I'm in my mid-30's and despite being 6 ft tall and at least average facially I'm still a KHHV (kissless, hugless, handholdless virgin). In the past two years I've lost a lot of weight, built some muscle, got a decent-paying job and learned Spanish to the point where I can have a basic conversation. And it all did nothing for me. I don't have high standards either (or hardly any standards for that matter) and I'd be perfectly happy with a friendly 3/10. It would feel great to go on a simple date and just talk and hold hands with a girl; but apparently even that is not to be. You will say that I should just work harder and spend more time improving myself. But there's only so much effort I'm willing to put in before it becomes a chore I don't enjoy. For example I like going to the gym and lifting but I'm not interested in becoming a bodybuilder or taking 'roids. That would reek of desperation and I refuse to be desperate.

I agree it's not good to wallow in self-pity but it's equally important not to delude yourself. I've accepted the fact I will never experience the closeness of a woman, and I've since learned to find fulfillment in other aspects of my life. I feel much better as a result.

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'For example I like going to the gym and lifting but I'm not interested in becoming a bodybuilder or taking 'roids. That would reek of desperation and I refuse to be desperate.'

Now, I'm not saying get them 'roids, but how would that reek of desperation? To whom? I mean If you have people in your life that are not fully behind you and are not going to support you in your struggle, that believe me, is obvious to everyone around you, get rid of them ASAP.

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Serious bodybuilding is a part time job and i just dont have the desire for it. Thats what i meant

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Zero...you need a morale booster. Get thyself a plane ticket to either Cebu, Davao, or Manilla. You need (at least for a few weeks) to be an environment where dating is like shooting fish in a barrel. Experience what it is like to be the hot blonde at homecoming (you have height, muscle, and I assume are white).

The west may hold nothing for you, but the rest of the world is a different animal. Do not quit, reorient.

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Yup. Agreed, Randale. Zero should get that plane ticket. Cebu, Manilla, both excellent for a white man to explore. But speaking Spanish, Cebu is the better choice. Visaya is the local language and is about 60% Spanish words anyway. Or go to Guadalajara, Mexico or Any cosmopolitan Argentinian town. Gringos look normal there and Zero, your Spanish will serve you well and you'll gain XP. Also, here at home, maybe try a local church in a predominantly hispanic area. Quality traditional girls can be found in both Latin America, South-East Asia and especially here!

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You can't talk to women? Have you tried asking them to talk about their favorite subject? Them? Just sit back and listen to them ramble on and on. When they stop, toss in some form of, "Yeah." Or "Uh huh." Or, "That's rough."

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That's simple enough but limited. I can never keep the conversation going. And talking to women is such a rare occasion for me that I rarely get to practice anyway.

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How many cold approaches have you done? What is the success ratio to phone numbers?

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I dont do cold approaches

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"Everyone hates me cuz I'm ugly!"

"Life sucks, I can only date ugly people!"

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The problem of personal failure runs deeper than struggling with the painful impact of people who reject you for whatever reason.

The heart of it is failing to understand that you have no right to external validation or acceptance. Such things are repelled or attracted by the person you are, by the person you are becoming.

Physically attractive people do have an advantage, of course, but such people can be repellent in other ways.

Set the bar higher for yourself. Demand more from yourself. Link your standards to only what you CAN control.

Vox is spot on about this, not that he needs my validation. He doesn't because he already has it from the most important person in his life -- himself.

To improve your reputation with yourself, identify the things that bring you down and get rid of them.

These include self-defeating habits of mind and action, weak or toxic personal character traits, the lingering impact of emotional trauma, toxic relationships, and negative external influences.

All must go. All must be replaced with positives.

Character drives winning. The stronger your character, the greater your chance of winning. Value virtue. Embrace competition. Test yourself. Your reward? Faster progress.

This process will not be easy. This process will not be quick. This process will not be cheap. This process -- and it is above all a process rooted in self-discipline -- requires radical self-acceptance, courage, grace, persistence, and faith in your God-given self-worth and its unique potential.

It cannot be emphasized enough: the achievement of happiness depends first and foremost on the removal of things that make us unhappy, which requires development of strong character. This is an iron law of self-development. If followed, your life will flourish. If not, it won't. Simple as.

The only metric that matters is whether you can look at yourself in the mirror at the end of the day and declare with complete honesty that you are a better, more authentic version of yourself than you were yesterday.

