Sometimes something similar happens to ordinary men like myself. I've occasionally been hit on by younger attractive women I don't know or hardly know. That always makes me suspicious when it happens, especially when my own behavior towards these women has been entirely restrained and proper.

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Sexual directness, particularly if you don't know her well, is a huge red flag that signals personality issues.

It's an instant turnoff. The deviation from typical demure female behavior is both jarring and disturbing.

A couple of examples:

A female co-worker I was merely cordial with sent me an explicit offer of weekend fun through company email. Instant turnoff. I promptly gave her in-person feedback regarding proper email etiquette.

In my personal life, my then-girlfriend, out of the blue, pounced on me and said she was

going to r*pe me. Instant turnoff, harsh rebuke followed by an argument.

Her response,"This has never happened to me before! I never get rejected!" The relationship basically ended there.

This is my perspective as a regular guy. Women are not so sexually direct and aggressive with everyday men.

Obviously "rock stars" are treated differently and probably lose the ability to identify dangerous women from normal women who are making extreme efforts to secure them.

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NGL, that sounds kinda hot. Delta doesn't mean spiceless.

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Are you American? I was raised to believe the same thing, that sexually direct or overly affectionate women were crazy and, if I dated one, that I should expect to wake up with a knife in my ribs.

Then I dated a Brazilian woman.

In their culture, women are supposed to show affection to their men. It freaked me out a bit at first until I realized that I was punishing her for being girly and liking me. How fucked up is that?

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Appreciate the international observation. I'm American.

In my experience as a delta, women who are several levels lower will throw you sexual offers as an enticement, because you're a valuable utility item(but not valuable like an alpha) Don't fall for the trap.

Women who are equal or a bit higher don't do that.

As for the GF, I probably mishandled the situation.

Observation about the SSH. High deltas are still deltas, but with a higher volume of being treated like delta. This changes you over time, for better and worse.

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Neither of these episodes were red flags, particularly not the episode with your then girlfriend. This is being playful. Women aren't the same as men (for which I am grateful) but it is perfectly normal for them to have a sex drive.

I'm not your dad to give you life advice, but if anything like this happens to you again FFS play ball.

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Appreciate your interpretation of events.

Disagree in part. Inappropriate to send sexual offers to co-workers you barely talk to.

Agree in part. I could have handled GF better at the initiation. But when she kept escalating it, things spiraled.

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Delta confirmed.

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Thank you, appreciate the confirmation.

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Funny. If the girlfriend was not a psycho, which we can assume because you dated her, asking or initiating sex is far different from red flags. She was a 5 and our delta hero was offended. He was used to 3s and 4s

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Thank you for the response. Please continue sharing your keyboard alpha insights.

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago


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I want to feel some kind of sympathy for Booby, I really do. But they're both toxic evil.

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Huge jaw and crazy eyes.

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Psychotic, evil, and toxic. Usually in nature, these types of beings would be brightly colored.

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Some are more camouflaged, like the scorpion or the brown recluse.

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Aposematism is real

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"If you’re a man of any stature at all, even if you’re a very minor public figure, keep your distance from those attractive young women who are just ever-so fascinated with your brilliant mind and so impressed by your manifold accomplishments."

Selection bias strikes again.

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It's not just public figures, both major and minor. It is any man with any authority, status or power. I suspect that the fry captain at Burger King might have these problems writ small.

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True. Even a tiny church pastor has to watch out for that kind of woman.

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And never, ever, under any circumstances, fuck crazy.

Yes, and I have the scars.

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Ok, that seems very clear... but I want to be certain on this point. Does that "never, ever" really include the super-hot category of crazy women? I mean, I just want clarification on that particular point.

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Just give them a fake name and don't tell them where you live and you'll be cool.

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No. You. Will. Not.

Uoi do not want to know how messed upnall this can be. To this day, I have people tell my wife they are -- direct quote -- stalking me on Facebook.

I don't do social media for many reasons.

The obsessive and erotmanic can and will find you. They will male your life hell. Shun the crazy.

