The response part is one of the best distilled explanations of the SSH you’ll find.

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"When you know who and what you are, it doesn’t bother you very much when others recognize it too. If you find yourself getting offended when others happen to notice obvious and undeniable truths about you, that’s a warning sign that you might be deceiving yourself about a few things"

It is only an imposter who gets offended when discovered for his manipulative behavior, making others do things for him. Gaslighting the targets into submission is usually the next course of action because the secret king must win at all cost.

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The big tell for me of a Gamma (aside from the obvious wall of text), is the complete inability to "Take it Like a Man". They go into... Gamsplaining-Name Calling-Wall of Text-Throw Out Insults-Mode.

If you call a high status male a Gamma, he would most likely embrace it and say, "That's right, I am a raging Gamma, hear me Gam!" - Basically mock the comment and the accuser.

The Gamma cannot. He can't resist going to the "I know you are but what am I?" Then the usual suspects, "racist, homophobe, denier.." blah blah blah.

It is what makes this site so enjoyable.

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A good rule of thumb is to imagine what Trump would do, in regards to alpha. He hardly replies to anyone or any specific complaints. The king is used to a crowd of rabble throwing stones. A direct challenge in competition, like against Jeb Bush or Ron De Santis in the primary, is what merits a response.

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19 mins ago·edited 18 mins ago

High status men dont agree they are low status when accused of it.

Use your memory not your imagination. Did you ever see a high status male do that that wasn't a one off or at all?

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This is one of the funniest things I've read in a while.

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"Which, of course, it was. The predictive model wins again."

No, Sir, the Secret King wins again....checkmate

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If Ron Unz isn't a conspiracy theorist, he's certainly not averse to publishing them. Much of the Holocaust skepticism I've read came from his site.

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If your SSH rank never changes, then what is the point of offering advice to men? We will always just revert to our natural state anyways.

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You could be better or worse at anything, and if you can stop acting in your pattern most of the time, you might not have as many problems the bad patterns cause you.

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40 mins ago·edited 38 mins ago

The SSH isn't about "better" or "worse" although certainly women are going to adjust their value estimates of men based on their position in the hierarchy. Every rank of the SSH has its role to fill, things they do well. Just as Vox points out: Gammas do the role of Loremaster or "Magician" fantastically well.

What I'm saying is: you shouldn't necessarily *want* to change your rank. Sure, the alphas get lots of female attention, but they have to deal with disloyal lieutenants, jealousy and envy, sabotage, and outright shots at the crown. Sigmas are extremely lonely.

The goal isn't to change your rank, it's to figure out your role and do it the best you can. You can try to move up the ranks, but it's extremely difficult and contrary to one's nature most of the time - it's going to be a lifelong struggle.

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1. So that you can know who you are more clearly and stay in your lane with satisfaction rather than trying to be something you're not.

2. Recognizing the ranks and affiliated patterns of behavior in others so that you can navigate social situations more efficiently (ie Recognizing a gamma and using that info to NOT put him in charge of a team).

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SSH is about recognizing the status of other males for your daily life. Any advice for your own behavior is a sidebar and/or a bonus.

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I think it's possible, but it's beyond most men because it takes a tremendous amount of work.

It's better for everyone to just become the best version of yourself (which would be the second step, the first being uncompromising honesty about yourself and reality).

That's more than enough to keep the majority occupied for their natural lives.

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Gammas can become deltas and who knows. The ssh is not for self improvement but about pattern recognition.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Everyone has varying degrees and kinds of obnoxious behaviors and flaws.

You can't get rid of them completely, but through awareness you can make yourself more tolerable and contain their effects.

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To understand yourself and focus your efforts. There's no point in trying to be someone you are not, but you can be a better version of who you are.

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Also to model how men act and interact, much like how atomic models help us understand how elements interact. It has both explanatory and predictive properties, the same as any effective model.

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I didn't have to read past this line in Miles ' response the know what SSH rank we were dealing with here

"Yes, I am laughing out loud. This is so much fun"

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Its unfortunate that someone so intellectually respectable is also so pathetic.

But Ill enjoy reading his work anyways. Hes also super against gun ownership, even with the looming days that have been coming a long time.

If he wasn't a gamma, we wouldn't get all his great writing probably as well his meltdowns.

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3 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

The slow, rambling crescendo to that one line is beautiful. Like if Scalzi wrote the theme from Titanic.

