Has there ever been a society run according to female preferences that was successful? No...Case closed....

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“Therefore, it is clear that any society which wishes to survive and grow economically must prioritize male preferences and impose limitations on female choices.”

The logic is indisputable. Post-Enlightenment clown world has chosen the path of self-extinction. But something always comes next. And the winners will be reality facing.

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I have the impression that the most promiscuous girls in Gen Z are not attracted to the somewhat disciplined athlete type, but to potheads and Instagram addicts, who are better capable of serving the most immediate needs of those girls: drugs and likes. It's a hard time for the majority of Delta boys that cannot score with those otherwise easy-to-get girls. They're willing to pay $400.- for a Palm Angels T-shirt to increase their status in the eyes of girls that are willing to spend such absurd amounts of money on Ugly Fashion items. Its demoralizing on so many levels.

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1 hr ago·edited 2 mins ago

The first place that this should happen is the Church. Women are taking increasingly prominent roles in my church's leadership, and I fear that the elderly pastor's daughter might one day replace him. This is something that can easily be stopped, but it requires standing up to the problem. The issue is that many men are afraid of women.

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Whenever the word "should" comes into play, I have some bad news for ya.

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"Would you vote for abortion, or against cholera?"

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You know how women would vote.

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The historical record exists.

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

You could also ask: "Women, would you rather submit to European men or be beaten into submission by Arabs?" They will overwhelmingly chose the latter, because it's more important to them to spite their own families in the here and now than to save their asses and the asses of their daughters a couple of years down the line.

The question "Bear or men?" is basically the same.

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Unfortunately women are especially susceptible to word games.

Make the satanist an orphan with a dog, and now he cant get the death penalty.

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But but but...woman feel bad degradation woman objectification dignity lack of opportunity woman bad feelings oppressed waahhhhhh!!

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This is the same as those who insist that promoting one ideology over another is bad, or legally supporting a religion is bad. Neither of these sorts recognize that there will always be a preference, there will always be a dominating force. If it is not ours, then it will be theirs whether that's male preference vs female preference, Christianity vs Islam, or anything else.

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In other words, losers gonna lose.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Vox Day

The current state of Western Civilization is the wages of living in Satanic inversion. In the West, suffrage was granted in much the same way that Adam relented on the apple. We know who whispered in Eve's ear. Do you have any doubt who was whispering in the ears of the suffragettes and later the feminists?


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Catering to male preferences first actually aligns with female preferences in a deeper way. It’s grounding to understand this truth, and I think it’s why so many women struggle with mental health—because they’re trying to compete with men in ways that go against their natural strengths.

I’ve dealt with anxiety for much of my life, but in the last few years, as I’ve opened my eyes to the reality of gender relations and embraced traditional skills, I’ve been amazed at how much better I feel. There’s something incredibly calming about reconnecting with the roles that are natural to us.

I’ve started talking to other women about these things. Even when they initially react negatively or think I’m out of touch, they always come back for more. Deep down, they know it’s true.

These days, I avoid most modern distractions, but I still listen to songs like these to remind myself of the things men do that women can’t and don’t need to do:


And when I need strength, I turn to this song:


This book had a profound impact on me too:


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Even if I vote the same as my husband, I know at least 3 single women who will not. Women's suffrage = net positive? Hmmmm...

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Ann Coulter was the first to say I will give up my vote if all the other gals do.

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Everyone today is being tricked all over the place, because the game was set long before we were born.

A small percentage of men work against being tricked, whereas almost no women do it. Its again sexual preference, but of the least popular subject.

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This is akin to the question often asked.

"What can we do to get more women in _____ Industry?" Insert any male dominated field. Linemen, paratroopers, oil rig workers, high level engineering etc. As if one can just change the reality that some people aren't built for certain things.

We may as well be asking "what can we do to get more rough neck men who use coarse language to be pre school teachers?" Why the hell would anyone want that?

