There seems to be a point at which "drive" and "material success" diverge in terms of the ability to find and hold onto high-quality women.
I was admittedly not very attractive (or at some times, attracted to) my wife when I was a corporate ladder climber. But I am attractive as a driven entrepreneur despite our income being much more inconsistent. We're also homesteaders and it's a lifestyle that lends itself to constant reminders of masculine caregiving (plowing out driveways, hauling feed bags, wrangling large animals) as well as feminine.
The archetype of the burnout who's really good at guitar and slays with women seems to fit here. There's a level at which women are attracted to excellence first and foremost, with the material benefits that come with that excellence being somewhat secondary, or at least the expectation that they will manifest in a delayed manner.
Conversely, my sister-in-law just ended a three-year relationship with a Gamma couch potato who she put up with while in "girl boss" mode but found increasingly revolting when she decided she wanted kids and a home in the country. Analyzing them from an SSH perspective it was always going to be a train wreck.
My non-scientific observational(listening to the nurses in the OR/PACU) is that women are incredibly derogatory and have NO respect for men making less money /success then they have. It is chilling. If I said those things about my wife(a stay at home Mom) I would be a misogynistic asshole.
Trust me guys, having a shriveled-up, unused womb and a lot of money, and particularly name recognition, is just way better than having a husband and family to love and care for—especially if they can’t get on board with telling you how great you are when you arrive at home at 8pm in your power suit with cold takeout.
How to keep an alpha; keep your looks, stay healthy and fertile. Be willing to make the sacrifices to have kids. Physical attraction trumps all the nuances of divorce fights. Its easier to just accept and keep your marriage vows. Technology has made leisure time so high where mental illness strikes. If you have time to argue, theres certainly more than enough resources to have kids. Its a choice for many women. Career women are rejecting their maternal instincts and brainwashed. Maybe theyre the lamdas.
- "The sad truth for any career woman is that an alpha male becomes less attractive, both emotionally and perhaps more importantly sexually, once he’s lost his drive…"
- "To be honest, I’d never once considered how he felt about our change in dynamic. The fact that the girl he had married was eclipsing him – this formerly proud man."
She became far less attractive to him much sooner than he did to her, both emotionally and sexually. One of the requirements of feminism (much like Gammahood) is the ability to lie to everyone, including one's self. Another is zero ability for introspection. The reward for playing feminist, of course, is that everything that happens is always everyone else's fault.
The Alpha (if she is to be believed he is) could give a rat's ass how successful she is, one way or another, as long as she is loyal, gives him her time and treats him right. (And even then, he may stray because he has options). But it ain't the fact that she eclipsed him. I have seen career women with stay at home husbands who clearly run the show with no income and do fine. The Alpha will compete with other Alphas, but are not "intimidated" by feminists. Coming home and telling your Alpha how important you are at work, does nothing for sex appeal maintenance.
The manner in which she describes him gives it away. "Her success caused the failures." No, it was the way you felt entitled to behave to him once you achieved the success that was the cause.
If he was a Delta, then laying on the couch being depressed might make her analyses correct. But then, she could never admit that he was a Delta to begin with in her post.
Like it or not, there's a hierarchy in male/female relationships. The man is meant to the breadwinner while the woman is meant to care for the home and children thus making it easier for the man to be said breadwinner. There's a reason women lose respect for men when they aren't working and providing, and why men stray when the women aren't around taking came of them. It's because that's their intended role in life. Same with women, our intended role is to build and keep the family unit. It's why there's a natural ick factor when that balance is reversed. Similar to the feeling you get when you see an older woman with a younger man. It goes against nature. One doesn't have to like it but there's no sense in ignoring the reality of the fact.
When all is said and done, which life would you choose? "...Then the plan was to buy a home in Sydney and have a family – five kids, to be precise. My dream was to be a stay-at-home mum." or "Once married to the journalist John Chenery. No children. Two cats..."
It'd take some convincing to live in Australia or even there in Sydney. Taxes and fees, house prices, and electricity prices there are very high. Non-agency stabbings are on the rise.
This is a general apology to any who I may have offended with my posts. This is not my pulpit. I forgot myself and overstepped. I apologize, and pray your forgiveness.
I'm all too familiar with this tale. When I became a surgical resident my 1st marriage imploded. I met my now husband who was also married and a surgical resident. His wife did not want kids and that killed their relationship. We met, totally hit it off, and now have been married for several years with 3 kids. We are very happy, but our relationship works because I opted to work very part-time basically to support his practice. He is the successful surgeon and my role is primarily wife, mom and some work on the side. Women and men need to stop denying the reality of this dynamic if they want happy marriages and families, but as scripture tells us, "men prefer darkness".
This is definitely a big part of the problem. A lot of women take up training spots and then decide they want to work part-time or quit all together a few years into their careers - usually after they have kids.
There seems to be a point at which "drive" and "material success" diverge in terms of the ability to find and hold onto high-quality women.
I was admittedly not very attractive (or at some times, attracted to) my wife when I was a corporate ladder climber. But I am attractive as a driven entrepreneur despite our income being much more inconsistent. We're also homesteaders and it's a lifestyle that lends itself to constant reminders of masculine caregiving (plowing out driveways, hauling feed bags, wrangling large animals) as well as feminine.
The archetype of the burnout who's really good at guitar and slays with women seems to fit here. There's a level at which women are attracted to excellence first and foremost, with the material benefits that come with that excellence being somewhat secondary, or at least the expectation that they will manifest in a delayed manner.