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs ago

That used to work but now they can get accidentally-on-purpose knocked up and hunt you down via all of your relatives who did DNA tests “for fun.”

Pretty soon they be able to use AI to identify you from a pic also, probably.

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True. Fun and forget em doesn’t work anymore. Short of violence there is almost no way to handle hot and crazy. Bets to avoid before anything happens

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Trying to take advantage of a hot and crazy woman is its own punishment.

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Look man, I'm a scientist. The only way to be really sure is to do the experiment.


I've sacrificed for the pursuit of Truth, and now it's your turn.

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Yes, a man must sacrifice what he must for the advancement of knowledge and science. It is a heavy burden we carry.

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You have to decide whether a few satisfying moments are worth the risk of waking up with your little head in the garbage disposal.

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When you put it that way T, it certainly makes it a much more difficult decision.

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None of the normal female relation stuff applies to psychos and paid architects because they aren’t normal relationships.

All the cluster Bs are so destructive to get close to. Especially if you rely on read and react. Learning [this isn’t normal] the hard way.

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I could write a book on this subject. It would only have one page and on that page one word would be written: "RUN!"

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Is "cluster Bs" women outside your immidiate circle, like mom or wife?

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Histrionic, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Borderline

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It's incredibly memorable crazies who make other broken-home, psycho-scarred girls look basic, normal and predictable in comparison.

If you've met them, you remember more than you want to. If you haven't, for the love of all that is good, clean and holy, don't let the energy vampire in. Their radioactivity sits in your extended family for two generations and more.

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It's the nasty personality disorders - borderline, narcissistic, histrionic, etc.


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It's like the difference twixt a feral hog and a domestic pig. Doesn't matter how good a pig farmer you are; that hog just wants your entrails.

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He who has aught to lose ought not take unnecessary risks. To be with an unrelated woman anywhere without a half-dozen witnesses is rarely necessary.

There's a Fortnite player who got a lot of flak for "refusing to mentor women," which is to say that he wouldn't spend time with them outside of public settings. His reasoning was simple: he didn't want his wife to have a reason to worry.

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Being married. It's preferable to hang out with other men more often than not.

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Expecting a married man to mentor probably single women.

Clownworld is so tiresome.

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Respect for one's spouse is a beautiful thing.

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If you've ever been in a position of authority or power you have encountered this. Another part of my 'birds and bees' talk to junior officers was that one can never give even the slightest hint of impropriety with the opposite sex because perception is reality. It's not even necessary to know the 'why' they do it. Hell, there might not even be a reason. It doesn't matter. It's sufficient to know the 'what' and avoid it like you avoid a pot hole in the road or poison ivy. No good can come of it.

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Sep 24Liked by Vox Day

> Probably the most notable reaction was from Ken at Popehat, apparently off his meds again, as he first insisted that I would need a lawyer, then started babbling something about something called Moon Court. I will leave it to the lawyers, and the mental health professionals, to interpret that

Funny. He literally got out of a mental health rehab this year

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The only moon court I can recall was on Steven Marley's Chia Black Dragon books, now out of print.

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Sep 24·edited 24 hrs agoAuthor

He got all bent out of shape when I observed that he was a mentally unstable lunatic a while back. He didn't understand why this would call his judgment or his expertise into question and was offended that anyone would doubt it on that basis.

Dude, you're LITERALLY crazy...

Moon Court. I love it. I will definitely be referring transgressors to Moon Court in the future.

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I prefer the Sun Court myself, but either would be preferrable to Star Chambers.

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Sep 24Liked by Vox Day

If I could draw men's attention to one nuance in this story, it would be this - Ms. Kraus never takes any accountability for her role as Ms. Nuzzi's accomplice. Not that one should expect a woman, much less an institutional gossip, to take such ownership but it is important to remember that around each psychotic woman orbits enabling friends, frenemies, and acquaintances who enjoy the psychos antics.