Gender is a huge factor in one's ability to do certain things or even have the desire to do such things. Ask a thousand women if they want to jump out of airplanes so they can shoot at people before they shoot at them. The small amt. who think they'd want to aren't capable anyway. Then ask the same thousand if paratroopers should be mostly men.

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""what can we do to get more rough neck men who use coarse language to be pre school teachers?" Why the hell would anyone want that?"

To expand their vocabulary, naturally!

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To what end will that roughneck man use that flowery language? If he is the guy she wants to polish and clothe in a gentleman's suit, he's already taken. He doesn't need her or her vocabulary.

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I was referring to the children.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

I think the best one I read lately was a piece opining the lack of men 'of color' in preschool education. Seriously? To do what?

The CEO of my company went all in on women in tech one year. Just gotta have them for some reason. This flummoxed me, being in tech for a couple decades. Women can get nearly any job they want. I was on Teams calls where over half were women. Granted most were product or project managers and the like. That didn't even make it a year before St. George Floyd happened. Then, women were dropped in favor of negroes. Gotta get more in tech! (Sure...better start before middle school then).

Back to wimmenz. My youngest daughter had a few friends take computer science in high school, then move on to that major in college. They got grants and scholarships out the wazoo to do it. One got scarfed up my Microsoft for an internship first year. Still works there.

Sad case. She was a cute 6-7 gymnast when she graduated high school. Last I saw her, she was built like a 55 gallon oil drum, a 3 at best. But she'll die happy, I suppose, knowing that she was instrumental in a few widgets on your edge browser and desktop. That should be a new hypergamouse character, the tubby wino woman tech mouse.

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1 hr ago·edited 42 mins ago

That made me chuckle.

Daughter of a family friend (low 20's 6) went into programming, and is really buying into the propaganda of her own amazing intelligence due to all the tickets she's being offered merely for having a vagina in tech.

With zero experience she was offered an internship at Google's San Fran campus, was paid 100K, given an apartment, etc. Now that she's done school, she's moving there to work for them full time, making well into the 200k range - at her first full time job.

She thinks she's God's gift to tech, and I can't even blame her too much. After all, look at her amazing results!

My parents were asking me why I ain't applying to Google / achieving as much as she is, and that was not an answer my mother enjoyed hearing, lemme tell ya.

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Makes me grateful that my sister's got a solid head on her shoulders, to say nothing of her excellent husband.

She's been working tech for one of the national insurance chains for years, mostly keeping their back-end from imploding under tech debt. She's under no illusions that her seniority is for anything other than her time in service, gender, and stubborn refusal to let anyone commit directly into production.

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A company nearby already recruits apprentices at the age of 14 so that they can pick out the best girls of the small group that is attracted to tech. In trade school, one of those girls asked me if she could get a better grade. For which reason? Because her current grade was bad. That's how you become entitled.

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Yeah, but if you give her the grade she knows she really deserves, it'll no longer be bad.

It's simple logic, brah.

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"Seriously? To do what?"

To abuse the children, create more authorities amenable to others abusing the children and creating racial cover for abuse of children. I'm 100% serious.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Something that was left out here (but mentioned in VP) is that it's actually female preference "in theory". As mentioned in VP - And yet, not only are women unhappier than they were before being granted their collective societal bucket list.

So, in reality, it's a win-win and not a zero-sum game.

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Worth noting that women don't let logic get in the way of their desires.

They want freedom and security. They want to eat their cake and have it too.

So they wanted the freedom that led to this, but all things considered, they want security more - if you're man enough to give them what they need instead of following their whims.

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Right, having been in the working world and now a mom I'm not sure how girl boss is anyone's preference. Maybe a few generations ago it was, before anyone really tried it and saw for themselves.

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You need a significant amount of ability to self reflect, and self correct in order to understand that you're unhappy, identify the reasons why, and then have the discipline and strength of character to implement long term change.

Take a look around, and let me know if you think most ppl are capable of this. Men, or women.

