In essence. Learning not to fail like Adam did.

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It's so hard to hold two truths at once. Yes, women ruin everything. Oof. It hurts, and I only know to stay calm about that one because I've been here for a while. Give me that rhetoric a few years ago, or heck, even on a bad day right now, and I'll bristle and feel the need to defend "women" because MY feelings are hurt. But the other truth I need to remember is that men love women and we're actually adorable, appealing creatures. It's ok that women ruin everything - that doesn't make us less valuable, it just means we really really need boundaries.

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Saddly women fail to understand wherrethey fit in to the example of "Eph 5:24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything."

Women you literally set the example by how you submiy to your husband. When you act yhe way you fo you are telling your husband you want him yo act that way towards christ.

Thankfull some men have said "no" to their wives example and have submitted to Christ yet women fail to see the example.

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My wife was telling me of a woman who worked with mostly women in the office. One of the few men in the office was stealing lunch from the same woman every day. He would get to the breakroom before her and eat her clearly marked lunch. One day, the woman went in early and caught him with her food coming out of the microwave. She took the plate and ate HER LUNCH in front of him.

Her coworkers tried to shame her for embarrassing the guy. No shame was cast the thief's way for stealing her lunch daily. No. The unforgivable sin to those women was that she embarrassed him.

Those priorities cannot mesh.

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Hard to believe until I rationalized there were two teams here, and the woman was of a higher tier. She made them look and feel inferior by comparison and had disrespected their leader and coven by not becoming one of them. The unforgiveable sin to those women was that she embarrassed them. The criminally inferior male secretly punished her for the same reason.

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Women tend to run off, "perception is reality." Which is total BS. Reality is reality, regardless of how it's perceived by anyone. If perception is reality, then reality is a fluid concept rather than concrete fact. They need men to be grounded in Truth to keep the nonsense in check.

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Men are not "damaged." Women are stealing men's jobs. So, simply put, "women bad."

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The "women bad" posts on this substack hurt. Sometimes they hurt bad. But hurt feelings with safety are better than the alternative.

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Nov 29Edited

"women bad" is shorthand for all the flaws that you innately possess and act upon.

If you know them, and you work against them actively would "women bad" have the same sting?

I don't know you and this isn't really about you, but:

Are you honest, truthful and forthcoming? No.

Do you put your husband first the same amount he puts you first? No.

Do you put your own passive interests before almost everything else? Yes.

These are just flaws women have and do, but women also have great qualities that they just have and do too, so its your role, and it does make a balance for a man's role.

Women are more "being" and men are more "doing", as they say. No man ever said "I am the table" in seriousness.

I think the public adoption of "women bad" can still be made confidently but with compassion.

Youre not "bad", so we hate you.

Youre "bad", so knock it off and follow your man with a pleasant demeanor and then things can be wonderful.

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Even the women that aren't bad by being sluts, are bad by supporting foreign invader men over their own men. So women bad. When woman say (every time they say) something about how good things are for men economically they are referring to illegal aliens and legal invaders, not to their own men who they refuse to acknowledge they have impoverished by stealing their jobs and supporting the government importing invaders to steal the rest.

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"No" can have truly miraculous effects.

I will never forget the moment I told my complaining mother that I will not help her solve her issues. I expected her to escalate, but she just looked at me, speechless, as I was walking away. Then all the problems, and complaining, disppeared overnight. We've had a far better relationship since then.

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My dad used to repeat “your perception is NOT reality” in my young adulthood. Now, I try to ‘rationalize’ emotions before opening my mouth. Then I read an article like this and it’s affirming.

Thanks Vox!

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It's why, when I say, "women ruin everything" my wife gets offended. And, at her offense, I can only laugh.

No matter how many times I've tried to tell her it's just a saying, she says she keeps hearing it's about her and our marriage, and wants emotional support that it's not her I'm talking about.

But you still have to say that women ruin everything, so that she understands entryism, and how destructive it is, and everything else.

Anyone that doesn't understand that should never be given leadership positions, ever

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"Looking ahead to what the peace could look like is important bc I want my kids to be helping build that world, and “woman bad” isn’t part of that peace bc it denies Creation."

Looking ahead: past the grueling decline, the inevitable collapse, the ensuing conflict, the brutality of man, the warlords, the segregation to the grueling ascent, the inevitable peak, the ensuing peace, the cuckoldry of good men, the bureaucrats, and the integration of diversity....

