Because of the "lone wolf" appeal, above it all mentality, and underdog status in many situations as a result. Bond's insouciant insulting of the delta Q every time Bond gets outfitted for a new mission always struck me as odd and off-putting (wouldn't you like to know how to stop your exploding pen from exploding?) but I get that it fits in with his personality that the audience likes.

Its notable that Felix Leiter is a character who has appeared in many Bond movies as an American ally to Bond but is almost always forgotten by the audience and has been played by a ton of different actors. Movie goers think of Bond as a lone wolf sigma and forget about Leiter every time.

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deletedApr 2
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As a gamma, it took me a long time to get into James Bond movies or Animal House for that reason. Otter in Animal House always annoyed the shit out of me and made me root against him until I realized his place in the movie.

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"his moral rectitude makes it difficult for us to determine his sexual status"

That statement in relation to SSH topics... maybe others here can clear something up about it.

There are still places in the world where some form of traditional culture remains. Strong churches in small towns, say, making good efforts to practice what Jesus of Nazareth taught, including the hard things about marriage and sexuality. I remember an article by pre-repentant Roosh V encountering some form of this, and concluding that people there would have to go to a big city or something before his "Game" ideas would work as advertised instead of causing alienation and offense.

In a setting where any person not committed to complete chastity before marriage and complete faithful monogamy afterwards is presumed to be a Ticket Taker...


...what are such people supposed to make of the second "S" in SSH?

I will start by assuming the answer is "Vox is a Sigma and doesn't care at all."

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Women being attracted to you does not automatically mean they will have sex with you. They are more likely to do so, with the probability itself being culturally dependent. However, the depth and width of attraction within a social group, that is dependent on the SSH.

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It's not so complex. Everyone on the SSH has a range of women they will tend to attract and/or end up with, as has been outlined in prior articles.

In societies that value monogamy and spurn philandering, that will remain true.

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Thank you, I don't follow all of the places where Vox publishes. I gather the second "S" in SSH can be understood as "sex appeal" rather than "sexual activity."

In societies that value monogamy AND permanence of marriage, questions of attraction will be secondary to "Do we want to spend the rest of our lives together, or not?"

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

He's got them hero eyes. The eyes not of someone who aspires to heroism, but who has undertaken all he can because he was unable and unwilling to do otherwise.

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I was talking to a Delta and he did not like "strongmen types". I understood he dislikes Alphas and Sigmas relating them to "murderous dictators such as Genghis Khan".

For the Deltas that dislike Alphas and Sigmas, I wonder if it is because of their extreme conflict aversion and focus on competence. It's painful to see these Deltas suffer because they dislike the people and characteristics that would make them successful.

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I think generally Deltas understand and support the hierarchy for the reason you mentioned. The hierarchy's success is their success.

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This one is self-employed. In a conflict the Deltas lose to higher ranks, which may explain the distaste.

Inverting the SSH always results in bad outcomes.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

I see, that probably explains it. I theorize Deltas seek harmony in the hierarchy. Within a harmonious hierarchy a Delta can accomplish tasks effectively and efficiently. Deltas dislike Gammas because Gammas threaten the harmony of the hierarchy.

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The hierarchy's harmony, Bravos care more about that than Deltas. Deltas really care more about having a job and doing it.

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Rare French w.

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The French army has, by far, the best victory/defeat ratio of all armies in the world.


And some French defeats even surpass other countries victories


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No, history. Have you forgotten Charles Martel, Charlemagne, and Napoleon?

The US military even based its doctrine on French doctrine before switching to German doctrine after WWII.

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I suppose, this joke is probably also part of the machine isn't?

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US Army is still using the French artillery philosophy.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

The eyes are a common method to assess neural health since like half your brain processes visual information and 40% of your nerve fibers connected to the brain are connected to the retina. After any sort of potentially brain damaging thing like a stroke or concussion they look at your eyes. Note that in sports it's rote to check their eyes after a hard hit to the head. Even on the surface of it if literally half your brain routes into the eyes, naturally you can see what's going on in that brain via their eyes.

It's even more extreme than suggested here. What happens in the eyes is directly linked to diseases they are suffering. From AMidwesternDoctor's substack:

"Most importantly, Knisely discovered that the blood sludging he could externally observe in the monkey’s eyes matched that found within their internal blood vessels (which were made visible through surgical incisions).

Recognizing the utility of this discovery, Knisely then developed a stereo microscope for observing blood sludging in the eye (henceforth termed the sclerascope) and observed the eyes of countless individuals. With the sclerascope, Knisely (and others) found many different diseases (and certain toxins), appeared to cause their pathology through initiating widespread blood sludging and Knisely produced a grading scale for the varying degrees of blood sludging and pre-blood sludging that could occur that consistently correlated to disease prognosis."


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