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This is where rhetoric and status pressure come in. If women perceive being chaste, staying at home, raising families etc. as high status the high status wives will model it and police it in their circles. It needs to start locally at the family and tribe level.

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

Yes, the battle will be won from the bottom.

But it will be a long, and assiduous struggle.

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It will take a lomg time, but when we win the NPCs will say they agreed all along in an instant.

Their software updates fast when they see the rulers change.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Self-reflection is ultimately not necessary. We have a good idea why both women and men are unhappy, as a society. Whether the individual men and women realize or understand why they're unhappy is not required to implement changes that would alleviate that unhappiness.

To say it in plain English: behavior can be forced by an outside entity, misbehavior can be punished. As an example: women sleeping around and being promiscuous is a major factor in societal unhappiness for both genders. You can make a policy that sex outside marriage is criminalized. Women sleep around less. Society becomes happier overall. Whether the women realize that their promiscuity is a source of their unhappiness is irrelevant to them actually becoming happier in this hypothetical.

A child might be unhappy if a parent refuses to allow them to eat candy for breakfast. The child might be absolutely convinced that eating the candy would make them happy. In the short term it might. That is not a reason to permit the child to eat the candy. There are long term consequences, and the child doesn't need to understand them to obey a command: "no candy for breakfast".

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

Self reflection has always been necessary for the leadership element of society.

When the leadership - political, cultural, societal, moral, etc - is replaced with degerate Satanists, and only our worst impulses and base desires are encouraged, self reflection becomes critical.

Running with your analogy, our parents and grandparents are legit Satanists. If we do not possess the ability to see through their lies, and self correct, we are doomed.

This is sink or swim now, and many can't even float.

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Ahh, I see the miscommunication: I was referring to a hypothetical future scenario where the current crop of Satanists was already dealt with, you were talking about now.

Well, I think we can at least agree that most people are not able to self-govern, for just the reasons you stated. This would be where leftists start stuttering: "B-but that's a-auth-thoritarianism!"

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Anything that goes up must inevitably come down.

Like the horrors of the Black Plague, the mass executions of the Soviet Union, etc., the madness of this age shall also pass.

The only question is whether you and yours will still be standing when the turmoil ends. Whether your legacy will survive.

Plan - and act - accordingly.

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Owen Benjamin nailed the rhetoric - "how did we lose the vote when they couldn't vote?"

I want to be oppressed. Indoor plumbing > voting.

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I've sunk right down into the middle of this very nightmare.

For over a decade, I worked for a mid size company under the operations VP. He had three groups working for him, training, support, and pro services. Each group cross pollinated with the others. They were all men for years, under a bravo, if not an alpha boss. It was one of the best places I've ever worked.

Then, we got our first woman, a project manager. Seemed like a nanosecond later, the white knighting started. The PM manager was hardcore, and expected all those under him to perform, even her. It settled for awhile, but eventually we were assimilated by a huge company and all three groups split under three different divisions. I call it big rainbowcorp, because it is about as woke as a tech company can get. My group had about 1/2 women to start, all working under a decent high delta German boss. He left and was replaced by a princess.

Now, we are a very gynocentric group. I have a woman boss, and a woman VP. I think there's maybe 1/3 or less male now. Made me remember why I promised myself why I'd never work for a woman again. Honestly, I'm sick of all the re-imagining. Re-imagining to these women consists of doing what our competition does, only not as well.

I'm at the point now deciding whether to hold my nose and gut it out two years until I can semi-retire, or simply pull the bail chain. If I were a decade younger, I'd be gone by now.

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what we’re dealing with here is the difference between having functional indoor plumbing and effective sewage systems, and returning to the bad old days of outhouses and cholera outbreaks.

You'd think women would prefer the former, but they seem to want to hurtle us headlong into the latter.

Apparently women will always choose the bear.

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Now that we have conclusively proven women are irrational, are we men going to rationally take charge, or complain that women are being women?

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Logic isn't taking a back seat here, it's not even in the car.

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