Call it, "My Prose Will Go On (And On, And On, And On)"

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When the commenter talked about not having the genetics for Heather, did he mean physique/athletic or his behavioral patterns of "I had a good resume, I was reliable, dependable, hardworking, loyal, relatively smart" ?

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I wouldn't be surprised if it was specifically just jaw size. A lot of other physical attractiveness aspects can be morphed (muscle size) or manipulated (hair, clothes) but jaws are what they are. Also height, but most men pass the height test and not the jaw test.

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I would think behavioral patterns. Rank supersedes even appearance. The Heathers would have just called it 'unconventional attractiveness', like Adam Driver or maybe Alan Rickman if he wasn't innately attractive. The hypnotic gravity effect is either there or not.

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I think he meant physical appearance. This is an extreme example, but maybe lacking something like this:


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“rises all the way to pure evil” in the view of the senior editor at Tor Books.

Achievement unlocked.

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I never thought Miles Mathis was a real person.

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It's only fair. He doesn't think anybody else is a real person, either.

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A cookie awaits you. Somewhere.

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Funny how Miles has the time to write 13 pages on Ron Unz but when I wrote a full methodological critique of his work, pointing out numerous errors and suggesting ways to improve rigour, I am a time-wasting agent. It's something I have noticed with narcissists, Gammas being one particular sort, that they will only respond to criticism if they think they can take it down easily, or if it will afford them a larger audience. Real criticism is ignored and rationalized by their delusion bubble. Miles has some good instincts that point him towards the truth in certain aspects but his incredible fragility means he's just elaborating his internal fantasy world that bears no necessary relationship to reality.

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Ive emailed with him a few times and he seems to always be in rejection mode from the outside. He did use 1 thing I sent him repeatedly but any questions about things that seemed to make no sense got completely discounted.

I assumed this was him just not wanting to deal with rando emails, which is normal, but theres probably delusion bubble too.

Its interesting how he can have a strong delusion bubble in many areas and still get to a heart of truth thats hard to see normally. Oddly visionary, or a committee but still made up of very interesting people if so.

I trust Voxs editor sense on writing styles, so ill have to figure out how to spot it for myself.

Miles definitely taught me painting and image manipulation fake detection, as well as how to search genealogy quickly for brief intro to new historical people.

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I do wonder if Miles Mathis casts his conspiracy net a little too widely. I wish he would write a paper on an event that is actually real, or on a famous person who is not Jewish, as a control. I think that would help define the limits of his historical system.

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"a famous person who is not Jewish"

"There's no such animal." Miles Mathis, probably.

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"There is no public opinion. Only published opinion.". - Winston Churchill

There is a strong reason why most famous people in the last couple hundred years are probably approved by cabal.

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I'd read that critique.

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Thanks, you can read it here, along with another post on the context that impelled me to write it. https://overduerevolutions.wordpress.com/2024/10/02/methodological-flaws-in-mathisian-conspiracy-theory-and-directions-for-future-research/

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I read your article, all I can say is that is some deep rabbit hole.

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It's literally the deepest rabbit hole there is. Didn't you hear that he has written >50% of all the conspiracy content on the internet?

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I had never heard of this guy before reading this Stack, nor had I been in contact with the ... Phoenician Navy perspective before. If he has written more than 50% of the conspiracy theories, I'd ask him to get back to work as I'm fresh out.

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Thank you - that's a good size article, I'll try to read it this weekend.

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Unfortunately, typical of Miles and his crew.

There may only be 1,000 or so non-Agents in Miles' world.

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I really loved this comment from Vox on his main blog: “ The thing is, whether Miles is the lead writer of a committee or just a singularly-obsessed, maniacally-prolific lone penman is irrelevant.”

The lone penman. Pure genius on so many levels. I’d say bravo!, but that doesn’t fit. So, sigma!

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Doggone. How does a Gamma get past page 10 of a rant and not realize that it's an unbridled spergfest? Likely he feels some sort of dopamine hit while writing one of these? Like "Ooh I've got them now and everyone will know it!"

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Charitably: They love the sound of truth and wisdom so they'll keep writing as long as they can bask in it

Uncharitably: They love the sound of their own voice

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The word "realize" is the key here.

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Another Gamme trait of Miles is that he's very intelligent and an uber-specialist in his topics of discussion. An expert of conspiracy of theories.

I've greatly enjoyed his works since he first exposed Wittgenstein, but the guy is annoying.

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