I want my kids to help shape the peace because creation.

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(Responding to Eden's comments, someone at Substack must have screwed up the comment-box coding)

"The truth is, we’ll be okay."

Exactly. I come from a rather different sort of family background from a lot of commenters here. I can see where women worry about the what-ifs, but the reality I've seen is that for the vast majority of people, one way or another, things work out. People are more adaptable than they realize, but they usually don't know that about themselves until they've lost everything, either literally or figuratively.

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I remember that thread because there was a contemporaneous thread on another blog on that same topic that went exactly the same way but that blog owner went SqEEEEEE women are good. Bad commenters for "woman bashing" and making women feel bad! It was an unusual non sequitur for a normally logical blogger. I thought wow, both these guys are smart, one gets to the root like a truth blood hound, no matter what, and the other gets thrown off by feelings and goes all squishy. How interesting to see this side by side. What you are saying about status, as a factor in this situation, it clicks.

Here's an illustration of this dynamic. In Texas over a decade ago there was a water cooler conversation about the death penalty. It was solidly pro until this one woman suddenly has an emotional melt down, like she herself was a murderer and we were condemning her. The intensity of how personally she was taking this was perplexing. Then it dawned - she'd probably had an abortion in her past and was telling us her real feelings about it. I recall the conversation going, look some people need to be deleted, the line where that necessity becomes obvious can be debated.

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It was doubly funny because her username indicates she doesn’t take criticism or correction well.

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Good observation. You can divine a lot from a username.

The other blogger once wrote an entire rant post on how he let a waitress help herself to his money.

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"B-b-b-but what about the children Vox, WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!?!"

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New TV show: Growing up Crusading.

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Actual quotes I've heard:

"Who I am are my feelings."

"My identity is around my feelings."

"When you say my feelings are wrong, you are attacking my identity."

Obviously, she has mental illness and anxiety to the degree that Objective Reality contradicts her mental state, and the degree in which she attempts to force all others that can see the contradictions to fit her Narrative.

Instead of attempting to adjust her internal state to Objective Reality, she attempts to force the world around her to confirm to her constantly changing emotional state.

It always comes back to Aristotle vs Plato: living in accordance to the Natural Order, or in rebellion.

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Its because those Sentences of Power worked before. So keep using the hammer.

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(I was trying to respond to Avalanche, but the button wouldn't work so here goes.)

Ah, I feel you! I’ve wrestled with the same worry and spent a lot of time reflecting on it.

The truth is, we’ll be okay. Historically, women have always had essential roles in the economy: sewing, brewing, cooking, cleaning, nannying, and more. These roles are invaluable and deeply aligned with our nature. The problem is that the modern world has pulled us into unnatural places, creating discomfort and anxiety—not just for us but for our men too. We’ve handicapped them by demanding equality where it doesn’t belong and, in turn, handicapped ourselves.

Our men, though, are not unkind. In fact, they struggle to resist us even now! Just look at the constant reminders they give each other: “Stop simping! Hold the line!” It’s not easy for them to do. They instinctively want to protect and provide for us, even when we don’t make it easy for them.

Yes, it’s true that in harder times, older or unmarried women have often ended up in convents or other work environments. In those situations, the quality of life can depend heavily on the character of the man in charge. And sure, if he’s a gamma, it might mean some extra maneuvering on our part—but women have always found ways to make the best of such situations.

But here’s the crux of it: civilization as it stands now isn’t what we truly want. Deep down, we don’t want these corporate jobs or societal roles that make us anxious and unfulfilled. We want to return to women’s work, the roles that bring us joy and purpose. And just as much, we want our men to be stronger, to have the tools and authority to lead well. That’s the foundation for a society where we feel safe and at peace, instead of caught in the chaos of trying to be everything at once.

If things continue as they are, we will have to worry about these Somali men and others like them—because it’s women who are enabling them to vote in the first place. However, if our men regain authority, foreign men like these likely won’t have voting rights, and our men will drive them out. As it stands now, we’re on track to become yet another stagnant, dysfunctional nation with declining culture and uninspired art. Restoring our men’s power and protecting our society from these influences go hand in hand.

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The worst patriarchy is better than the best clown world suite, for women.

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