Ms. Kraus "unexpectedly, unwittingly, and surprisingly" was "duped" into supplying endless gossip and inside information to Ms. Nuzzi after she "made her own call" "despite multiple warnings" from many, many people and her very reliable instincts failed her and she became "a pawn." A pawn in the drama she handwove by ignoring every sign from Ms. Nuzzis reputation to her own husband's skepticism.

Women are well-versed in the twisted logic that most psychotic women employ and are all too often willing to aid them either through morbid curiosity or because they want to live vicariously through their uninhibited. As a woman, I have experienced being triangulate into dramas by an "unwitting" friend and I don't have half of the resources, status, and desirability of an alpha man.

Tread carefully. Do not let a nice girl vouch for a woman you suspect to be psychotic. And if a woman who has proven trusttrustworthy and reliable tells you something is off about a woman, assume they've sussed out a psychotic. Err on the side of caution which is typically a very dull and blessedly uneventful life.

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My guess is that Kraus, in reality, went well beyond mere aiding and abetting here. RFK's proclivities are the matter of public record. It should not take the Oracle of Delphi to guess what would happen if Kraus gave away to Nuzzi even a tiny bit of encouragement and a bit or two of specific personal RFK information.

Notice too that Kraus is the winner here. She aids and abets Nuzzi (we'll just go with that) and gets to play as ring master in some drama (catnip); she gets to be the center of attention in the expose; she gets to take down a younger, more attractive, and (more openly crazy) competitor both professionally and for the "friendship" and attention of RFK. Win; win; win.

"My instincts rarely let me down, but this time, I regret to say, they failed me profoundly." No, I'd say they worked and served her very well.

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Excellent observation. The most sound argument against the agency of women is that women deny their own agency anytime they could be held accountable for something.

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Something about this niggles. If there's any agency, it's nature is clearly different than man's, but surely there's not so large a gap between man and woman as between man and animal?

Not that the agency of animals is a terribly clear topic.

There's definitely some formulation of question comparing the agency of women vs dogs and man's preference that would do a number nearly as brutal as the bear tree incident.

Well, whatever the presence or absence, it's clear there's trouble enough with a woman as mother or any other suitable role, let alone ones where it makes zero sense like father.

Instinct tells there's something there on the subject of woman's agency, some strange nuance, something about it existing in relation to others more? Doesn't feel like quite the right tree to bark up. Hopefully at some point it'll catch your interest and focus that high calibre surgical strike mind on it.

Clearly this teller's penetration isn't enough.

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A woman does something wrong. Is she held responsible and punished? A dog does something wrong. Is it held responsible and punished?

I'm not convinced the agency question necessarily resolves in the woman's favor.

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A dog woman in a fantasy story will have the mystic power that instead of learning when caught in the caught in the act and punished, she'll feign ignorance!

Well, that's the cruel version.

Most people would give her all the good traits of a dog, rather than the bad traits of both. They'd give her most of the good traits of women too, knowing most authors that would have dog women in the first place.

Personally this teller would have something like a race of evil toy pitbull pygmy dogfolk and a race of let's say beagle dogfolk. A 'neutral' dog breed doesn't come to mind instantly.

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Puppy dog eyes. It would work.

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The crow-woman gives a very different kind of puppy dog eyes.

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Genesis 3:13 And the Lord God said to the woman: Why hast thou done this? And she answered: The serpent deceived me, and I did eat.

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Woman's curse to be ruled by man is also man's curse to rule women.

That women thought that being the ruling man was a prize is a fine trick of old Scratch.

Even the smallest of crowns is a burden.

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One could argue men do this as well but society affirms women's lack of agency consistently. Men are held to a strict liability whereas women are examined for intent and ability and even when it exists their guilt can be dismissed. Something to consider for those raising sons.

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

Despite the changes to ensure equality. Functionally men are the ones treated as the True Adults.

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Funnily enough, I had not noticed. It's so part and parcel of such accounts at this point, I'd ignored that whole spiel.

Rereading it, it's clear that the whole thing was a thrill. It must have felt good to be the point of contact, the confidant who can drop nuggets of information and spin the rumor mill. The fear of knowing that you're transgressing combined with the rapt attention and praise of a psycho seems a heady drug.