You can say this because you did the work. Because you can see the incremental gains. Because you did the hard things that you didn't want to do, that most people don't want to do, but you did them anyway.

And above all, just be too stupid to quit when it feels like you're failing, like you're not getting anywhere.


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I’m only 5’7, even shorter than Vox. Fit, smart, good looking, but never a natural athlete. Mainly lifting and martial arts. Long term relationships with 2 of the 3 girls voted most popular in high school. Dropped one for the other.

I always took care of myself, but not for any particular reason. Looking back, I never cared what girls thought. They always liked me, even in grade school. It’s pretty much been that way my whole life.

The advice to be awesome and not give a shit is not particularly helpful as it’s probably not something you can fake. But, there is definitely something to it that attracts women.

As a young man, my attitude eventually burned one long term relationship to the ground. It was a painful lesson because I only realized I actually cared after there was no possibility of reconciliation. It changed how I moved forward and was a major catalyst for personal growth and maturation. I think every man gets hurt once.

Draw whatever conclusions you like from my experience, but don’t let the modern height BS hold you back. I never knew it was a thing until seeing it posted all over the net. Woman will state a preference and then completely disregard it. But, like Vox said, taller women are less likely to do so. Have some discretion. You’ll know immediately if you can pull her.

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I would never have thought of that. Must be a strange thing to navigate. Probably way worse now with social media. Had a few clingers, but stalkers are just not something men have to consider.

Terrific comic BTW. It’s spot on and very entertaining.

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"Not giving a shit" is attractive because it's safe. A guy who clearly doesn't care is a breath of fresh air in a world where girls need to be so careful not to arouse the attentions of stalkers.

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In my experience women are extremely insecure, and not nearly as visual so many of the most attractive women will happily date charismatic guys far below the physical attractiveness they could in theory obtain. A highly confident physical 7, with game can date a 9-10, because the woman will be swept along by his conviction that he is adding more value to the relationship than she is. In absolute terms, if beauty is all she brings to the table this is an absolutely certain fact that the 7 is the catch despite nominally "out kicking his coverage". Additionally I can't even count the number of male 8-10's seemingly paralyzed by approaching women in person. The playing field is pretty open gentleman, remember the more effort she put into her appearance the more insecure about it she is, so brush off that initial deflection with confidence if you have the game to back it up.

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The one quality everyone must aspire to is one that you don't hear about too often: self-possession. It's possibly the most Sigma of personality traits.

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"You only get to date other unattractive people"

"most importantly, I knew my limits and didn’t seek to exceed them"

A rigorously and ruthlessly honest self-appraisal is always the starting point, followed closely by setting your priorities in accordance with your possibilities.

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What a lot of people don't realize is that even the attractive people have to work to continue being attractive. I was always good at talking to girls. Always tall dark and handsome. Always interesting and funny to most of the women in my sphere. But all along the way I was finding things about myself that I needed to improve and making changes.

Especially when you go from High School into adult life, you really really need to work hard. There's no free ride for anyone. The attractive easy going guys you see who have it so easy? They work much, much harder than you. They study harder how to improve themselves. And then they make a good plan and work hard on it. Every single day.

Stop making excuses. Take Vox's advice, and find multiple things to improve about yourself. Then work at dating and learn and take the L's with dignity and don't give up.

And don't have delusions about the kind of people you can pull. Do your best, but be satisfied with where you land.

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What you said about the difference between high school and adulthood is very true. The difference in respect that I got from high school to when I became a young adult was a shock to me.

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In which direction?

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In the negative direction. When you're a young adult dealing with older men, you're automatically at the bottom of the ladder.

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And being single for life isn't too bad either when all else fails. So long as you live with purpose serving the Almighty.

Monks lived fulfilling lives. As did Bachelors. Including Newton for example.

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One of the wisest posts EVER! I am old and long past attractive or even interest in dating, but indulge me a moment. I've had far beyond my fair share of success with the opposite sex and all of what Vox says resonates deeply.

Here's some other tidbits:

1. You only have to win once. Past failures are irrelevant, especially if your goal includes a stable marriage and a family. To a player who just hit a home run, his strike outs in the 3rd and 5th are completely forgotten.

2. Vox is right, ugliness is very often a marker for deeper problems, but at the same time, physical beauty can often disguise a real train wreck, especially if bad parenting was involved. Physical beauty is a poor stand-alone metric.

3. If you like sex, the correlation between physical attraction and sexual competence is far from a sure thing and it is quite easy to wind up in a boring or infrequent relationship with a 10. Where as sensuallity is not a produce of good looks.