Conversely, my sister-in-law just ended a three-year relationship with a Gamma couch potato who she put up with while in "girl boss" mode but found increasingly revolting when she decided she wanted kids and a home in the country. Analyzing them from an SSH perspective it was always going to be a train wreck.
My non-scientific observational(listening to the nurses in the OR/PACU) is that women are incredibly derogatory and have NO respect for men making less money /success then they have. It is chilling. If I said those things about my wife(a stay at home Mom) I would be a misogynistic asshole.
Trust me guys, having a shriveled-up, unused womb and a lot of money, and particularly name recognition, is just way better than having a husband and family to love and care for—especially if they can’t get on board with telling you how great you are when you arrive at home at 8pm in your power suit with cold takeout.
She wanted money and prestige over starting a family with her husband
Only two cats. She's not even an above average cat mom. What a spectacular failure.
Being constantly on the move. With a solid purpose in life. Resting well and not overworking yourself is how men preserve their drive into older age.
The Golden Mean of action. Neither excessive which causes burnout nor its opposite.
Many such cases.
How to keep an alpha; keep your looks, stay healthy and fertile. Be willing to make the sacrifices to have kids. Physical attraction trumps all the nuances of divorce fights. Its easier to just accept and keep your marriage vows. Technology has made leisure time so high where mental illness strikes. If you have time to argue, theres certainly more than enough resources to have kids. Its a choice for many women. Career women are rejecting their maternal instincts and brainwashed. Maybe theyre the lamdas.
"Vital statistics: Once married to the journalist John Chenery. No children. Two cats."
That had to be written by another woman or a particularly catty homosexual. Damn.
Two comments stand out to me.
- "The sad truth for any career woman is that an alpha male becomes less attractive, both emotionally and perhaps more importantly sexually, once he’s lost his drive…"
- "To be honest, I’d never once considered how he felt about our change in dynamic. The fact that the girl he had married was eclipsing him – this formerly proud man."
She became far less attractive to him much sooner than he did to her, both emotionally and sexually. One of the requirements of feminism (much like Gammahood) is the ability to lie to everyone, including one's self. Another is zero ability for introspection. The reward for playing feminist, of course, is that everything that happens is always everyone else's fault.
The Alpha (if she is to be believed he is) could give a rat's ass how successful she is, one way or another, as long as she is loyal, gives him her time and treats him right. (And even then, he may stray because he has options). But it ain't the fact that she eclipsed him. I have seen career women with stay at home husbands who clearly run the show with no income and do fine. The Alpha will compete with other Alphas, but are not "intimidated" by feminists. Coming home and telling your Alpha how important you are at work, does nothing for sex appeal maintenance.
The manner in which she describes him gives it away. "Her success caused the failures." No, it was the way you felt entitled to behave to him once you achieved the success that was the cause.
If he was a Delta, then laying on the couch being depressed might make her analyses correct. But then, she could never admit that he was a Delta to begin with in her post.
He chased her until she caught him.
She monkey branched from him to her career.
Shelved him in case he was needed.
Another woman took him off the shelf.
She stayed with her true love, herself.
The cats will provide company and comfort.
"Find your drive, and perhaps you’ll also find that women are starting to see you in a more attractive light."
Besides the great advice, this is why I consistently return here. Vox's endless vitality and energy is contagious.
In the fallen world, energy and drive is even more necessary. Despair will only have you end up in Omega territory.
Exercise, eating right and resting properly really helps to keep hormones in play and hence drive.
Like it or not, there's a hierarchy in male/female relationships. The man is meant to the breadwinner while the woman is meant to care for the home and children thus making it easier for the man to be said breadwinner. There's a reason women lose respect for men when they aren't working and providing, and why men stray when the women aren't around taking came of them. It's because that's their intended role in life. Same with women, our intended role is to build and keep the family unit. It's why there's a natural ick factor when that balance is reversed. Similar to the feeling you get when you see an older woman with a younger man. It goes against nature. One doesn't have to like it but there's no sense in ignoring the reality of the fact.
ants struggle winning anything
When all is said and done, which life would you choose? "...Then the plan was to buy a home in Sydney and have a family – five kids, to be precise. My dream was to be a stay-at-home mum." or "Once married to the journalist John Chenery. No children. Two cats..."
It'd take some convincing to live in Australia or even there in Sydney. Taxes and fees, house prices, and electricity prices there are very high. Non-agency stabbings are on the rise.
This is a general apology to any who I may have offended with my posts. This is not my pulpit. I forgot myself and overstepped. I apologize, and pray your forgiveness.
For what it's worth, I found your comments insightful. Still, Sigma Game, Sigma Rules.
I'm all too familiar with this tale. When I became a surgical resident my 1st marriage imploded. I met my now husband who was also married and a surgical resident. His wife did not want kids and that killed their relationship. We met, totally hit it off, and now have been married for several years with 3 kids. We are very happy, but our relationship works because I opted to work very part-time basically to support his practice. He is the successful surgeon and my role is primarily wife, mom and some work on the side. Women and men need to stop denying the reality of this dynamic if they want happy marriages and families, but as scripture tells us, "men prefer darkness".
With med schools 50% women this is why we have a MD shortage.
This is definitely a big part of the problem. A lot of women take up training spots and then decide they want to work part-time or quit all together a few years into their careers - usually after they have kids.