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Yes, I noticed that straightaway. She spent quite a few words making sure everyone knows that she is without blame.

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Garden-variety crazy is bad enough even when you don't have any reputation to lose. It must be a million times worse when you're a public figure.

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For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey,

And her mouth is smoother than oil,

But in the end she is bitter as wormwood,

Sharp as a two-edged sword.

Proverbs of Solomon

Also, that woman has a serious case of man-jaw…. And manjaw’s gonna manjaw

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Proverbs 7 goes into more detail. In those days they were adulteresses who often prey after young men.

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Physiognomy is undefeated.

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It's a source of terror that Solomon was declared wisest of men, that he knew what he did, and still followed women into vile sorcery.

Truly everything rhymes with Eden.

Even then, Adam had heard, he could have repeated what God told.

Eve must have been an 11/10

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As if when a beautiful naked woman handed you a piece of fruit, any of you guys would say, "No, thanks.

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Some years ago I learned that I'm more a collector of crafting supplies than a crafter. To me it's easy to imagine a connoisseur of wisdom sayings, who fails to apply them to one's life by walking them out.

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The "man after God's own heart" was unworthy to build His temple.

The "king gifted all wisdom" wrote a whole book about his foolishness.

The "father of many nations" gave his wife to another man. Twice.

"The stone upon which Christ would build His church" denied Christ thrice, rejected His teachings on more than one occasion, and struck off a man's ear.

If those with such faith and greatness were so wicked, how much more am I?

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We might sometimes think ourselves humble enough, to have matters in perspective. We really don't.

No wonder the honeypot works.

Still should always pair this terror with the fact, that even with all this, we were made in his image.

Wretches though we may be, we were never made to be so.

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Eve was the only fully human female at the time, not counting the human-like "people" in the land of Nod, where Cain went after his exile. Eve was also made FROM Adam, FOR Adam. One could assume she was made specifically catered to his every personal taste and whim, made only to please him in every way - literally, Adam's "dream woman".

Adam didn't stand a chance. Not even 11/10, Eve would be a 1,000/10.

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Always considered Adam and Eve to be "special projects" rather than literally the only humans. Never considered the possibility that the Nod-ites were maybe Neandertals or Denisovans or something like that. Interesting.

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The most likely explanation that synthesizes human biodiversity and ancient myths, Biblical and otherwise, is that we are a hybrid species.

Adamic (Aryan) people over the last few tens of thousands of years, mixed with other hominids to produce different races. Asians have more Neanderthal and Denisovan. Africans have more Homo Erectus. And so on.

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What about Europeans?

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Europeans are closest to the original Aryans, with minor mixture with other hominids, depending on which specific European population we are considering.

Generally speaking, as far as I know, Neanderthal is the most common European hybrid component.

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There had to have been an ultimate source of 46-chromosome hominids, i.e., humans. As opposed to 48-chromosome hominids, i.e., apes. There’s a discontinuity there that evolution cannot account for, and an original breeding couple is really the only solution that doesn’t mutilate Occam’s Razor. All those half-human half-ape drawings you see that we supposedly descended from are pure fantasy.

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Thanks, that seems an unlikely jump.

Just to be clear, I don't subscribe to evolutionary theory or any of its epicyclic fixes -- there is obviously not enough time, there are too many non-viable mutations compared to viable ones, even viable mutations can mutate back to the original, etc.

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OTOH, I do think it’s possible that H. sapiens (assuming for the sake of argument that it’s a valid species and not multiple) descended from Noah’s family, and the other species may have been Cainites.

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"If you’re very lucky, she might only be a genuine psycho who happens to be obsessed with you. More likely, she is the paid architect of your planned demise."

The honeypot will ruin your life, but having your life literally ended by a psycho would be a bit more unfortunate. You can in theory recover from a systematic destruction of your reputation.

Normally being chopped up and eaten over the course of days isn't something you recover from.

Of course, a honeypot assassin isn't out of the question, so...

Poison is poison, in the pot or in the stingers of the bees.

Poison all the same.

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