4. Don't EVER marry anyone you find unattractive. Respect what you bring to the table and work hard to increase it, but don't be afraid to cast a wide net. There are definitely women out there who have worked hard at making the best of bad genes, and some of them well may be better options for you than some of their more conventionally attractive counterparts. This approach requires a lot of thought and discipline. If she is fixated on "feeling" ugly, avoid.

I know I'm asking you to thread the needle, but I honestly believe it's worth it

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They let /r/incels back on reddit? Freedom of speech is back? Feels like 2010 again!

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It ain't freedom of speech until we see Americans in D.C protesting Israel's existence. Without being arrested, that is.

Edit: Forgot to add the last sentence.

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I have nothing but contempt for the doomer dissatisfied type. It's one thing to be depressed about life and accept it with peace, that's almost admirable to see a man truly satisfied with his lot, it's another to whine about it while doing nothing to improve or recover.

The extreme highlight in transformation here is Zyzz. Look at this before and after:


He was a scrawny yet intelligent kid who decided he was tired of being ignored by women. He applied every cheat he could come up with including steroids, facial reconstruction surgery and even the early PUA era tips like tasteful tattoos and strong social media presence.

The difference in the pic above is two (2) years! 18yrs old vs 20yrs old I think. With the dedicated effort and applying every advantage you can muster in 2 years you could transform to that degree. Everyone can. His life is proof that if any man truly, truly wanted to become a stud it could be done in almost no time. There are no excuses!

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Zyzz died of a heart attack at 22 because of the copious amounts of steroids he did. I probably wouldn't emulate him.

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You don't die in Bangkok of a heart attack because of steroids...

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I had always figured it was copious amounts of tren, but I didn't put 2+2 together with Bangkok.

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Steroids won't cause their typical heart issues in 2-4 years on a 22yr old. He died because he had a congenital heart defect as revealed in the autopsy AND to quote:

"He was: abusing cocaine, using DNP, dehydrated, and in a sauna, and then suffered cardiac arrest."

So just don't do that and you'll be fine.

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"There is no harsher judge of women than the man who could never, ever score her."

Disagree. Women judge each other far more harshly than any man ever could. Bottom line, he would still fuck her. Other women do not have that motivation.

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Comrades (men only) duly note the following. Dating in the west sucks for all but the 8-10 men. By all means get fit, diet, and so forth. Instead of wasting your time dating the slores of western society focus on building a truly remote business or skill set.

Then leave the west and discover what the rest of the world has to offer. There are infinitely worse fates than relaxing on a beach somewhere in the Philippines with a barely legal woman in one hand and coconut moonshine in the other.

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Willing to arbitrage abroad is one firm step above black-pilling, and worth encouraging.

You can take your foreign woman, and bring her back home as a wing woman, if you want to have fun with the drama.

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You need to stop listening to RP content on youtube. No matter if it's Rollo, Rich Cooper, Aaron Clarey, Joker, they all feed into the loser's mindset, because that is how they make their money. If you had any first person experience with women, you'd know that this is absolute nonsense. Those youtubers focus solely on the worst of the worst. It's outrage pr0n, intended to make and keep you addicted, so you come back and watch again and again.

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Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it isn't true. I will go where I am treated best, and that is not the west. The west has shown no loyalty to me (or for that matter white men in general), ergo I owe no loyalty to it.

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I'm not saying it isn't true. I'm saying, the problem is exaggerated for marketing purposes.

I lived abroad for quite some time and let me tell you: People are people, no matter where you go. If you think the grass is greener in Asia and the girls over there have just waited for you and you are magically going to turn into Giga Chad, you're in for a rude awakening. You will still be you. You cannot skip the self improvement.

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"By all means get fit, diet, and so forth." Skipped that part of my first post did you?

Having lived abroad as well you are correct...to a point. People may be people everywhere, but some people are less screwed up than others. The trouble is once a woman has been screwed up (either literally or metaphorically) she is stained. Their ability to bounce back is sharply limited. I have no interest in doing a rehab on a house with poor foundations.

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As an add-on: Life may look horrible for you right now. But the fact of the matter is that is has never been easier in the entire history of mankind to turn yourself into a top-tier man.

Just don't be obese and you're already in the top 25 %. This is just an example. Work on yourself. Become the best version of yourself and stop whining. There is nothing more unattractive than whining to a woman. As a man you're not supposed to whine. You're supposed to take it on the chin and make the best out of it.

I wish you all the best.

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Yet I can be a top-tier man elsewhere. At this juncture America makes sense for the acquisition of money, business opportunities, and gun ownership. Raising a family? Nope. Sane (by the kooky standards of the sex) women? Nope. The juice must be worth the squeeze and it ain't worth it in America.

Even if I was hellbent on having a family in America I would learn from Trump's example, ditch the domestic models for the foreign special from Eastern Europe (or Latin America). I will take learning a new language over dealing with western women any day of the week.

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Using financial and sexual arbitrage to sleep with 19 year old Filipino women isn't the flex you think it is. And you have to live in the Philippines.

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I care not what the bluepilled white knights or the feminists scream Scott. Indeed, their screaming is music to my ears. As for your other point...given the way much of the USA is going that isn't quite the con it used to be. As strawman as this example is (there are good cities in the USA) which would you prefer to live in, San Francisco or Cebu?

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Do these women know that you're not a pathway to US citizenship and endless remittances?

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That is the screening question you ask to determine if she is a good choice (regardless of your plans) for anything long term. Literally just say (casually), "hey babe, which island do you want to live on?"

If she immediately recoils like a vampire before a cross you terminate things right then and there. Even if you want to bring her back this is a good test.

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It's not white knighting to note that you're giving up your own history and culture.

The future of the West will be written by the men who pick up the torch and carry it forward. Those who give it up are choosing irrelevance.

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Then I shall leave you to carry that torch forward SirHamster, it is a burden that I will not carry.

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Putting your whole email address in your userid somehow makes my userid seem less pretentious.

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Its for all the hot chicks that are just dying to jump into bed with him after reading his very clever philosophy on life.

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The women aren't that bad. If you are constantly running into awful woman, it's you.

“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.”

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Hoeflation ravages the west Scott, a 5 thinks she is a 7. I did not make the mess in this hotel, I am neither obligated to clean up the hotel's mess nor rent a room from them. Life is short, go where you are treated best.

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So go already. Stop talking and just do it.

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Words are repeating but nothing interesting comes with them.

You could be a bot trained on that content. Is that going to bring you success in life?

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I always thought I'm a good conversationalist, intelligent, interesting, pretty funny, respectful, etc. And not one cutie cared.

Until I got a six pack, bought a car, and dressed well.

I still remember the first night I went out for a jog, and could barely make it a city block. I walked the rest of the route I'd decided on. I kept at it every night for a year. By the end of that year, I was regularly running 7k at a very good pace, and barely felt it.

I started eating better. I started going to the gym. My buddies started joining me, and teaching me.

One day, a couple of us were at a car wash, and one of the hotties who hadn't given me the time of day in high school walked up and asked "hey, didn't we go to the same school?"

That's when I knew I'd "made it". Found out on our first date she had a boyfriend, lol.

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Did she put out?

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Every one of those comments was written by a person who subscribes to the 'it's not my fault/it isn't fair' philosophy. All they're doing is shifting the responsibility off of themselves because they are lazy and probably fat. So, what if you're ugly? You might as well get mad at the weather because it'll do as much good. You don't have to be good looking to have a winning attitude. Winners recognize winners, but more importantly the losers.

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Life is a kick in the teeth, get use to it and have a few laughs.

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Next time life kicks you in the teeth bite off a couple of its toes.

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"And, most importantly, I knew my limits and didn’t seek to exceed them; when I sat next to Miss South Carolina at a banquet, I didn’t even consider taking a shot....The point is that it takes time, continuous effort, and *brutal realism about what one has to offer the opposite sex if one is walking onto the field at a disadvantage.*"

I think the last bit is what is often overlooked. There's a very transparent, observable realism and authenticity to knowing what one has, what one doesn't have, and playing to one's strengths -- and away from one's weaknesses and limitations. Knowing what one has to offer begets confidence, and knowing and acting in accord with one's limitations -- actual limits, not excuses for laziness -- is one of those things that just makes someone cooler and easier to be around. This is in and of itself attractive, even if it doesn't change this or that particular outcome.

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Realism is also something that comes from actually going out and doing things. Most of the complaints just sound whiney. Like they come from people that haven't actually participated in the game.

To which all I can say is go out there, get dirty and bleed. I mean, I have some empathy for how hard it is for people in this world - but I have no respect for people that can't even bring themselves to play the game and get in the trenches. None at all.

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